fifty-eight : togetherness

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The next day

Matthew woke up to Christopher hugging him tightly. He checked the time and made sure they still had enough time to get ready without rush.

"Ah." Matthew silently winced as he moved, he was sore from the night prior.

He rolled over and gazed at Christopher's face. He moved his hair out of his eyes and stroked his cheek.

"did I hurt you?" Christopher said sleepily.
"just a little sore." Matthew responded.
"you wouldn't mind if we trained today?" Christopher asked.
"i would prefer we didn't." Matthew chuckled. "but we can, we can rope my siblings into playing." Matthew smiled.
"can they effectively rollerblade?" Christopher joked.
"Spencer can, Jon not so much." Matthew chuckled.
"SJ can rollerblade but not ice skate?" Christopher asked.
"yeah, she picked it up recently." Matthew said.

Christopher drifted in and out of sleep. Matthew got up and woke his siblings up. He knocked on the door  to his sister's room and opened it.

"SJ." He said.
"What?" She asked half asleep.
"Get up, we got shit to do." Matthew responded.
"You wake up Jon yet?" She asked.
"Not yet." Matthew said.
"Here." She threw her keys at him. "He left his cigarettes in my car, you better wake him up with one or he will not be very happy." Spencer chuckled.
"Alright. I'll be back." Matthew responded.

He exited the room, making sure to close the door. He headed outside to Spencer's car, he unlocked it and quickly got Jon's cigarettes and lighter watching to see if his parents were still home. He made his way to Jonathan's room next, he knocked on the door and opened it.

"Jon you up?" Matthew asked.
"Unfortunately." Jon responded.
"Spencer said you'd be agitated. Catch." Matthew threw the pack at him. "You got your lighter?" Matthew asked.
"Fuck." Jon threw his head back.
"I thought so." Matthew handed him the lighter.
"Matthew Peter Grayson, I love you." Jon said.
"I love you too buddy." Matthew chuckled. "Careful though, I don't know if mom and dad are still home." He added.
"Thanks little brother. They know I smoke I just refuse to let mom see me, you know what she'll say." Jon said as he took a cigarette out of the carton and placed it between his lips.
"Just don't let her catch you smoking in the house. I think she'd kill you." Matthew chuckled.
"I'm not a monster,I'm gonna go stand on the porch." Jon chuckled back.
"Be ready in an hour." Matthew said.
"I will." Jon responded.

Matthew exited the room and continued back to Sam's room. He knocked on the door and went in.

"Sam, you alive?" Matthew asked.
"Yeah." Sam responded.
"Good, we're shipping out in an hour." Matthew said.
"Alright." Sam responded.
"You don't have to go if you don't want to dude. I know how you feel about strangers." Matthew said.
"It's okay Matt. If you trust her, I do." Sam responded.
"Alright, just let me know if you wanna come back. I'll drive you myself." Matthew smiled.
"Thanks big bro." Sam smiled back.

Matthew backed out of the room and headed back to his own. Christopher was still half asleep in the bed. Matthew let him sleep, he threw his basketball shorts on and put on his favorite hockey jersey; a red New Jersey Devils jersey.

"Christopher." Matthew said.
"Huh?" Christopher hummed.
"Baby, get up." Matthew responded.
"But comfy." Christopher said.
"I'm wearing your favorite." Matthew poked fun.

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