13: Part 5

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One of the devices we destroyed was the machine that had the lock for the Ghost Zone as it shut in Kitten's face as she called out to Johnny. He began to punch the door, trying any way he could to force it open as Jazz came to her senses. "You want this stuff? Your gonna have to be faster than that!" We fly away and race to the football field.

"Shadow, return!" Johnny called before he could chase after us. After a minute of pouting, Shadow reluctantly returned and Johnny flew to his bike. He raced after us just as Jack and Maggie opened the door and Jack shouted "He's on the run!"

"And I've got the Fenton Anti Creep stick, let's get him!" Maggie said holding up a bat with a sticker on it. "Sweetie that's a regular bat," He pointed out to her, which led her to shove the bat in his face and point at the sticker. "Yep, but it's a bat with the word Fenton on it." She started chasing after Johnny with Jack in tow muttering "Man that's HOT!"

We raced through the city to get to our destination: the park. Something was a bit off though, Johnny was chasing us but he hadn't attacked or even sent Shadow after us, does he know what we're trying to do? "/n)." Surely he'd think we're planning something, right? "/n)." I mean this is all going way to easy, maybe he's planning something? "(y/n)." 

I freeze in the air, eyes widening as I look at Danny with shock. He was a little ways ahead of me, arching an eyebrow as he asks "What's wrong? C'mon, we gotta go." "What did you just call me?" I ask immediately; Danny cocks his head to the side with a questioning glance as he answers "I called you by your name," My name? Panic begins to rush over as I ask "Which one?" "Which one? I only know one: (s/n). Are you sure your alright? You look like you saw your worst nightmare."

 "Yeah, I'm fine, just overthinking," I mutter as I start to fly again when I noticed something in the corner of my eye. Where did Johnny go? "Hey where did-" I was cut off when Danny was hit with an ectoblast.

"Danny!" I shouted as I saw Shadow race towards him. I was burning with anger, my fists long since set ablaze with ectoblastic as I shot as Shadow, preventing him from coming any closer towards Danny.

It became a power struggle between me and Shadow as Danny shook his head to feel more awake when he noticed what was happening and raced to my aid and shoved Shadow off of me and we raced towards the park again. "You ok?" We both asked each other, realizing what we just did we laughed it off as he told me "Hey! Don't copy me!" "Oh? I'm pretty sure your the one that was copying me."

"Yeah right." "Whatever helps you sleep at night." We bickered for a few minutes like that when we neared the park. Landing on the grass we look around for any sign of Johnny, smirking when we saw the headlights of his motorcycle as he stopped just a meter in front of us. "Hey, I don't know what you are up to kids, but there's nowhere to run." He said before summoning his Shadow to attack us once again.

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