Doctor's Disorders: Part 4

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Author: Holy fuck...That changed quickly... *Burst through your door and hugs every single reader of this story* No, I don't give a FLYING FUCK if you hate hugs you deserve it for helping earn this accomplishment *Proceeds to throw a party with everyone's favorite snacks and drinks* Family: *shakes head in amusement* We're proud but you're so weird.

"Ugh, where am I?" Danny questions as he slowly wakes up. "My guess is that we're about to go through a procedure of some sort," I state causing Danny to look over and noticed the glowing belts attached to not only me but himself as the two of us struggle to break free. " Save it, kids, those restraints are ghost proof. You're in for the duration." We heard and look up to see Bertrand floating over us. "Somebody tell us what's happening here!" Danny shouted causing more lights to flicker on to reveal Spectra's shadow form.

"Allow me, you know how we therapists love to talk it all out." She said. Tucker glanced over the bush at the guards still not seeing any sign of us. "Spooky hospital, ghosts guarding the joint...Still no sign that Danny or (s/n) is in any real danger yet." Tucker mumbled when Danny's shout could be heard. "Let us go!" "Still technically not a cry for help."

"Help!" I soon cried out. "Well, not a cry for me." As if on cue Danny and I shout in unison "TUCKER!" Tucker let out a defeated sigh as he pulls out his weapons: The lipstick and his cologne. He walked up to the guards and sprayed on the cologne causing the guards to cough. "Oh please, your ghosts. Do you have any idea what you smell like?" Tucker asks offended by their coughing before he uses the lipstick and zaps them away.

 "Don't worry guys, the calvary's coming! Whether he wants to or not." He quickly put on a mask and a doctor's apron before he started searching the building when he heard Sam's voice. "Tucker is that you?" "Sam? Is that you? Where are you?"

Tucker began to look around until Sam directed him on where to look. "Up here." "Sam? Ha, and you call me an airhead!" Tucker said starting to laugh at his own joke when Sam told him: "You really should stop and consider all the vile things I could do to you up here." This causes Tuck to shut up before getting back on track. "I think Danny and (s/n) are really in trouble, have you seen them?" Tucker asks and Sam scales the ceiling closer to a vent.

"Awhile ago but I fell asleep and when I woke up they were gone. There's something evil happening here." Sam explains as Tucker takes off the apron and mask stating "It's a hospital, Sam, there's always something evil happening here. We have to find Danny and (s/n)." "Unfortunately I think we means you, I'm pretty useless and there are cameras and guards everywhere." Tucker starts to look around and notices the vent.

"But not in there! Push that vent open!" He says pointing at the vent and Sam was quick to open it. Tucker then grabs one of the IV containers and uses the tubes to lasso and tie Sam down before climbing into the vent stating " If I'm not back in five minutes...Just...Float there ok?" "What do you want?" I ask Spectra as we continued to struggle to try getting out of our restraints.

"What everybody wants (s/n) and for me, that means being beautiful which is why I'm assembling this:" She pulls our beds to a locker and opens it up to reveal a human-looking body with red hair and a black suit with green flames.

"A brand new me, fashioned from only the best teen genetics." "So the ghost bugs? The virus?" Danny questions. "All part of my plan; I needed to get the children away from the adults, all in one place," Spectra tells us as she pushes a button that opens up two doors that had a bright green glow from the lights inside. "So I can siphon away the best qualities of each of them. Jazz's brain, Dash's muscles, Paulina's nearly flawless skin." "Nearly flawless?" Danny asks arching an eyebrow, doesn't she have flawless skin? "She has a mole isn't it obvious?"

We both blink before giving each other a confused glance and Spectra continues. "I had to treat them all with my little ghost virus to get them all in one place." "And the ghost powers?" I asked glaring at Spectra. "A side effect, at some point the powers will be too much and they'll all burn out into little withered husks. Won't that make a great class photo?" NO! Spectra starts to wheel us to the machine while Tucker continued to climb through the vents. "Okay, I'm not in an air vent in a spooky hospital. I'm in an air vent in a totally not spooky modeling agency."

He kept repeating to himself. "You'll never get away with this Spectra," Danny says while again we continued to struggle. "Oooo, but I already have and you two are the grand prize, I need your genes to lock this perfect body together and stabilize it so my ghost form never burns out and never grows old. How helpful are you two?"

The Other Halfa Danny Phantom: The seriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora