twenty-five : the new year

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A new year was upon them. Each boy spent New Years with their families, Christopher wouldn't let his mom spend it alone. They enjoyed their Christmas break like everyone does, playing in the snow and goofing off. Of course they didn't want to go back to school but, they needed some excuse to see one another.


"Ah school. How i missed thee." Elliot said sarcastically.
"Yeah, it's amazing." Matthew sighed.
"C'mon, we're gonna be late for math." Christopher urged.
"Since when are you so excited for math?" Matthew asked.
"Since it started making sense." Christopher laughed.

They rushed off to their math class and sat down. The teacher stood up and started speaking.

"Good morning class, welcome back. I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas break. Work on page 53." The teacher said.

The boys started working on the page, gossiping along the way.

"You guys hear there's new kids today?" Elliot said.
"Yeah. Some twins." Christopher commented.
"I wonder who they are." Matthew pondered.
"Maybe we'll get the chance to meet them." Elliot said.

Two kids walked into the classroom.

"Class, This is Dylan and Rory Sharpe." Matthew's ears perked up. "they're new here. Treat them kindly. You guys and go and sit by Christopher, Elliot, and Matthew." The teacher said.

They walked over and sat down at their table.

"Hi, welcome to Lakewood. I'm Elliot." Elliot introduced himself.
"Welcome, I'm Christopher." Christopher smiled.
"Hi, Im Matthew." Matthew smiled sheepishly.
"Thank you. I'm Dylan." The girl said.
"And I'm Rory." The boy said.
"Nice to meet you guys." Christopher smiled.
"Where are you guys from?" Elliot asked.
"We're from Las Vegas, Nevada." Dylan said.
"Vegas? How'd you guys end up here? if you don't mind me asking." Christopher asked.
"Our parents decided that it was time to get out of the city." Rory said.
"You guys been here long?" Matthew asked.
"It's our second week here ." Dylan informed them.

They kept chatting and working. The bell rang.

"Damn, I'll see you guys later." Matthew said.
"I'll see you after school." Christopher whispered in Matthew's ear, leaving a small kiss on his cheek.
"I believe you guys have class with me this period so follow me! I'll show you where everything is!" Elliot offered.
"Thank you." The twins thanked them.

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