sixty : friends

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Christopher was finally healed enough to where he could eat normally and function without being absolutely miserable. Him and Matthew made plans with their friends, they hadn't seen Dylan, Elliot, or Ryan in what seemed like forever. They all met at Matthew's house to play some driveway hockey. Matthew heard his boyfriend pull up and immediately ran out to hug him.

"Hi." Christopher smiled as Matthew crashed into him.
"Hi." Matthew smiled as he kissed him.
"What was that for?" Christopher asked.
"I haven't kissed you in a while." Matthew smiled.
"Can i have another one?" Christopher asked.
"Of course." Matthew smiled into another kiss.

Elliot, Dylan, and Ryan pulled up.

"Get a room!" Elliot joked.
"Hey E." Christopher responded.
"What's up Captain?" Elliot dapped him up. "I haven't seen either of you in forever." Elliot fist bumped Matthew.
"I've been nursing this big baby back to health." Matthew joked as he gestured to Christopher.
"Hey you try eating mashed potatoes every day." Christopher joked.

They joked and caught up a bit before Ryan and Dylan walked over.

"Hey lovebirds." Dylan joked.
"Dyl, how's it?" Christopher asked.
"It's been good." She smiled.
"Ryan, how are you?" Matthew hugged her.
"I'm good. How are you guys? I heard you got your license." She said.
"We're good and yes I did." Matthew smiled. "I don't suppose you're playing with us today?" Matthew asked.
"No," Ryan chuckled. "I can skate but I'm not too good." She said.
"Well if you want to try there's always an open spot." Matthew smiled.
"Thanks." Ryan smiled.
"Let's play Grayson!" Elliot said.
"Alright, come on." Matthew chuckled.

Christopher, Elliot, and Dylan grabbed their skates and gear out of the trunks of their cars. Matthew led them to the back drive way to play. Matthew popped his trunk and got his own gear out.

"What is it with you hockey players and keeping your stuff in your trunks?" Ryan asked.
"It's convenient." Christopher said.
"You can also just throw your shit everywhere." Matthew chuckled.

They laced up and got to it. Elliot and Christopher teamed up in attempt to beat their significant others. They passed the puck around the driveway, they didn't play rough but they did play fast.

"We have to work on your guys' speed." Matthew said.
"My speed is perfectly fine." Dylan responded.
"Why are you so fucking fast?" Christopher panted.
"Believe it or not, i was on the slower side back in New York." Matthew smiled.
"Really?!" Elliot asked.
"Yeah, with my old team I wasn't considered very fast." Matthew said. "Or very good for that matter." He chuckled.
"I feel you there." Dylan said. "Hockey is cutthroat in bigger cities." She continued.
"How bad is it?" Elliot asked.
"Terrible." Matthew responded. "I used to train for six hours every weekend and four hours after school; added hours if we lost a game. Off-season was even worse, nine hours six days a week for three months." Matthew said.
"Mine was as bad. Six hours of training on weekends, three hour practices after school, with required workout hours. Off-season was 20 hours of training a week. Runs outside during track season were our punishment if we failed." Dylan added as she was working on her stick handling.
"Did they ever make you hold your stick with the bend of your knees?" Matthew asked.
"Personally no but I have seen it happen to my teammates." Dylan responded.

Christopher and Elliot stood there unsettled.

"Were you guys ever worked to the bone by your coaches?" Elliot asked.
"Yeah all the time." They agreed.
"Baby..." Christopher's face dropped.
"What?" Matthew asked.
"Were there every any breaks?" Elliot asked.
"Not really." Dylan said.
"Darling..." Elliot sighed.
"What?" Matthew and Dylan were confused.
"It sounds like you guys were abused." Christopher said.
"Regularly." Elliot said.
"They never touched me." Matthew laughed it off.
"Baby they didn't have to." Christopher said.
"Was you mental health ever challenged?" Elliot asked.
"Oh my god." Matthew said.
"But I'm fine." Dylan scoffed.
"Darling you're stressed about games all the time." Elliot said.
"Oh my god we were abused." Dylan said as she turned to Matthew.
"How did I never see it?" Matthew asked.
"That's how hockey just was for you guys. I'm so sorry." Christopher hugged them, Elliot joined in.
"Dyl, why didn't you ever say anything?" Ryan asked.
"I didn't know it wasn't normal." Dylan said.
"This is getting really sad guys." Matthew chuckled.
"How about we go get ice cream? It always helps." Dylan said.
"That sounds nice." Elliot chuckled.

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