Chapter 20: Brothers!

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Xie Chongxing took the paper and returned home.

Lao Ni asked kindly, "Are you finished?"

Xie Chongxing said calmly, "No."

Old Ni raised his eyebrows, "Then why don't you keep asking?"

Xie Chongxing said, "It costs money."

When Lao Ni heard it, there was a hint of approval in his eyes, "This money is nothing, you can continue to ask if you want to."

Xie Chongxing said, "No need, thank you."

He sat on the seat and wrote the paper for a while, and Lao Ni stood behind him and looked at it for a long time, but he didn't understand anything.

It didn't take long for Liu Xiu to have lunch ready.

She brought the dish to the table with a smile, and greeted Lao Ni and another man to come to the table for dinner. At this time, she was willing to act like a mother, and smiled and said to Xie Chongxing, "When you go to serve the meal, remember to wash your hands."

Xie Chongxing had no appetite, but he still obeyed Liu Xiu's words, went to serve the meal, and sat aside.

Xie Guoxu opened a bottle of wine, poured it for Lao Ni and others, and looked at Xie Chongxing again, his gloomy face relaxed a lot, but his tone was still a little hard, "Do you want to drink?"

Xie Chongxing said, "Don't drink."

Xie Guoxu said: "I'm eighteen years old. What are you afraid of drinking some wine?"

Saying that, he poured a glass for Xie Chongxing and pushed it in front of him.

Xie Chongxing didn't move, his eyes slid from Xie Guoxu to Lao Ni, and he observed everyone present absently.

Is it really what he thought?

Just like he didn't expect the love of his family very early on, he didn't dare to bet that they had a little kindness towards him.

Are you trying to sell him? Or seek his organs? Or is it something else?

Xie Chongxing has heard many rumors, it seems that any kind of rumor can match the current situation, but it is a bit more absurd and magical.

Xie Chongxing lowered his eyes and ate a few mouthfuls of rice with the same taste. Lao Ni suddenly smiled at him and said, "You can have a few drinks with me. If you can drink three, how about I give you five hundred yuan?"

Liu Xiu listened, her eyes lit up instantly, she turned her head and said to Xie Chongxing, "You have a few drinks with your Uncle Ni, hurry up."

Xie Chongxing said: "I can't drink."

Liu Xiu said: "You haven't drunk, how can you not drink, your dad can drink, how can you not!"

Xie Chongxing glanced at Xie Guoxu, Xie Guoxu's drinking capacity was not very good, and half the bottle was poured.

Xie Guoxu also spoke, "If Uncle Ni likes you, you can accompany him for a few drinks."

With so many eyes staring at him, Xie Chongxing almost wanted to laugh.

At this moment, Lao Ni's phone rang suddenly.

Old Ni paused and picked up his mobile phone. Others are middle-aged, old, and their hearing ability has deteriorated. When making calls, they will turn on the hands-free. This time is no exception. He answered the phone and said, "Hello?"

A very young boy's voice came from over there, "Hey! Are you Xie Chongxing's father? I'm his classmate! I've come to ask him to do a quiz. Now that you're in town, can Xie Chongxing come over and pick us up?"

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