My Brother's Keeper: Part 2

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"So you're saying my popularity is completely dependent on my beauty?" Paulina asked as we watched the two, my eyebrow slowly arching up in confusion. "I'm not saying it's fair sweetie but if you feel you need something like a lot of makeup, I say go for it! Your the only you, you've got." "That's terrible advice! As much as I hate to say it: Poor Paulina she's being thrown into an illusion that she should only care about her looks."

 I think shaking my head in disgust when Dr. Spectra addressed me and Danny. "Danny, (y/n) come on in!" We walked into the office and sat down when we noticed how cold it was in the room and began to shiver and we could see our breath.

"I can't my believe my stupid sister convinced Lancer to make this our punishment, and can we please turn up the heat in here? I can see my own breath!" Danny complained with a shiver as I nodded in agreement to that last part. "Wow, you do complain a lot hm, well your sister did say you could be a bit of a baby." "What?!" We asked in unison as Dr. Spectra explained. " Really it's not your fault that she thinks you two are losers and she said that you were an obsessive one too at that (y/n)." We blinked in confusion as Danny asked "Wait Jazz called us losers too?"

"And why would she call me obsessive?" I asked crossing my arms in anger as Dr. Spectra again explained. "Well, Jazz did say you're always glued to Danny's side and that it's creepy and obsessive but hey those are her issues. I'm not saying you two are losers. I think you two are great kids."  Dr. Spectra walked over and grabbed our shoulders while giving her speech.

Just as she touched our shoulder a wave of sadness and hate washed over us as Danny asked "Oh yeah? Then why do I feel so miserable?" "You know what I think? You two might be a mess but mess is just the beginning of message! Now go out there and be a better you!" Dr. Spectra cheered us on as we left; thoughts began to ponder within my mind as Danny ran into the wall and I had to help him out of the room. Once the door was closed it was revealed that Betrend was standing behind it as Spectra watched the wrinkles on her face disappear while muttering "Marvelous." "Why are you wasting your time on two messed up kids when we got a big to-do plan for Wednesday?" Bertrand asked with a slight annoyance in his tone while putting his hands on his hips. "Yeah but Wednesday is still a couple of days away; teen misery is the nectar that keeps me looking fabulous and that Fenton and (l/n) kid are like a walking spa treatment."

Spectra stated as Bertrand returned into his original form: the green ghost blob. He turned into a giant hornet as he said "Hm? Then maybe I should up the ante." The bell rung as Danny, Sam, Tuck and me headed to our next classes. "Dudes are you okay?" Tucker asked since we both had a big frown on our faces.

"We're fine; I can't my older sister told that Shrink that we're losers." Arching an eyebrow in confusion Sam asked "Are you sure Jazz said that? That doesn't sound like Jazz to me." I give a quick nod in agreement as I state "Yeah I thought that at first too, my head is telling me Jazz wouldn't call us that but thanks to Dr. Spectra I have my doubts." "Hey you guys; what doesn't sound like Jazz to you?"

Jazz asked, walking up to as Danny starts to glare at her while I crossed my arms and gave a frown. "Still mad?" Jazz asked with a sigh and Danny gave his remark. "Wow, you are the smart one." "Danny, (y/n) I know your angry but I'm worried about you two. Ever since the accident-" Danny quickly cut his sister off. "Jazz, I know you think your helping and I'm sure when I'm older, I'll appreciate it but right now I don't." Placing her hands on her hips Jazz starts to get defensive.

"You have to talk to somebody other than (y/n), Danny. You two will start thinking the same and besides you, barley have any friends." Sam, Tucker, and I glared at Jazz for that comment as she continued her rant. "Besides these three and you have absolutely no extracurricular activities."

"Unless you count the ghosts." Tucker mutters to Sam who whispers shouts back to him "Shut it." Danny finally had enough as blew up in Jazz's face. "Well, maybe this is the new me now huh? Not everybody's pumped up full of spirit you know." Suddenly our ghost senses went off and we began to shiver as I muttered "Ghost sense? But I don't see anything." Jazz noticed that we were shivering as she asks "Danny? (y/n)? You two are shivering." 

"Leave me alone!" Danny shouted running away and before I gave chase I said "Now look what you've done." "It's worse than I thought." Jazz muttered to herself while Danny and I went ghost searching for the ghost when we heard a kid shout "A freakishly large hornet! AAAAAAAH!" The boy quickly jumped in a locker slamming the door on his leg. "Aaaah! My leg!"

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