Public Enemies: Part 7

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We look up to see Dash and the principal, waving around the Fenton Thermos as one asks, "Looking for this?" 

The principal aims it at us but this time we're saved by Wulf who jumps in front of us protectively, using his claws to rip the ghosts out of the two.

"What are you doing?!" Bullet yells angrily.

"Helpantaj miaj amikoj," Wulf says causing both me and Danny to smile. {Helping my friends}

Wulf tosses Bullet and the other guard toward Maddie and Dad who shoot at them, teleporting them back where they belong. Suddenly we feel a pair of arms grab us and we see the mayor flying us up as Danny asks:

"What are you doing?" 

"There are all types of prisons kid," Walker said, continuing his way up to the city hall doors, bursting them open to reveal multiple news teams.

"Ghost kids attacking city hall during a town meeting." 

"Bring you to live to evil ghost teens on a rampage." 

The reporters all turned their attention to the doors slamming open to see what looked like Danny and I attacking the mayor while we were struggling against his grip.

"I'm making sure your prison is the town where you live," Walker whispers to us before switching to the mayor's voice and shouting, "Help! Help me! HELP!" 

He stays long enough for Wes to run up and take a good photo of us before we fly back into the hall, the doors closing as he finally lets us go.

"Now they'll never trust you."

We glare at Walker before noticing Wulf approaching from behind and flew out of the way. Walker turns around, gasping as Wulf rips him out of the mayor, Danny catching the mayor while I check his pulse.

"Get your filthy hands off our duly elected leader you odd manifestations of ectoplasmic energy and post-human consciousness!" Maddie shouts from the stage as she and Dad aim their shot.

Wulf steps in protectively in front of us, holding Walker with him as he's hit. 

A portal is opened up next to the, as Danny and I shout, "Wulf! NO!" 

"Friends...Will meet again," Wulf tells us before Walker chimes in.

"So will we Punks. Feared on Earth and wanted in the Ghost Zone. You've lost ghost kids, LOST!"

We watch the two get sucked back into the Ghost Zone and the small portal closed.

"Wulf...Please stay safe," I mutter worriedly as Danny grasps my hand and squeezes my hand reassuringly.

"He'll be ok, he said it himself, we'll see him again."

We hear a charging noise and look to our sides to see Maddie and Dad on both sides of us, the end of their bazookas pointed at our faces.

"By the authority invested in us, by the city of Amity Park, we sentence you back from which you came!" Dad shouts at us as Danny and I stare blankly into space.

"Man, we have got to start paying more attention to these fights," Danny mutters and I nod.


We wait for the blast but it never comes when Maddie reads a note from Jack out loud.

"Honey, I forgot to fully charge the Fenton Bazookas - Jack. P.S. Can I have a cookie?" 

"With that, we bid you farewell," Danny waves as he leads me by the hand as we fly out of city hall, our parents shouting at us.

He grabs my hand and we fly out of the city hall hearing her shout "You haven't seen the last of us!" 

"Duh, I'll see you at dinner." Danny and I mumble as we fly off.

As we fly I ask with a snicker, "So, if I'm supposed to go back from which I came does that mean the town I was born in or my mother?"

Danny only laughs with a shrug.


Thanks to Walker the news claimed Danny and I had attacked the mayor and we were public enemies number one, and they just had to use the photo of us Wes got and he was soaking in that victory.

"I can't believe I was being controlled by a ghost! I can't remember anything from the last few days," We hear the popular kids talk as they pass by us.

"I told you to wear your helmet during practice," Kwan told Dash with a laugh, causing Dash to dump his lunch on Kwan's head.

"I remembered how to do that. HA!"

"I told you guys ghosts existed, especially the ghost boy and ghost girl," Wes says smugly.

"Yeah, we'll give you that one Weston but you're still a conspiracist weirdo."

At least he got a win I guess...

"Man, if Danny Phantom and (s/n) thought it was hard to find a place to go ghost before, wonder what they think now?" Tucker comments, looking at the newspaper.

"You think even with everybody thinking they're bad ghosts, they're still gonna try to be the heroes?" Sam asks and Danny nods.

"Well somebody's gotta. Hey if not them or at least one of them, who's gonna protect this town? I'll help where I can too, it's not like I can ignore a scream for help," Danny shrugs with a smile.

At that moment we hear Mr. Lancer scream for help, turning our heads to see what's wrong we see mine and Danny's parents chasing him around as they shout.


"Adventures of Huck Finn, how many times do I have to tell you, people? I am not a ghost!" Mr. 
Lancer yells back at them, quickening his pace.

"Except that one," Danny chuckles and we laugh with him.

Last Edit - July 10th, 2020

Revised - July 26th, 2024

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