Lucky in Love: Part 6

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Danny dodged Johnny's attacks as he then shouts "My turn!" He throws a punch, hitting Johnny in the nose as he leans in whispering "I thought this was a pretend fight." "Then pretend that didn't hurt," Danny whispered back before uppercutting him in the air. Johnny began to glow green as he raced down, using his feet for the impact towards Danny, who skidded out of the way, leaving behind a small green fire trail as he prepared for the next attack.

I dodge the first few attacks by Sam until I've finally had enough and grabbed her fists and it turned into a power struggle as I asked "Yours? Who are you talking about? Sam, what's gotten into you?" "Danny, he's MINE! We're perfect for each other and I won't let you, (y/n) or anyone stand in between us!"

Sam shouts with a growl, she managed to push me back as I fell onto the ground near Kitty; when I looked at her she was giving me an evil smile before turning her attention back to the boy's fight. Suddenly everything began to click, Kitty was manipulating Sam into helping her through her feelings for Danny, I mentally facepalm for letting this happen as I roll out of the way from Sam's pounce. I get up again and she charges at me; once again I grab her fist but this time I took her by the wrist, spun around, and flung her in the air saying "Sorry Sam but you're getting to physical." 

I look over to see Johnny about to punch Danny, who crosses his arms and phases underground before reappearing behind Johnny and slapping him, hey not a bad idea... "Be careful Danny! Don't hurt Johnny too bad." Kitty shouted the first part before whispering the second. I hear a scream and I look up to see Sam charging downward towards me; using Danny's tactic I phase under the ground before impact could be made.

When I phase back up I notice Sam had left a crater where I was once standing as she stood up. I push her back down and she turns around with a growl as I eye the scarf and started to think. "It's obvious Kitty is using Sam, but what baffles me is the scarf, Sam would never wear that and it looks a lot like Kitty's, not to mention Sam shouldn't have ghost powers so what if?" I reach down to grab the scarf but Sam slaps my hand away as she gets back up.

Danny tackled Johnny to the ground but was soon kicked off as he was flung a little way, getting back up Danny kicks Johnny in the face, causing Kitty to outstretch her arm muttering "Ow, not the face!"

Johnny fell to the ground and Danny instantly stood over him as Johnny stated "Looks like you beat me again dude." "That I did, and now I'm gonna finish you off for good, see ya in oblivion Johnny!" Danny lets his eyes glow as he raises his arm and starts to form an ectoblast, Johnny saying his last goodbye to Kitty. I gave a glare to Sam as I started to think about how I was gonna get the scarf off of her.

Sam got into a fighting stance when an idea hit me, I began to charge at her, making it look like I was gonna punch her. Sam started to block her face when at the last minute I slid on the ground like baseball players do, outstretching my arm and grabbing the scarf as I went intangible and slid through her. I watched as she fell to her knees and I quickly throw Kitty her scarf back as I fly over to Sam to make sure she was alright.

"Sam, are alright?" I ask helping her to her feet when she turns around with a glare, her eyes still glowing red as she tackled me again shouting how Danny was hers. I sigh in annoyance as I push her off and she charges at me again, ready to claw my face.

I go invisible with a bored expression while crossing my arms. Sam stops moving as she starts to look around for me so I take this opportunity and grab one of her wrists. She begins to freak out as she tries to turn around and I grab her other wrist restraining her and I make myself visible and I watch Danny and Johnny while Sam tried to free herself screaming her head off.

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