Identity Crisis: Part 4

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Quickly Phantom flies down and catches Danny before he hit the ground as he asks "Dueling doppelgangers have you lost your half of our mind?!" "Dude, I'm not the one wearing a bedsheet," Danny said when a blast was shot and they look over to see Jack as I grab the two and start flying with Jack calling out "I'll save you, Danny! Wait...They're both named Danny now that's gonna be confusing...I'll save you, son!"

Technus starts driving up behind the Spector Speeder and blasted Jack away who crashed near the roller coaster. We race up to the Spector Speeder as Technus drives up and sees the two Dannys saying "Making copies of yourself? Why didn't I think of that?" He starts to drive off as we give chase, the carts rolling back to the start of the ride.

"That was awesome! Let's go again!" "That rampaging robotic rogue is heading for the power plant; we have to stop him before he consumes this city's energy supply!" Phantom said in his now usual superhero voice. "What do you mean we? That's your job, besides I can't go ghost." Danny says who Phantom was carrying. "No, but you can get past the ghost shields human!" Danny is dropped onto the RV as he says "Cool ride!" "Focus!" Phantom and I shout and Danny goes inside to drain his power while we distract Technus. "You want firepower? I'll show you firepower!" An ectoblast was shot knocking Technus off balance while Danny mumbled to himself while pressing random buttons.

"Now let's see how else we can drain his battery." A bunch of things started to happen as lights came on, Speakers blared, and just a whole lot of nonsense as he started to lose power. "Powering down? But how?" Technus asks confused as he began to slow down. "Bingo!" Phantom shouts as we blast at his wheels and they pop. He started driving towards the doc and I quickly fly in and grab Danny as we watch Technus tumble into the sea after a quick push. "Uh, ok when Dad asks me: Who trashed the van? I am so not covering for you." 

Danny stated as he tried to walk away only to be met with Phantom blocking his way and I use the distraction to detransform. "And that's the sort of irresponsible attitude that makes you such a disappointment to our family." I listen in as the two conversed when Danny scoffed. "Uh, hello! Not our family, my family! You're the full-time hero, remember?"

"Then perhaps it's time we fuse back together!" Wait...Danny unfused him and his ghost half? I watch as Phantom overshadows Danny, his eyes glowing green as Sam, Tucker, and Jack run up asking " Danny! You alright son?" "I've never felt better in my life!" He said in a superhero voice while in the superhero stance and I facepalm. Back at Fenton Works Sam, Tucker, and Danny were in his room and even they could tell Danny wasn't fixed.

"Curse this infernal messy room! This looks like a job for...The vacuum cleaner!" Danny shouts as he started to vacuum his room and Sam voices her concern. "Danny something's up. You're definitely not yourself since you fused back together."

"My thoughts exactly, so you wanna tell me what Danny did? Since you two seem to be more in the loop than me." I say phasing into the room as my ghost half. "(s/n)! What do you mean "What Danny did"?" Tuck asks nervously and I raise a brow as I sigh saying "Really? After working with you guys for months your still gonna keep me in the dark." Sam rolls her eyes as she opened her mouth to speak.

"Oh please, you don't get to complain when you've kept us in the dark all this time." She points an accusing finger in my face. Great...She's in one of her moods again. "Yes because me telling you everything I find/ know about the current situation isn't enough you just have to know my identity too...Well, guess what? I have a right to my identity being secret which is different from Danny doing something that turns him into a cliche over the top superhero and if your gonna go by those rules don't forget that Danny hasn't told me his identity either!" Sam and I started to glare at each other; figuring there wasn't any way I was getting answers as (s/n) I'll have (y/n) stumble upon the situation which will force them to tell me. "Fine then! If you aren't going to tell me what's going on so I can help I'm tasking you two with fixing Danny."

I fly into the hallway and detransform as I wait for the right moment to stumble in. Letting out a huff Danny tries to tell Sam he was himself when Danny forced Phantom out of him shouting "Get out of me!" "No! We must become one again!" "We didn't become one dude! You overshadowed me." Danny informs as he looks in the mirror to see if any damage was done. You're right, something must have gone horribly wrong when I used the ghost catcher to duplicate myself."

Phantom concluded as he eyed the catcher when Sam made a good point. "You didn't duplicate yourself, you split yourself in half!" "But in theory anther trip through the ghost catcher should straighten out this mess..." Tucker trails off as they use the catcher on the two again to reveal two Danny Fentons, one with blue eyes and one with acid green eyes.

The Other Halfa Danny Phantom: The seriesWhere stories live. Discover now