Prisoners of Love: Part 2

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Danny quickly finishes vacuuming the walls before his sister charges into the living room shouting at him.

"Well, I need to concentrate!" 

Danny quickly flew behind Jazz, landed on the ground, and reverted to normal as Jazz stormed off.

"Ugh, I'll be at the library." 

As Jazz left, Danny rolled his eyes. He went ghost and flew into the lab, panicking about its state. 

"Oh my gosh, this place is a mess! If Mom comes back and sees the lab like this, she'll be even angrier at Dad," Danny sighed as he used his ecto-blasts to throw away the trash when he had an idea and used his ecto-blasts to shoot everything into place. It didn't take long for him to get overconfident and accidentally shoot Jack's present into the Ghost Zone. Picking up the fallen note he read out loud.

"Let this gift repair the bridge to our love, happy anniversary -Jack. Oh no."




"Boom! Another win for Chaos and Mayhem!" I shout at the bolded word Victory! flashes over my screen.

I was playing Doom with Sam, having won another round.

"Good game (y/n), that was awesome!"

"Wanna play another round?"

"Can't. I'm having lunch with my Grandma, we'll play again later."

"Ok, see ya!"

I log off and stretch, opening my window to get some air when I see Jazz walk out of Fenton Works looking freaked out.

Quickly I intercept her as I ask, "Jazz! Is everything ok? You don't look good." 

"I was wrong!" Jazz shouted in my face and I blinked in confusion. 

"You were wrong about what? " I asked...Huge mistake. 

"Dad! He's going to apologize to Mom!" Jazz shouts, throwing her arms up in the air.

"Isn't that good though? I mean your dad is finally realizing he made a mistake."

"You don't get it! I was wrong!" Jazz started to shake me when she said she was wrong.

Once I was finally able to get Jazz to let go of me I make my way over to Fenton Works to make sure Danny wasn't freaking out like this. Heading inside I call out for him but get no response as I begin looking around for him. I find him in the lab as Danny Phantom.

What's he doing?

"Phantom? What are you doing here?" I asked startling him as he turned to me, tightly clutching a note.

"(y/n)! I'm uh...Seeing if there was anything new the Fentons or your parents could use against me and (s/n). What about you?" Danny said crossing his arms with an awkward smile, trying to hide the note.

"I'm checking on Danny, I wanted to make sure he was ok because I heard his folks were fighting," I respond, trying to get a better look at the note.

"Oh how sweet, well I better go, uh see ya!" Danny said dropping the note as he flew away.

I immediately pick it up and read it.

"Wait if this is Mr. Fenton's anniversary card, where's the present?" I ask looking around the room when I notice the Fenton Portal was on. "Oh no, tell me he didn't." 




Jack sat nervously in the run-down plane flying him to Arkansas.

"Um excuse me? Will we be landing soon?" He asks the pilot after another bout of turbulence. 

"Well shoot honey, there ain't no airport in Spittoon!" The pilot tells him before throwing him a parachute and kicking him out of the plane.


Maddie sat on the porch talking with her sister about Jack, she was still pretty upset about him forgetting their anniversary.

"I've been out here nearly a decade Maddie and as you can see: I'm incredibly happy," Alecia says after giving Maddie her advice.

"I don't know Alecia just because something works for you doesn't mean it works for everybody." 

"You're an intelligent woman, Maddie, runs in the family. You gonna spend the best years of your life being ignored by some fool who believes in ghosts?" 

They heard something crash into the trees and Maddie immediately jumped into action shouting.

"Ghost!" She quickly zapped the parachute freeing Jack as he fell to the ground. 

"Jack?" Maddie questioned as her sister sighed.

"I'll get the antiseptic."




"You should've seen them fighting, my folks never fight...Well, they fight ghosts but that's different," Danny vents his worries to Sam, Tuck, and me as we walk to class, Sam and I reassuring him.

"Danny relax. Nobody gets divorced over not getting a gift." 

"It's actually normal for couples to fight it shows the relationship is healthy."

"But that's the thing they've never fought like this and my Dad was gonna use that gift to apologize. They're right on the brink. I'm telling ya, anything could send them over the edge."

Danny continues to worry and Tucker speaks up.

"Danny you're fine, I mean it's not like your mom actually said the word: Divorce. I mean if she said the word, then you'd have to worry." 

"Said the word? Oh man, she did! She said the word!" Danny began shouting as I glared at Tucker with a hand on my hip.

"Nice going Tucker, say something to calm him down." 

Tucker began to sweat as he asked Danny, "Well uh, did she say it twice?" 

"That settles it, I'm going in the Ghost Zone to get that present back!" Danny says, causing me to arch an eyebrow.

 So he did send the gift into the Ghost Zone, that's why he was acting weird yesterday.

Last Edit - July 10th, 2020

Revised - June 18th, 2024

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