4weeks+summer camp=9months pregnant{22.}

Start from the beginning

"So can we go see her now?" 

"Sure. Of course you can. Just remind her to take it easy, little to no driving would be great for her and make sure she’s still eating right. And if you have any more questions call the hospital, and ask for me, Dr. Anderson." The doctor smiled and opened the door. When we got into the Ultrasound room, Cassidy was laying on her back smiling until she saw me then it turned into a frown. 

"Hey...Cass, Are you okay?" 

"Yeah ... I’m fine!!" She said cold heartedly, staring at the machine. 

"And that’s the baby’s head." The nurse said pointing to the bluish gray picture. 

"Oh my god it’s so little god, the baby is so beautiful ... Xavier look!" 

"Well you’re not far along enough for me to tell you the sex of the baby ... You know if you want a boy or girl!?!" 

"Umm…" I said looking at Cassidy. 

"Well yeah... We really don’t know ... But whatever we have we will love unconditionally. Right Xavier," She said giving be a you better agree or die look. 

"Uhh yeah...she’s 100% right!" I smiled nervously and finally took a seat. 

"Well let me wipe this stuff off I know it’s cold … the nurse chuckled … And then the nurse will be here to roll you out ... Do you want pictures?" 

"Sure ... Pictures will be great." 

"Well ... Xavier, Cassidy. You can leave ... But be careful of that head bump and I will see you next week to check on the stitches in your arm." Dr. Anderson said as he showed us out of the room. 

"Here are your ultrasound pictures Sir." 

"Thanks."  I took the pictures and stared at them, they truly were beautiful shade of gray, black and blue. I thought about how it’s gonna look when it born and when it gets older and if it’s a boy or girl. 

"Hey Cass ... Cassidy wait--” 


"Um nurse ... That’s okay I'll wheel her out … The Nurse smiled and gave me a head nod I helped her sit down and smiled rolling her down the hall to the nearest bench for us to talk … Cassidy...the doctor said that the baby switch positions and that it was because of stress ... And I know the only person Causing it is me!" 

"Well congratulations, at least you admitted it!" Cassidy said holding on to her stomach and looking away. I put my hand on her Chin and turned her head back my way. 

"Look at me ... Do you still love me?" Cassidy’s face went blank but you could still see hurt and anger in her eyes. 

"I had a feeling you were going to ask me that and lucky you I had my answer already prepared ... Look Xavier, I don’t know how many time I told you I loved you when you had your little temper tantrums and got mad at the world over nothing ... But you still failed to recognize it. And right now I don’t … she took a deep breath and exhaled … I don’t love you!!" 

"Look into my eyes and tell me that without looking away this time!" 

"I. DON’T. LOVE. YOU, Xavier Newsom." She said looking into my eyes then turning her wheel chair around and rolling her down the hall. 

"You don’t mean that Cassidy." 

"Mom, the Doctor said we can leave now!" 

"Okay honey, let me sign you out, is everything okay with you and Xavier?" She said with an doubtful expression. 

"Oh Yeah ... Mrs. Ericson everything is fine. Wonderful, besides the stitches and head bump, it’s all just great." I said sacristy, under my breath hoping she believed me. 

"Okay good!" 

"Yeah, uh well I'm gonna head home and tell my mom everything is fine,“ I gave Cassidy a fake lifeless kiss in which she flinched at the touch of my lips hitting her cheek, just to make her mom happy. 

"Okay well see you later Xavier and tell your mom I'll call her later." 

"Yes mam ... Cassidy you don’t mean what you said I know you didn’t." I whispered into her ear as I gave her a hug. 

"Fuck you! Jerk." 

"You already did ... That’s why you’re pregnant." I let go of her and stared at her, watching her eyebrows raise and her facial expression go from angry to angrier. 

"See you Mrs. Ericson." I said as I threw my keys into the air and walked out the sliding doors like everything was cool, soon after putting the ultrasound pictures in my pocket. 



~*Cassidy’s POV*~ 


"Well, Thanks Cassidy for destroying your new Car." My mother joked as we got into the car. 

"Sorry Mom ... I really didn’t mean to honest." 

"I know honey ... But the doctor said you were stressed. What could possibly make you so stressed that you had to get into a car accident Cassidy?" 

"Well you know ... A lot of things you know you've been pregnant before you should know!" 

"Yeah but don’t worry about this stress cause when he baby comes it’s going to be even more stressful trust me, this has nothing on the actual parenting waking up at all times of the nights, rashes, teething you name it. And what was with the fake love hugs between you and Xavier is everything okay between you two?" 

"Yes mom everything is fine I’m fine he’s fine everything is FINE okay!" I yelled then laid the seat back to get some rest I understand she was trying to help but right now was just not the time. When I got home I laid my bag of cloths down then checked my phone for any missed calls. I had one from Asia. 

"Hey Asia what’s up?" 

"Nothing much on this end, but are you okay? I saw the crash almost half of the school saw it!" 

"Yeah I'm fine now ... I hit my head and they said that I was stressed and it caused the baby to turn upside down." 

"So you’re not breached anymore? Oh my god I didn’t know that was possible. Is it okay? The baby." 

"Yeah ... it’s fine. But I’m tired so I’m gonna call you back later. Sorry to rush you off." 

"Oh it’s no problem trust me I know how you feel so see you later Cassidy. Call if you need anything." 

"Okay I’ll remember that ... I chuckled as I lay on my bed yawning … bye Asia."

“Bye Mama.” I hung up and let my heavy eyes and sleep take over. Today was just one of way too many stressful days.

4weeks+summer camp=9months pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now