Maternal Instincts: Part 3

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"They're here, kill Jack, and once he's dead kill (m/n)." "What was that?" Maddie asked, our parents bringing their attention to Vlad. "I said flapjacks, pancakes I have pancakes." He started up the cart and mud began splattering everywhere as Danny stepped in front of me, soon caked with mud as I gave a small gasp and we glared at the cart. Meanwhile, Jazz hung up the phone, promising to see a friend later when Jack came into the living room wanting to show her his new invention.

"Hey Jazzerincess, check this out: It's my Jack Fenton Nine Tails. How's about a quick tutorial?" Jack said shoving what appeared to be a metallic stick, a neon green at the top, in her face as she tells him "How about a quicker NO. I'm not interested in ghost fighting Dad. In fact, I'm going out."

"Hey, rope it in Little Miss. Careful, teenage boys are like wild animals." Jack told his daughter as she opened the door to reveal a giant, hybrid ghost bunny as it growled in her face. Jazz began to scream as she hopped out of the way before the ghost could bite her. "Back off, she's a minor!" Jack shouted as he hopped in front of his daughter, activating his device as it shoots out what looks to be a net before it turned into nine electric clamps, a picture of his face holding them together. It grabbed ahold of the bunny, squeezing it till it exploded, leaving behind ecto goo and fur. "Dad, you saved me from that monster." 

Jazz exclaimed happily as he told her "Yep, that's what I do princess...That and needlepoint! Which is artsy and relaxing, now come on I'm putting this house under ghost lockdown." He pressed the button on his device again and the clamps landed on his head. Later that night we were still at Vlad's, our parents were looking at his books while he was preening himself in his mirror, Danny was sitting in the only chair in the room while I sat down on the armrest.

Danny and I began to look at all the mantled animals on the wall when I noticed the bear carpet on the floor, causing me to almost fall of the chair but Danny had grabbed me, scooching over to allow room on the chair for me.

 I began to glare at Vlad when I notice the robe he was wearing, he had his name stitched onto it and when looking in the mirror it spelled DALV. "Danny, look," I whisper to him and he sees it too as flashbacks enter our minds of fighting his ghost ego: Plasmius. "So what brings you four to these parts?" Vlad suddenly asks, turning around to face our parents. "You'll never believe it, we were on our way to the symposium and they were going to a research facility when our pilot forced us out of the plane, right over your house." Maddie explained and I chimed in with "Yeah it's almost like it's some sort of villainous plot; what an incredibly well-planned coincidence." I cross my arms as Vlad walks up correcting me. 

"That would be an oxymoron, dear girl. Oh and speaking of morons how's your old man and your old mum?" He asked us as we glared at him with a growl, our ghostly eye colors visible. "Oooooo, the scary eyes," Vlad mutters, pretending to be scared before using his laser eyes to blast a hole in the chair as we fell off to avoid being hit while screaming.

Our parents turn around to see what happened to be met with Vlad's face as he tells them "Oh Maddie, (f/n) I'm so glad your here. It gives me a chance to apologize for Jack and (m/n)'s behavior at our college reunion." We continue to glare at Vlad as Danny helps me up before saying:

"Um, correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Dad and Mrs. (l/n) possessed by some filthy, putrid, lonely, single ghost?" Danny gives a cheeky smirk while making finger guns as I laugh when Vlad shot at us again and Danny was blasted into the wall. I run over to help Danny as Vlad shuts the book Maddie was reading as he stated "Well if they hadn't been so weak, perhaps that would have never happened, hm?" "Now Vlad, Jack may be a bumbler, and (m/n) may not be the most eccentric but they mean well," Dad said defending our parents as he began to search for a book. "I know (f/n), and I've forgiven them for many things: causing the accident that ruined my life, STEALING you two, the backwash incident..." 

Vlad begins to trail off, words catching up to Maddie and dad as Maddie asks "Woah, Woah, Woah, back up. What was that?" "Causing the accident that ruined my life?" "No after that." "The...backwash incident?"  He asked, causing Maddie to sigh in annoyance as she tells him "No! In. The. Middle!" "Oh the stealing you two, part?"

He questions as dad nod his head, yes and Vlad gets on one knee as he confessed. "You always could see right through me, oh Maddie I'm just going to come right out with it. Please dump Jack and stay here, you and Danny both can. And (f/n) I miss our good old days, so please dump (m/n) and stay here with me as well, you and (y/n) of course. It'll be just like the good old days, what do you say?"

He asked, me and Danny sending another glare his way as we tried to pry his foot from the wall. "Danny, (y/n) we're leaving...NOW." Dad said grabbing us as our parents stormed out of the building with us in tow.

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