Chapter 40: More and more competitive spirit (two more)

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Qin Zhongyue's face was broken, and Xie Chongxing couldn't even see it, "Why do you have this expression?"

Qin Zhongyue put on his face and said, "Which expression do I have?"

Xie Chongxing said slowly: "I said so, shouldn't you be happy? Why are you looking unhappy?"

Qin Zhongyue said, "I'm not unhappy, I'm dead happy."

Xie Chongxing looked at him and said, "I don't see how happy you are."

Qin Zhong grinned angrily and said to Xie Chongxing, "I'm happy, do you see it? I'm so happy that the corners of my mouth are grinning to the base of my ears."

Xie Chongxing said: "This is the smile of you being forced to be a prostitute."

Qin Zhongyue: "..."

He said depressedly: "I won't talk to you, I will continue to do the question."

After a while, he patted the pen on the table and lay down on the table with a critique face.

Xie Chongxing glanced at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qin Zhongyue raised his head and screamed: "This problem is too difficult, I can't do it!"

Xie Chongxing leaned over, "I'll take a look."

Qin Zhongyue pushed the paper in front of him, and while Xie Chongxing was looking at the paper, his eyes fell gently on the bridge of his tall nose, and then on the small mole under his left eyelid. .

He always remembered this tear mole, as long as he licked it lightly, Xie Chongxing would cry.

Xie Chongxing was looking at the question, only glanced at it, and said, "Haven't you done this question many times with similar questions? Can't do it yet?"

Qin Zhongyue said, "Oh, then I'll think about it."

Qin Zhongyue took back the test paper, and suddenly asked again, "Will this tear mole of yours be removed in the future?"

Xie Chongxing paused, "Why do you want to drop it?"

Qin Zhongyue: "...because it will look feminine and imposing?"

Xie Chongxing said: "No, but I heard that the tear mole is not very good in numerology. If you click it, maybe life will be smoother."

"Ah? Is there such a saying?" Qin Zhong was more confused.

Xie Chongxing said: "I just heard and listened to what the elderly said, but they also said that people with tear moles like to cry. I don't like to cry, so it's just superstition."

He looked at Qin Zhongyue, smiled slightly, and his tone was so gentle, "They also said that people with tear moles will not be happy and complete, but I feel quite fulfilled now. I will believe these to remove tear moles. People may not be very firm in the first place, and they are skeptical about whether they can achieve happiness. If you click it, it will make him firmer, which is a good thing."

Qin Zhongyue's heart beat violently, and he murmured, "Is it because of this?"

He stared at Xie Chongxing and asked in a low voice, "Then you...then will you click it?"

Xie Chongxing's eyes collided with him, and he noticed the strange emotion surging in his eyes. He hesitated for a while before slowly saying, "I won't go and light it."

He looked at Qin Zhongyue with a firm tone: "because I'm fine now, so I won't believe this."

Qin Zhongyue stopped talking.

Xie Chongxing looked at him and wanted to see something from his expression, but he couldn't. At this time, he could hide his emotions.

The atmosphere was so strangely stagnant for a while, Qin Zhongyue, who was silent at first, suddenly muttered: "Actually, I am quite adventurous."

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