nintey-one : starboy

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Two weeks later

Matthew was working on getting better. His relapse was kept quiet, he didn't tell anyone but Christopher; hell Christopher wouldn't know if he didn't see it himself.

He took one day at a time. He got as much ice practice on the pond behind his house before it began to thaw. He worked on himself.

Today was his first for real game back. He was completely healed of his injury, with a better mindset. His school was a big hockey school, if someone was injured they'd be welcomed back with a big bang. After his behavior, he wasn't expecting to be put in.

"Alright team, starting line up. Panchak on goal." Coach Alastair said, she held her clipboard and read.

"Starting line up: Hayes, Sharpe, E, Leroux, Grayson." She smiled.

Matthew perked up. He wasn't even suited up.

"Really?!" Matthew asked.
"Yeah kid, get suited up. You have a return lap to do." She smiled.

His whole team immediately cheered and celebrated. Christopher ruffled his hair, Elliot wrapped their arm around his neck, Dylan playfully hit his arm.

"The fantastic four are back baby!" Elliot exclaimed.
"C'mon Grayson, suit up!" Christopher smiled.

Matthew just laughed it off and he got dressed faster than he ever did.

"Now welcoming, officially off the injured list; Number 96, Matthew Grayson!!!"

The crowd cheered. Matthew took his first step onto the ice since his fight; He took his lap. The team was on the bench, they all stuck their sticks over the boards and hit the boards in unison.

"The last time we saw Matthew, he was still on the injured list. This is his first official game since his injury last year and his ejection from game last just a couple weeks ago. He's looking good and fresh, we love to see it." The announcer was just as excited as anyone else.

Matthew concluded his lap, he skated over to the bench and sat with this team who hyped him up even further.

They all stood for the national anthem, they were itching to play.

The game was great, Matthew had many assists. He played his heart out. They won as usual, he was so excited.

The whole team went into the locker room before Matthew. They waited for him to walk in, they shook cans of pop, opened them, and sprayed him with them. He just smiled and laughed. His friends got him good, they made sure he was drenched. Christopher got him especially good and kissed him. They all whooped and cheered.

"Good job today team." Christopher yelled. "And Grayson, welcome back." Christopher ruffled his hair.
"It's good to be back." Matthew smiled widely.
"Now y'all get out of here! Go celebrate!" Coach Briggs said.
"On it coach!" Elliot replied.

Matthew clean up to the best of his ability. He threw his gear; which needed a wash but now for sure needed a clean up, into his bag.

"Hey Matt, you coming to victory dinner this time?" Elliot joked.
"Yes." Matthew chuckled. "After I take a shower." He said.
"You and me both." Elliot chuckled.
"Alright team, go grab a shower and we will meet you at the usual place for dinner." Christopher smiled.

Elliot took Dylan home so they could freshen up in their own homes.

"You really coming to dinner?" Christopher looked at him.
"Yes Christopher, I am." Matthew looked back at him.
"How do you feel?" Christopher asked.
"Despite the soda sticky, I feel amazing." Matthew smiled.
"Good." Christopher smiled. "Now go home and shower, you stink." He joked.
"Speak for yourself." Matthew teased back.
"I'm hurt." Christopher put his hands over his heart and joked.

Matthew just laughed at him.

"Go home, I'll pick you up in an hour." Christopher kissed his forehead.

Matthew grabbed his bag and took it to his car. He hopped in and headed home.

Matthew parked his car in the garage. He took a shower, freshened up, and put some clean clothes on. He sat on the floor, wiped off his gear and threw his jersey in the wash, while he waited for his boyfriend's arrival. He heard the rumbling of his boyfriend's car, he jumped up and ran out to the driveway.

"I'll be back later Sam!" Matthew yelled as he ran out the door.

He hopped in the car, leaned over and kissed Christopher. They both wore their letterman's jackets.

"Looking very handsome." Matthew smiled at him.
"Why thank you." Christopher said with heart eyes.

They joined their friends at the usual restaurant. They enjoyed their dinner, it came with the usual banter and talk. Their night came to an end. They parted ways, Christopher drove Matthew home.

"Pull it around back. You're staying." Matthew said.
"I'm staying?" Christopher questioned, Matthew looked at him. "I'm staying." He melted.

They walked in the house through the garage.

"I'm home!" Matthew yelled.
"Welcome back!" Sam yelled from his room.

Matthew pushed Christopher against the door. He kissed him deeply before pulling away and leading him to his room. He closed the door and Christopher pushed him against it. Christopher had gotten a bit taller recently, he really towered over Matthew now. Matthew connected their lips, he pulled Christopher closer. Christopher pulled away and kissed his neck.

"Parents are on a business trip, stay the weekend." Matthew breathed.
"For you, anything." Christopher smiled.
"God, you're my favorite thing." Matthew grabbed Christopher's head and brought him back up.

Christopher just smiled at him, Matthew did the same before kissing him again. Matthew pushed him and they began slowly walking to his bed, without breaking the kiss. Matthew moved Christopher's jacket off his shoulders and down his arms, Christopher took his hands out and tossed it aside. Matthew slid his own jacket off and threw it on the floor. Christopher put his hands on the back of Matthew's head while Matthew undid his boyfriend's belt with one hand.

They went at each other for a while before getting interrupted. Sam knocked at the door.

"Matt!" Sam yelled.
"What?" Matthew replied.
"You decent?" He asked.
"No Samuel. What's up?" He asked.
"Forgot to tell you, siblings are coming tomorrow." Sam said.
"Fuck." Matthew said under his breath. "Okay." He replied.

Christopher tried not to laugh too loud, he smiled holding the laughter. Matthew looked at him.

"Still want me to stay the weekend?" Christopher asked.
"Please. I love my siblings but lately they've both been stressed and a bit irritating." Matthew said.
"I'll happily stay." Christopher smiled at him. "Now. Where were we?" He smirked.

Christopher connected their lips, he grabbed Matthew's hips and pulled them closer to his own.

They undressed each other. They spent all night taking each other in, feeling one another. They didn't want to leave that bed afterwards; they could stay there forever.

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