My Brother's Keeper: Part 1

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It was the school's Spirit Week Centennial and we were celebrating 100 years of Casper Spirit as Mr. Lancer was jumping around like a cheerleader shouting "Casper...High...Spirit-" He fell off the trampoline before getting up and telling Jazz "Ah Spirit Week, I love it so. The pomp, the circumstance, and mostly the Spirit Sparklers!" He pulled out of a photo of him when he was a high schooler jumping over sparklers that spelled Casper High. "Jazmine did you know I was a cheerleader when I went to school here?"

"Really? Weird, no clue. Look can I talk to you for a minute Mr. Lancer? About my brother Danny and his friend (y/n)?" Jazz asked shoving the photo out of her face. Meanwhile, Danny and I where passing one of the counselor's office's when our ghost sense went off. Seeing a green gooey ghost I run off shouting "I'll go get the Fenton Thermos!"

I race to the other hallway and go ghost while Danny hops in a locker and goes ghost. We fly into the office, chasing the ghost as Jazz explains to Mr. Lancer. "They've been acting really strange their not their not themselves anymore." The ghost in the office began to spar with us as Danny tries to punch him twice but the attacks were blocked, while the ghost was distracted with Danny, I slice my hand through the ghost but he just stuck himself back together. "I'd talk them but I'm Danny's older sister and basically a sister too (y/n) too and Danny's just gonna think I'm being bossy and if they don't get some help if they don't talk to somebody besides each other all that frustration...I think that they're repressing could come out the wrong way." We glared at the ghost as he threw a chair at us.

In retaliation, Danny started shooting at the ghost, who kept moving as the room got destroyed. The ghost landed on a bookshelf and hissed at us as I sent a big blast of my ecto-ray, scaring the ghost off. Sighing in annoyance I check with Danny that I can leave before flying off, grabbing the thermos, flying outside the door, revert back to normal and walk into the room as Danny finished reverting back. 

Walking up to Danny I was about to ask what happened when the door opened to reveal Lancer and Jazz, pinning the destruction on us, Danny muttered "Good one Fenton, you let him get away you idiot." After Lancer got ahold of us the counselor: Dr. Spectra was brought in as Jazz asked "Is it always so cold in here?" "Of course, I find that cold temperature keeps the mind icy sharp."

Dr. Spectra said making the temperature even colder. Dr. Spectra fixed a picture frame as she stated "And don't you worry about this mess of an office either, stuff happens no biggie, right Jazmine?" "It's Jazz, my friends call me Jazz." Jazz looked over to me and Danny, who had crossed our arms as Danny told her "Yeah well, your brother calls you Fink!" "Danny I'm just trying to help, come on we used to talk all the time."

Jazz tried to reason as Danny pointed out "Yeah when I was eight and you weren't a Fink!" "And besides did you have to drag me into this? I'm not your sister Jazz! If I need help, I'll go to Danny, not the school therapist." I say with a hint of anger when Lancer cut in telling us "That's more than enough out of you two. Get to class while Miss. Spectra in I discuss what your punishment is." We both shot a glare at Jazz before storming out of the room as the adults and Jazz discussed our punishment. "Unlike her brother, Jazz is one of Casper's best and brightest."

Mr. Lancer started "She'll be giving the keynote pep-speech at our centennial spiritathon on Wednesday." "Right on! That's why I'm here to pump up the pep, one student at a time." Dr. Spectra said gesturing towards her photos of her with a depressed kid in each.

"Jazz, Dr. Spectra is a highly respected motivational speaker and teen therapist. She's agreed to help pump up the volume on the old Casper High spirit this week." A short man walked in and Spectra introduced him. 

"And this is my assistant Bertrand." Jazz waved to the man but Bertrand didn't give a reaction to her. "Jazz, we're gonna have a super week, wait till you see what we have planned for the spiritathon! Right after your her Bertrand, we'll set off this domino chain that says Casper Spirit. The dominos represent how each person's spirit affects the next person they touch! Slammin huh?" Spectra explained while Bertrand showed a picture of the dominos.

"If by slammin you mean weird than yes." Jazz told her arching an eyebrow when Mr. Lancer asked "And the Spirit Sparklers go off afterwards right?" Spectra jumped on her desk holding sparklers as she told Lancer "Oh you bet they will, after all, what's Spirit Week without Spirit Sparklers?" "You know your a little over peppy but my brother and (y/n) might benefit from talking to you, but they're so mad right now they'd never listen to me." Jazz said when Lancer chimed in with "Yes, well they'll listen to me." Mr. Lancer had told us that we had to take sessions with Dr. Spectra and since we confided in each other and had some of the same issues he made sure we had the same sessions together. Later we were waiting outside of Spectra's office when she came out with Paulina by her side.

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