nine : revelation

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Matthew awoke to the sun being sunnier than usual, noises nosier than usual. He had a terrible headache, i'd be surprised if he didn't. He drank a lot last night. Elliot called to make sure he didn't have alcohol poisoning.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Elliot asked.
"You're chipper this morning. Not really. Did i do something?" Matthew said anxiously.
"Not exactly." Elliot said.
"How did you even get me home last night? I was basically dead weight." Matthew was puzzled.
"Our good friend Christopher helped me." Elliot said.
"Wait- huh?" Matthew slurred.
"He carried you to my car and rode with you home. He even helped me get you to bed last night." Elliot explained.
"Really?" Matthew asked.
"After you gave him fuck-me eyes and danced with him." Elliot commented.
"WHAT?!" if Matt wasn't awake then he sure is awake now. "I did WHAT?!" Matthew screamed as he groaned at himself for making the headache worse.
"Yeah, you guys danced together last night. You got him all painted up, you lost him in the crowd, he found you and started getting all up close and personal." Elliot squealed.
"Oh my god." Matthew was speechless.

His phone buzzed.

"He just sent me a message. I AM SO CONFUSED RIGHT NOW!" Matthew exclaimed.
"YOU'RE CONFUSED? I'M CONFUSED! I thought he was straight up until last night." Elliot scream.
"Ugh, i'll call you later. This panic might make my head hurt worse." Matthew said.

2:45 pm

Chris: Hey, just wanted to make sure you were okay. I imagine you're enjoying that hangover lol
Matt: Yeah i'm feeling those shots for sure lol, thank you for helping Elliot bring me home. I appreciate it.
Chris: No problem :) see you at practice tomorrow?
Matt: of course!

Seeing that text from Matthew made Christopher's heart flutter, it made him excited for tomorrow's practice. Meanwhile, Matthew spent the rest of the day nursing his hangover.

The next day came and the boys were off to school. The day went by slower than Chris had hoped, he replayed the night of the party every chance he got. Remembering how good it felt to be that close to Matthew. He didn't know if Matthew remembered that night or if Elliot even told him. Either way, he wasn't going to bring it up on his own. Even though he saw Matt from across the way in class, it wasn't enough. All he could do was look for him all day. He watched Matt all through practice, watching as he was jacking around with Elliot. Christopher looked forward to seeing him after practice, they were the last in the locker room again.

"Thank you again, I can't even imagine what Elliot would've done without your help." Matthew thanked him.
"It's no problem! I didn't mind." Christopher trailed off.

Matthew walked over to where Christopher was putting stuff away in his locker. He kissed his cheek.

"That is for making sure i got home safe..." Matthew said.

Christopher turned his head to look at Matthew, he was shocked. He scanned his face, looking at his eyes and lips.

"Elliot told me what happened that night..." Matthew grinned.

Chris cupped Matt's face with his hand, stroking his cheek with his thumb. He went to inch closer when Matthew got a call.

"May I help you???" Matthew growled.
"Yes Matthew, I'm waiting. Hurry up!" Elliot screamed.
"Fine, I'll be out in a second!" Matthew seethed as he hung up.

Christopher hung his head in defeat, dropping his hand from Matt's face.

"I am so sorry, I better go. Text me sometime." Matthew said.
"I definitely will." Christopher assured him.

Matthew grabbed his things and ran out to meet Elliot in his car. He threw his things in the back and sunk in his seat, he sighed and screamed while covering his face with his hands.

"WHAT happened???" Elliot asked.
"You ruined a young boy's homosexual awakening!" Matthew exclaimed.
"HUH?!" Elliot was surprised.
"I'm about 78% sure that if you wouldn't have called, we would have kissed." Matthew vowed.
"Damn! If only i had patience." Elliot sighed.
"It felt so right. I was so ready!" Matthew said.

They drove home. Matthew couldn't stop thinking about what had happened, how Christopher's hands felt against his skin. He couldn't forget the way he looked at him.

7:45 pm

Chris: Hey
Matt: Hey
Chris: Would you maybe wanna hang out sometime? Just the two of us?
Matt: Yeah, that sounds really nice. There's a pond by my house we could skate on :)
Chris: How about we go out for coffee?
Matt: Sure! this weekend?
Chris: Yeah, i'd like that
Matt: See you then :)

Christopher looked forward to this all week, the week couldn't have went by any slower. Matthew told Elliot about the interaction and how nervous he was for it. They'd glance at one another, lock eyes, and smile.

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