eight : party time

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A/N : THE SONG I AM QUOTING FOR THE PARTY IS "Pegadito by Play-N-Skillz" i'll put the time stamp of where the song is at for context 👍

Soon it was the weekend once more. Today was Matthew's time to let loose, he was so excited.

"Now Matthew, curfew is at 12. You can drink but be safe, no drugs, and please for the love of god if you or Elliot is trashed please do not hesitate to call." His mom said.
"Don't worry mom. Parties in New York seem to be way more dangerous than this type of thing." Matthew tried easing his mother's nerves.
"I know, just be careful and be home on time please." she said.
"I will mom, if anything comes up I will text or call." Matthew reassured.
"Thank you, have fun. Be safe, make good choices. I love you." She said.
"I will mom, I love you too." Matthew said.

Matthew ran out to Elliot's car.

"Hey! You got the good stuff?" Matthew joked.
"You know i do!" Elliot pulled out a jar of body glitter. They fixed each other up.
"Alright! This is magical." Elliot said.
"We look like we're straight out of Euphoria. I love it!" Matthew said.
"We're definitely getting painted at this party." Elliot declared.
"Of course!" Matthew reassured.

They drove for what seemed like hours. Small mountain town and everyone lives so far apart. Matthew took a deep breath and went in with Elliot. The sound of EDM filled his ears, the sound drowning out the depressing, overbearing thoughts in his head. This was just what Matthew needed. Black lights everywhere, everyone had uv activated body paint on. Elliot dragged him to the painting booth. Matthew didn't know he went to school with wealthy kids, this place was huge. Large dance floor, large table for drinks and snacks, and even more rooms you couldn't even see. Soon Matthew was slave to the rhythm, he and Elliot were breaking it down on the dance floor. Feeling the beat in their souls.

Christopher sat in the corner miserable, he was still plagued with the confusion. He was pretending to drink so no one would question it. He was scanning the room, looking at the sea of glowing teenagers. All of the hockey team was here blowing off steam. Chris wasn't pleased that he hadn't seen the boy he had hoped was drawn here tonight. All of a sudden he saw him.

"He's so beautiful..." Christopher thought.

Matthew's fluffy brown hair swaying with him as he danced with his best friend. The glitter on his face reflecting the light of the disco ball above him. He swayed with the rhythm, Christopher couldn't stop staring. Matthew had made his way over to Christopher.

"Hey! Why aren't you out there having fun?" Matthew laughed.
"You seem to be having enough fun for the both of us." Christopher declared.
"Yeah! Come on! We'll get you painted!" Matthew said.

Matthew dragged him to the booth, Christopher now a glowing teenager himself. Matthew put glitter on his cheeks.

"See! Perfect. Come on!" Matthew grabbed him again and drug him out onto the dance floor.

0:34 in song

Matthew had lost grip of Christopher pulling him through the crowd. Christopher started looking for him. He started looking around for him, scanning the room. He couldn't see him. The song blaring in the background.

" dale pal piso Límpialo...Límpialo límpialo."  0:45

Matthew was nowhere to be seen.

"dale pa bajo límpialo" 0:49

The beat was building. All of a sudden the music slowed down a bit.

"Óyeme ahora si" 0:58

Christopher laid his eyes upon Matthew dancing. Swaying his hips to the building beat.

"Te lo doy, te lo doy, te lo doy, pegadito... te lo doy, te lo doy, te lo doy, pegadito" 1:01 - 1:19

He walked over to him, grabbing his hips and swaying with him. Faces inches away from each other, locking eyes. Eyes filled with passion. Matthew placed his arms around Christopher's neck. They stared deep into each others eyes, in that moment there was no one but them. The bass dropped and they began dancing to the beat. Moving with each other, like the perfect samba. Christopher was glad he agreed to come to this party. He was beautiful, Chris was unsure if Matthew was drunk or just really enthusiastic. Probably a bit of both. Matthew pulled Christopher closer, lips centimeters away from touching. One of Christopher's friends pulled him away.

"Hey man I've been looking everywhere for you! There's some girls that wanna meet you!" He yelled.

All he could do was stare at Matthew longingly. He'd make it up to him. Of course Elliot saw the whole ordeal, it was his job as best friend and designated driver. The party had progressed quite a bit while Christopher was swept away. He couldn't find Elliot or Matthew on the dance floor, he went outside and found Matthew sitting by the pool. He was drunk. Elliot went to go get the poor thing some water. It was time they'd get going anyways. It saddened Christopher to know that Matthew probably wouldn't remember tonight.

"You need help with him?" Christopher asked Elliot.
"Please, he is such a handful. Could you carry him?" Elliot asked.
"Yeah." Christopher said.

Christopher swept Matthew off his feet, carrying him bridal style to Elliot's car. He laid Matt down in the back seat and placed his head on his lap.

"You don't mind if I come?" Christopher asked.
"Not at all. He'd be stuck in the backseat until tomorrow if you weren't coming." Elliot chuckled.

Christopher brushed Matthew's hair out of his face, stroking it out of the way. He carried Matt into his house and helped Elliot get him to bed.

"Thank you so much for bringing him home Elliot." Matt's mom said.
"No problem Mrs. Grayson." Elliot said.
"You too, what is your name?" His mom asked.
"Christopher, ma'am" Chris responded.
"Thank you, he'd be happy you got him home safe and sound." His mom said graciously.
"It's no problem ma'am." Christopher shook her hand.
"We better get going! Goodnight Mrs. Grayson." Elliot said.
"Goodnight Mrs. Grayson." Christopher bid her adieu.

They got in the car, Elliot drove Chris home that night.

"You like him?" Elliot questioned.
"Well... i'm not sure. I've never felt this way about someone before i guess. Please don't tell anyone." Christopher pleaded.
"Your secret is safe with me. Can i at least tell him what happened tonight?" Elliot asked.
"Yeah, maybe that will get me on his good side. I made a terrible first impression." Christopher said.
"Trust me, he didn't shut up about it." Elliot said.

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