Chapter 1: Xie Chongxing

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Beijing, Light Mist Bar

A man in casual dress was leaning on the sofa. The dark light of the bar hit his face, and he could see that he had a very handsome face. He lowered his eyes and drank glass after glass.

After a while, a man with a hair comb came over, sat beside him, scratched the wine bottle on the table with his fingers, and said helplessly: "How much did you drink?"

Qin Zhongyue snorted and said, "I don't get drunk after a thousand cups."

Saying that, he sat up straight and poured a glass of wine for the man behind him, namely Li Jun, "You drink too."

Li Jun refused: "Farewell, I'm quitting smoking and drinking, but the one in your family can make you drink like this? Don't kneel on the washboard when you go back."

Qin Zhongyue said, "I have the final say at home now. He doesn't dare to train me. I can drink as much as I want."

Li Jun said inexplicably, "Really?"

Qin Zhongyue heard the doubt in his tone, and was a little annoyed, and said in a loud voice: "Of course, I tell you, I used to be too lazy to care about him, so he made his own decisions, but now that I am serious, he knows how good I am. already."

Li Jun said, "Oh, the wife Guanyan has turned over to be the master now. This is rare. I have to call some brothers out tomorrow to celebrate together."

He added: "Tang Ming has opened a new clubhouse, and the girls in it are of high quality. Anyway, your wife can't control you. Do you want to go to have fun together?"

Qin Zhongyue said, "What a joke, I have a wife."

He said bluntly: "You are careful to get sick."

Li Jun smiled and said, "My buddies have physical examinations every three or five days. It's not my turn to get sick, but don't you think it's a pity that you got married so early?"

They all like to play, and only Qin Zhongyue is special. He got married at the age of 22, and it has been 5 years now. There is no airtight wall in this world. Everyone knows that his wife is from a poor background, even a man, and he doesn't know how attractive he is.

After listening to Li Jun's words, Qin Zhongyue drank a few more glasses of wine, and he couldn't hold back his words. "There are some things that make me feel uncomfortable. I will only tell you when you are a brother."

Li Jun listened, excited, and leaned over, "Tell me."

Qin Zhongyue was a little drunk, his fair cheeks were slightly red, his eyes were black and he was a man in his thirties, but only Qin Zhongyue still showed an innocent taste, he lowered his voice, Said: "My father likes my wife very much."

Li Jun: "Ah? What do you mean?"

Qin Zhongyue said, "My wife and I knew each other, and it was my father who led the way. He even said harshly that I would not marry him, and when he retire, all the assets of the Qin family would be given to my cousin."

Li Jun was startled, "For Qin Wenxuan? No way."

Everyone knows that Qin Wenxuan is a second-generation ancestor, especially capable of doing things. If the Qin family is handed over to him, it is estimated that he will go bankrupt in a few years.

Qin Zhongyue said, "Is there still a fake? After I married him, my dad asked him to work in the company."

Li Jun was suddenly startled, and had a very bad guess, "Your dad is going around in circles, isn't it just to give the company to your wife...?"

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