thirty-eight : game day

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Thursday, game day.

The boys were itching to play all day, dressed in their best. Of course Christopher was staring at Matthew all the day.

"You're drooling." Matthew said, not looking up from his assignment.
"N-no I'm not." Christopher wiped the corner of his mouth with his thumb.
"You are babe." Matthew smiled.
"What can I say? My boyfriend is hot." Christopher smirked.
"Are you implying something else?" Matthew smiled.
"Maybe..." Christopher smirked again.
"Will you lay up on the staring please?" Matthew asked.
"But you're so beautiful." Christopher sighed.
"If you stop leering so obviously, I'll make you an offer you can't refuse." Matthew smirked.
"I'm listening." Christopher perked up.
"If we win and go to state, we can do whatever you want." Matthew whispered in his ear.
"Okay." Christopher smiled.
"Kinky bastard." Matthew smirked at him.
"Oh say it again." Christopher joked.
"We have a game to be getting to Christopher." Matthew smiled at him.
"Yeah I'm going." Christopher smiled.
"Let's win this." Matthew smiled.
"If we win can you bend me over the sink?" Christopher asked.
"Only if you're a good boy and make the winning shot." Matthew joked.
"Fine." Christopher scoffed.

They hurried to the locker room and changed quickly. The whole team was itching to play, they all did their before game routines. Christopher silently said affirmations to himself, Matthew listened to his music, Elliot cracked his neck and knuckles, Dylan silently affirmed herself too. All of their families were there. Matthew's siblings and parents, Christopher's mom and sister, Elliot's dads, and Dylan's mom and sister. They all nodded at each other and hyped themselves up. This was only the game that would decide if they were going to state; the coaches walked in and soothed their nerves.

"Okay team. We're so proud of you for making it this far, if we lose don't worry about it." Ms. Penelope said.
"You've all done so well this year. Don't forget that we'll be doing our awards after this game, our banquet will also be held on Saturday for all of you attending." Coach Briggs said.
"We can win this. Don't stress it and go kick some ass!" Ms. Alastair hyped them up.

The team was ready. They all skated out onto the ice and were ready to play a hard and long game.

The first quarter was rough. Many hard hits were taken and given, they were down by two. Christopher called for a huddle.

"Dylan. Bring out the sharp shooter. If you have the chance get the puck to Dylan, she is our key to victory. E, you got hits like no one's business. Hit hard and fast, assist Sharpe. The rest of you cover her, help her get the puck. If she's not open pass to me. We can even this score." Christopher panted.

They were back to the game. Elliot threw out some hard hits, they assisted many plays. Coaches called for a line change. Christopher and Elliot skated up, Matthew and Rory were put in.

"Don't get arrogant." Matthew told Rory.

Rory got cocky. He stole the puck back and got hit hard. Matthew got it back and passed to Dylan, she shoots, she scores! The second quarter was under way. They were now only down by one. The boyfriends were on the ice, assisting one another. They managed to even out the score. The coaches called for a time out.

"You guys. Third quarter is here. Kick some ass, use Sharpe to your advantage she never misses. Elliot, Barlowe, Han, do what you do best." Ms. Alastair smiled.
"On it coach." They responded.

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