4weeks+summer camp=9months pregnant{20.}

Start from the beginning

"Well it was too late,"Sadie said chimeing in. 

"All these damn women..you Sadie, Cassidy, I’m tired of this shit!" I punched my fist into the door and kicked it then walked to my car and drove away to the only place I knew I wouldn’t be alone, My father’s grave site. 



"Hey dad..." I said with tears in my eyes. 

"Uh… I know your looking down on me like what in the hell ... I know if you was here you'd be here like what do you mean she's pregnant son ... I know but nobody in our family believe’s in abortion’s and now I find out the baby may not even be mine it’s crazy, I told her to go to hell her and that baby ... I know that it’s mine but I’m just tired of all these women trying to push me around I know it sounds crazy but I need you dad..I can do this alone and sadie, she’s growing up so fast shes 15 year’s old she’s losing memory of you and I can’t go on and today I did something terrible with a girl I barely know I didn’t sleep with her but it was still disgusting," I started to get cold when a heavy breeze came over me, like my dad was trying to tell me something.




After two hours of sitting and just talking to the tombstone I called dad. I decided to grab something to eat and then go over to Cassidy’s house to apologize and then head home. 

"Xavier, you came over!" Cassidy said wide eyed. 

"Yeah, I just wanted to apologize. I was wrong for saying what I said, and if it makes you feel better I brung you this." I said handing her the Sonic bag. 

"What’s this?" 

"It’s a giant size Cherry lime-aid and two coneys like your always craving." 

"I’m not craving that anymore but thank’s any way," She said with a half-smile and an attitude. 

"Well, I’m going to just go, my mom is pissed at me and my sister is too… So I got another round of apoligising to do." 

"She called me...Your mom! I told her you we’re over here but you went out and got me something for my headache." 

"Thanks … A lot." 

"So where were you really?" 

"Why do you want to know?" I said mimicking her attitude. 

"Were you with another girl?" 

"NO, Cassidy...Why do you always assume I was with another girl?" 

"Because I’m getting fat and unattractive and you think I’m ugly...Is that it?" 

"No, No, Your not getting fat...I just need time alone to clear my thoughs." I said trying to comfort her and stop her from crying. 

"Sure, then where were you?" 

"Out, look I’m leaving…You just eat your food I'll see you tomorrow." 

"Yeah, whatever ... Bye." I walked over to the door and turned round to look at her one last time, she turned her head as soon as I did with the bag still in her hands. 

"I’m going to school tomorrow and telling everybody the baby’s your weather you like it or not Xavier." She yell when I started the car, then slammed the door. I drove home only to see my mom sitting on the front porch. 

"Hey ma, you still awake?" 

"It’s almost 11 o’clock where were you?" 

"I was at--" 

"And don’t say Cassidy’s because I know she was covering for you I could hear it in her voice she was lying and scared." 

"I was out I needed to breath a little time to myself Mom that’s all." 

"I am so damn sick of your attitude Xavier...I know your the man of the house but that’s no way to talk to your mother...and the way you talk to your sister it...it crazy, I thought you would be a great father, but seeing the way you talk to us ... it will be a mystery what you will say to your on child." 

"The kid may not even be mine any way!!" I yelled. 

"Excuse you, May not be your … What are you trying to say, did Cassidy tell you that?" 


"NO! Did you talk to her?" 

"Yeah... She said it mine." 

"Well what’s the problem?" She said standing in front of me while I sat down looking up at her. 

"Do we have to talk about this now?" 

"Yes...now sit down!!" 

"Fine...I told her I don’t want anything to do with her or the baby...And then I told her to go to hell." My mother stood there with a shocked expression on her face. 

"I don’t know what to say ... What happen to the son I use to know, The son that would never do something like that?" She now had tears rolling down her face, and was looking away from me. 

"He died along with my father." I said getting up and going in the house leaving my mom alone outside.

4weeks+summer camp=9months pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now