What You Want: Part 1

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Some people have a lot and some people don't, but everybody's got something. Me? I've got charm, good looks and modesty, and my best friend Danny. He has something else.

 Tucker thought to himself as he and Danny walked around the annual Swap Meet Market and found a packet of purple skateboard wheels.

 "Two for me, two for you?" Danny asked Tucker as he nodded in agreement.

 "Sounds fair." 

Danny and I have known each other since like, forever, and we share everything.

Tucker notices a stall with all sorts of trinkets, a certain lamp catching his attention but on closer inspection changes his mind.

"A genie in a bottle? I don't think so, thanks anyway." 




I walk around the Swap Meet Market, checking out every interesting booth when I stumble upon Madam Babazita's Mystical Oddities and look at the many trinkets she had when a mother and her daughter passed by, the little girl begging for cotton candy. I notice the girl's string to her balloon get caught on a lamp and I call out trying to stop them before the lamp breaks.

"Wait—" I was too late, the lamp was pulled down and shattered upon impact.

A green cloud of smoke appeared, forming into a female genie with long black hair.

"Your heart's desire is my command," The genie flew to the cotton candy machine and made it explode everywhere, causing my ghost sense to go off and I grumbled to myself.

"Of course, the genie is a ghost."

People start running everywhere in a panic while I look for a place to go ghost.




We share everything except one thing: Danny's got superpowers.

"Going Ghost!" Danny shouts after noticing the commotion and his ghost sense going off.

Danny flies up to the genie who introduces herself.

"I am Desiree, what is your wish?" 

"None of your business Candy Pants." 

Desiree looked confused as she said, "Surely there must be something," Her attention turned to (s/n) as she flew up to them.




I hear the ghost introduce herself as Desiree as I fly up, catching her attention as she goes to grab me.

"What about you? What is your wish?"

Grabbing me by my shoulders Danny pulled me closer to him shouting at Desiree, "Hey, Get away!" 

I turned around to Danny to tell him I was alright when I noticed his hand was glowing green. I quickly flew out of the way as Danny shot whatever was in his hand at Desiree. Desiree was blown away as Danny looked down at his glowing hand.

"What the heck? What's going on? Is this a new ghost power?" 

"That was slammin'!" We hear Tucker exclaim as he runs up. "Whatever that was, you got another power?" 

Shrugging Danny said, "I guess." 

Tucker began 'fangirling' as he explained to us, "See that's the cool thing about your powers man! There's no downside. Give me five!" 

The boys went to do a high five but Danny accidentally blasted Tucker. 

"Wait how come you got a new power and I didn't? I mean we're both Halfas," I ask, crossing my arms and kissing my teeth in confusion.

"I don't know maybe it's because I've been a Halfa longer?" Danny suggests before realizing what I said. "Wait...So you are a Halfa?!" 

Rolling my eyes I tell him, "Well duh wasn't it obvious? I mean do I look like any of the ghosts we fight? Besides, that still doesn't explain you getting new powers, I'm pretty sure we got powers at least the same period of time."

Danny began to chuckle as he asked, "Oh yeah? When did you get your powers?" 

"A month before the school year started. How about you?" I ask him blankly, though his face tells me he got his powers before school started too. "That's what I thought...Hm. Well things seemed to have calmed down, I'm gonna go. See you," I stated quickly while looking at my hand before flying off. 




Danny watches (s/n) fly off before landing and reverting back before looking for Tucker who runs up to him.

"I'm okay!" 

So anyway, I guess the craziness really started at the game Saturday night."

Sam, and Tucker at on the bleachers at the football game, Sam sneezing up a storm as she clutches onto the blanket she was in tighter.

"I'm sick as a dog and I hate sports, why am I here?" 

"Danny's here and he's got the best seat in the house," Tucker explained as the announcer's voice rang out.

"Now everybody, here they are your very own Casper High Ravens!" 




I climb the bleachers to Sam and Tucker, wincing as I watch Danny get trampled by the football team running onto the field.

"Here you go Sam, hope this helps," I say, handing Sam some medicine and a hot drink before passing Tucker the snacks he wanted and sitting down, watching the game.

"This is pathetic, our team is fading fast," Tuck comments as we watch our team lose the game.

 "Me too, I'm outta here. Later," Sam said sneezing again as she walked away. 




The game was on a time out and the Ravens were huddled together, discussing their game plan, Dash soon muttering, "Man, wish we could turn into the kind of monsters that could crush these guys single-handed." 

Suddenly Desiree flew over the field and granted Dash's wish, turning him into a huge monster. Dash immediately started taking advantage of his new body and started scoring touchdowns while the announcer made comments.

 "Wow, it looks like those high-protein breakfasts are really paying off." One of the announcers stated.

"Can you believe this Danny? Dash is a beast!" Tucker exclaimed to Danny as they watched (s/n) fly onto the scene and chase after Desiree.

"He's getting beastier. I think he's running on ghost power, I need your help." 

"To kick some ghost booty? I'm in!" 

"Sort of," Danny smirks as his eyes glow acid green.

 Danny flew up to Dash, covering his nose as he said to himself, "Woah ghost's energy is pretty strong but hopefully ripe for the picking," Danny reached into Dash, pulling out the ghost energy and trapping it in the Fenton Thermos while Dash went back to normal. "Back to the ghost world for you pal."

Last Edit - July 10th, 2020

Revised - May 30th, 2024

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