Lucky in Love: Part 3

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"Any sign of the enemy of fun?" Sam asked as Tucker peeked from the wall. "Nope, which means we're officially Kwan free, which means I can finally focus on the satellite." He points over to Star as I tell him "satellite? Her name is Star."  "But she used to be Paulina's satellite." "Ah, the marginally attractive girl who always orbits around the popular girl," Sam says putting her hands on her hips with a smirk as Tucker continues. "But now that Paulina's with Danny, she's like us! Weak, unpopular, and ripe for the picking."

We watch as he races over to her to make his move when Star interrupts him stating "Where have you been? You should have made your move on me hours ago, here are my books. I like to bowl on Friday nights and if you try to hold my hand before our third date, I'll break yours in half." Star hands Tucker her things as she walks off.

"Sweet, I got a date Friday." Tucker exclaims happily as we walk over as Sam says "If that's your relationship by default count me out." "Me too," I say crossing my arms when Kwan walks up. "I'll leave the new love triangle alone. Satellite! I mean Star, wait up!" Tucker says before trailing after Star like a lost puppy. "Tucker, don't leave us with..." We shout before the realization hits us and we trail off as we look at Kwan.  "You two and Tucker don't like me very much do you?" "Who? Us? What gave you that idea?" I ask sarcastically, there was no point in lying to him but it's also fun to be sarcastic about it. 

"It's ok. I know I don't fit in with you guys and I don't fit in with the popular kids anymore; guess it's chess club for me." Sam and I give each other a side look before she rushes up to him shouting "Kwan wait! I can't believe I'm asking this...We're going to a goth poetry slam tonight, it might not be your kinda thing but..." She trails off, hey at least she was trying to be nice.

"Is this like a pity date?" Kwan asks as I walk up stating "Not a date but plenty of pity." He shouts in excitement as he drags us away for more 'fun'. At the bowling alley, Danny and Tucker were on their dates, though Tucker was used more of a slave as he was forced to hold not only Star's ball but her drink.

It was Paulina's turn as she went to throw the ball but dropped it and it rolled into the gutter, the jocks laughing as she asked "Danny? I'm so embarrassing myself, could you be an angel and give me a little invisible help?" "That's cheating," He starts to say when she kisses him on the cheek and he instantly changes his mind. "Or creative point scoring, I'll be right back after your strike." He dashes off and goes ghost as he then helps lead Paulina's ball into the pins, earning her a strike. "I did it, I did it, I did it! You're the best Danny!" She shouts, grabbing his hands and giving him another peck on the cheek. We were at the poetry slam as we were told to glare indifferently at the next performer. 

Kwan plastered a big smile as Sam and I facepalmed when the performer spoke. "Darkness, internal. I wait for your kiss, in the nothing; I see your bleak smile." "Aw cool! Me next!" Kwan shouts as he races towards the stage, me and Sam giving the oh no look.

"And stay out!" The guy shouted as the door slammed in our faces as we glare at Kwan and begin to head home. Back at the bowling alley Danny and Paulina were outside as she told him "If you like me, kiss me." She leans in for the kiss as Danny mutters "I'm the luckiest guy in the world!" He leans in but was interrupted by his ghost sense as Johnny 13 drives up, a scowl plastered on his face.

"Listen punk! You stay away from my girlfriend, you dig?" We were passing by the bowling alley when my ghost sense went off, I looked to see Johnny and I watched as Kitten came out of Paulina shouting "Beat it, Johnny! I'm Danny's girl now." "Kitty? Johnny? Paulina? Oh great, I'm in the middle of a love rectangle." Danny mumbles as he catches Paulina, who soon starts to come too and Kitten overshadows her again. "Now, where were we?" She asks leaning in for the kiss again, I go ghost and fly overstating "We're at the part where you explain what's going on?"

 I cross my arms and glared at Kitty as Danny says "This is all just a big mistake." "Yep, your last one," He gives a quick whistle to call Shadow, as he flew out of the building, catching Tucker's eye. Shadow growls at Danny, pulling out his claws to attack when I fly in between the two, causing Shadow to grab me with his tail and flings me away before chasing after me with Danny transforming and chasing after us as Johnny exclaims "C'mon Kitty, quit wigging out and come back to me, I'll be good."

"Forget it, lowlife!" Meanwhile, in the sky, Danny managed to catch up with me and he pointed at an antenna, I give it a quick glance before nodding as we spin around it getting Shadow tied up on it.

Shadow breaks the antenna and throws it at us as it phases through our bodies and it crashes into a car. "Optional sunroof, nice," Danny comments as he grabs my hand and we fly over Shadow, avoiding his attack.

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