Chapter 94: Sorrow two more

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Xie Chongxing soon felt that Qin Zhongyue had left him and shrunk himself into the quilt.

Xie Chongxing: "..."

Xie Chongxing's whole person is a little stupid, he is lying here softly now, but Qin Zhongyue actually ran away.

He wanted to speak, but his voice was still very hoarse. He didn't say any words for a while? Come on, slow down? It took a while before he said, "What are you doing?"

Qin Zhongyue hid under the covers and did not speak.

Xie Chongxing then? He reached out and patted him across the quilt? He patted his head, "Hey!"

He paused for a moment, and said, "It's normal to be fast, aren't you a virgin? A virgin will be very fast at the beginning."

Qin Zhongyue was crying in the quilt, yes, virgins are fast, but why was he fast in his last life?, In this life, he will be fast again? ? ?

What a shame, let him die!

Xie Chongxing ripped off his quilt, because he didn't have the strength, he couldn't pull it off.

He waited for a while, gathered up his strength for a while, and then stretched out his hand, but this time he pulled it apart smoothly, Qin Zhongyue's blushing face suddenly appeared in front of him.

Xie Chongxing looked at him, his eyes were red, his cheeks were wet, and he was eerily silent. He remembered one of the rules of virginity-a virgin who loses his virginity will be silent and cry.


Xie Chongxing never knew that a virgin could be like this.

He still has some pain in the unspeakable place now, and there is a high probability of a tear, but he didn't cry.

Xie Chongxing really couldn't understand what Qin Zhongyue was thinking, but if it was him, seconds would be seconds? If nothing happened, then just continue? But Qin Zhongyue didn't do that.

Xie Chongxing's tone softened and asked, "Why are you crying?"

Qin Zhongyue said while weeping, "I'm not a virgin anymore?"

Xie Chongxing: "..."

Qin Zhongyue: "I was defiled by you?"

Xie Chongxing: "..."

Xie Chongxing thought to himself, no matter what, he should be the one who was stained and soiled. Qin Zhongyue still belongs to Qin Zhongyue. Qin Zhongyue was too anxious this time to take safety measures.

But what can be done, Xie Chongxing patiently comforted him, "You can't be a virgin all your life, you are an adult? Of course you can't be a virgin? Or, do you think it's a big loss for me?"

Qin Zhongyue said, "It's not a loss, of course it's not a loss."

He finally became shy again and whispered, "My virginity is only broken? Only with you can I break it."

Xie Chongxing was relieved? He breathed a sigh of relief. His beautiful face still had the aftertaste of that time, and his body was still warm. He even thought that Qin Zhongyue had just passed by for the first time? It should be much easier to do it again, but At this juncture, he was a little ashamed to speak.

Xie Chongxing thought to himself that he is not a person with strong ideas, and he rarely even defends himself well, but this kind of thing is really difficult to talk about, he has ideas about Qin Zhongyue.

He wants to really own Qin Zhongyue.

The moment he hugged Qin Zhongyue just now, he felt an unparalleled sense of happiness.

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