thirty : free time

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Matthew and Christopher were dating for a couple months at this point. Nobody knew, it was their own little thing; having a secret only they knew was so freeing to them. They didn't need anyone else's validation, all they needed was the confirmation it was real to them. 

Spring Break was upon them. Matthew's mom was away on business and his dad was on a business trip of his own. That left Matthew and his brother Sam home alone for the week.

"Boys, your brother and sister will be here soon. If either of you are going to be with friends let your sister know, there's money on the counter if you don't feel like making anything." Their mom said. "You know the rules, no parties, no drugs, and be home by midnight Matt and 10 for you Sam. If you're going to be at Christopher's let your sister know." She continued.
"And if you guys need anything, we're one phone call away." Their dad added.
"Yes, for the love of god if you need us call." Their mom said.
"Okay, we'll be okay. Have fun on your trips." Matthew said.
"Yeah, don't stress it mom. Spencer and Jon will be here with us." Sam added.
"I know. I love you both, please make good decisions." She commented as he left the house.
"We love you too." They said.

They wasted their time until their siblings arrived.

4:45 pm

Matt: date night? my treat. <3
Chris: only if you'll stay the night ;)
Matt: of course! your place? parents are on a business trip and all of my siblings are here
Chris: yeah, about time you meet my mom!
Matt: you're telling me lol
Chris: see you in 20?
Matt: yes <3
Chris: i'll see you then beautiful

Matt quickly threw some clothes in a bag. He impatiently waited for his boyfriend to get there. Matthew practically ran out of the house, he let his siblings know where he'd be and if they needed him to text or call.

"Have fun bro!" Jonathan yelled from the couch.
"Be safe!" Spencer responded.
"Make good choices!" Sam added.

Matthew swiftly jumped in Christopher's car, he threw his bag in the backseat, and kissed his boyfriend's cheek.

"You're quite eager today." Christopher smiled.
"Of course I am. I get to spend the night with you, and I get to meet your mom." Matthew smiled back.
"Maybe we can bring her dinner later, she works graveyard tonight at the hospital." Christopher said.
"Yeah! You're so caring." Matthew gushed.
"I know. Where we going?" Christopher asked.
"Pick a restaurant. As long as I'm with you I don't care." Matthew said.
"Alright. Italian it is." Christopher chuckled.

They headed to the restaurant, their dinner was filled with the normal conversation. They talked about school, hockey, their home lives as they enjoyed their food.

"So, prom season is coming up. You ever been?" Christopher asked.
"No, I didn't even attend any dances in New York." Matthew chuckled sheepishly.
"Why?" Christopher asked.
"No one worth going with." Matthew said.
"I can bet you that Lakewood does prom better, our dances are so awesome." Christopher beamed.
"I guess it would be cool to go once." Matthew said.
"It's never really been my crowd, that's why I ask." Christopher added.
"I love those prom-posals you see everywhere online." Matthew smiled.
"Really? I'd never pegged you for the cheesy type." Christopher chuckled.
"You don't know everything about me Christopher." Matthew laughed.
"That's like a really public announcement." Christopher said.
"Yeah but, I think it's a really cute gesture." Matthew blushed slightly as he realized Christopher was smiling at him. "Not that I want you to do that! You don't have to come out to the entire school like that. I want you to be ready and not feel pressured. It's not like I don't want you to do it either, I don't want you to think i'm ashamed of you." Matthew rambled.
"It's okay. I didn't mean anything by it. I've never really been a dance type, I was just curious if you were." Christopher laughed it off.
"I'm so sorry, i'm such a mess right now." Matthew chuckled.
"It's okay gorgeous, i'm not offended. I know you're not ashamed of me at all. Neither am I." Christopher grabbed Matthew's hand and kissed the back of it. "How's about we get out of here?" Christopher winked.
"That sounds nice." Matthew sighed in relief.

They left the restaurant. They headed to Christopher's house, Matthew had only ever been outside so he was excited to see Christopher's room.
They walked in and were greeted with Christopher's mom.

"Mamá." Christopher kissed her cheek.
"Who is this?" She asked in Spanish.
"This is Matthew mamá, you know the boy I told you about." Christopher said.
"Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you." Matthew shook her hand.
"No need for formalities Matthew. You're family mijo." She pulled him in for a hug.
"Mamá don't break him." Christopher said.
"Cálmate güey. Any friend of yours is family." She said
"I'm very glad I finally got to meet you." Matthew smiled back.
"Me too, I've been wanting to meet the boy that makes my son so happy." She smiled. "He finally brought you home." She added.
"You better get going Mamá, you're gonna be late." Christopher cleared his throat.
"Fine. I'll see you later mijo, don't wait up. I love you." She said kissing Christopher's cheek. "It was lovely meeting you Matthew, I'm sorry I have to leave." She hugged Matthew again.
"No worries! We'll have to go to lunch together sometime." Matthew smiled.
"Yes! I'll make sure Christopher sticks to it." She laughed.
"I'll take you dinner later Mamá. I love you." Christopher said.

His mom left for work and the boys ventured into Christopher's room.

"I love your mom." Matthew said.
"She loves you, you're lucky she didn't kiss your cheeks and squeeze you tighter." Christopher chuckled as he threw his keys on his nightstand.
"How come I've never been in your room before?" Matthew asked.
"Because your bed is bigger." Christopher joked.
"Really? I could've been in your bed this whole time." Matthew said flirtatiously.
"Yeah? Maybe my plan all along was to lure you here and keep you in my bed." Christopher chuckled.
"I wouldn't be opposed." Matthew said as he laid down on Christopher's bed. He lifted his arms above his head, resting his forearms on his forehead. His shirt lifted slightly.
"Are you teasing me Grayson?" Christopher smirked as he began slowly climbing on top of Matthew.
"Maybe I am." Matthew smirked back.
"You're on Grayson." Christopher said.

He lifted Matthew's shirt so his abdomen was exposed. He left sloppy kisses trailing up towards his chest. Matthew threw his head back as he ran his fingers through Christopher's hair. Matthew pulled him up so their eyes met, he stared at him for a bit, admiring his beautiful eyes.

"I am so sorry for my anxious behavior earlier." Matthew moved Christopher's stray hair out of his face.
"Don't be. All of this is just new." Christopher smiled as he tucked Matthew's hair behind his ear.
"I know, I just feel so stupid when I ramble like that." Matthew turned his head to the side.
"Hey," Christopher cupped his face and brought it back to meet his. "You don't have to be sorry for anything." he said.
"Yeah I know, just, take my mind off it." Matthew smirked.
"Yes sir." Christopher chuckled.

He leaned in and kissed him passionately. Matthew pulled him in closer by his waistband, gently grinding his hips against his. Christopher softly moaned into Matthew's mouth, he loved that sound. They gently made out in Christopher's bed, when Christopher finally broke away he noticed the time. Matthew trailed down Christopher's neck with kisses.

"Hey lover boy, you wanna come with me?" Christopher asked.
"Where?" Matthew said between kisses.
"To take my mom dinner." Christopher added.
"Yeah." Matthew broke away and smiled.

After they got back, they got frisky on the couch and watched movies together. They slept in Christopher's room together, clinging to each other so hard. Christopher's mother found them like that. All she could do was smile at how content her son looked, she was thankful he had something she couldn't fathom.

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