Chapter 68: you have bad eyesight

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Walking out of the flower room, Xie Chongxing asked: "It's not good for you to leave him in the flower room like this?"

Qin Zhongyue was stunned for a moment, frowned, and suddenly realized: "Yes? Oh, after all, some flowers in the flower room are still very valuable. If he breaks it, can I find him to pay for it?"

Xie Chongxing: "..."

Qin Zhongyue said, "Wait? Let my aunt bring him something to eat later. Just stare at him and do it."

Xie Chongxing: "'re so smart?"

Being praised, Qin Zhongyue coughed lightly and said humbly, "It's okay, keep a low profile."

What I thought in my heart was? Xie Chongxing really liked him who was hard and simple.

He is so careful to protect his property, what a natural thing to be praised by him!

Qin Zhong Yue was complacent, with an undisguised happy smile on his face.

Seeing his expression like this, Xie Chongxing knew that he didn't go anywhere else at all? Fang Xiang, he lowered his eyes, lowered his head and sniffed on the delicate roses, the fragrance of the flowers made his whole heart calm. .

Shi Yanyu walked behind them, heard their conversation, paused, and said, "Since you're a guest, won't you invite me to sit down?"

Qin Zhongyue heard his voice, turned his head to look, and said, "Why haven't you left yet?"

The smile on Shi Yanyu's face subsided slightly, and he sighed and said, "I didn't do anything to be sorry for you, right? Why can't you talk to me well? I remember you before? It's not like this, right?"

After this set of punches came down, Qin Zhongyue was stunned.

Shi Yanyu said, "I know you've heard a lot of gossip, but I'm not bad on you, I'm just a good person? Why should you treat me like this?"

Qin Zhongyue reacted and said confidently, "You are the gentleman on the surface and the villain behind."

Shi Yanyu: "Little man, me? Do you think I am a little man?"

Qin Zhongyue nodded seriously, "You are the villain!"

Shi Yanyu sneered, "If I were a villain, which of the friends around you are not?"

No wait? Qin Zhongyue spoke, and Shi Yanyu continued: "You have a bad eye for people since you were young. I want to see what happens to you in the end."

Qin Zhongyue said angrily, "How dare you curse me!"

Shi Yanyu lowered his face coldly, his eyebrows and eye sockets were scattered, he looked very deep, the bridge of the nose was high and the jaw line was sharp, the overall appearance was very indifferent and alienated, but he was? His sense of indifference and alienation is dissipated, and he has a little more affinity and appeal, and because of such a contrast, he himself is very charming.

He said indifferently, "I'm not cursing you, it's the truth."

He added, "Since you don't welcome me, then I'll just leave."

After that, Qin Zhongyue didn't need to say anything, turned around and left.

Qin Zhongyue muttered: "Go quickly, you stay for a few more seconds, I'm afraid to breathe in the air polluted by you!"

Shi Yanyu didn't stop in his footsteps, and quickly moved away from the sight of the two of them.

Qin Zhongyue angrily said to Xie Chongxing, "Have you seen it? He has a bad mind. He just doesn't like me! He curses me!"

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