thirty-seven : minor inconvenience

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They got up and got ready, headed out the door and got to practicing at the rink. Rory was checking Matthew out the whole time, Christopher was shooting him daggers the entire time.

The whole team warmed up with skating around the rink. Elliot skated up behind Matthew and collided with his back. Matthew slightly winced.

"You okay Matt?" Elliot asked.
"Yeah. Just late night." Matthew tried to keep it together.
"Late night, yeah right." Elliot laughed.
"I hate you." Matthew laughed as he nudged him with his elbow.
"You love me." Elliot laughed.
"Go hit something." Matthew joked.
"Yeah okay." Elliot laughed as he skated away.
"You okay?" Christopher asked him.
"Yeah, somebody fucked the shit out of me last night and this morning." Matthew whispered to him urgently.
"Hey, I didn't hear any complaints last night." Christopher smirked.
"Shut up." Matthew joked.
"You're not the only one sore, my knees hurt." Christopher sulked.
"You weren't complaining when you were on them earlier." Matthew smirked.
"Shut up Grayson." Christopher joked as he nudged him with his elbow.

Matthew laughed and kept joking around with Christopher. The twins skated up to them and started up conversation.

"Hey. What you guys talking about?" Rory skated up and put each of his arms on Matthew and Christopher's shoulders.
"None of your business." Christopher hissed as he picked Rory's arm off his shoulder.
"Just what we did last night." Matthew tried to be nice.
"What did you guys do?" Dylan asked.
"Just watched some movies." Matthew said.
"Worked out a bit." Christopher commented, he was trying not to smirk.
"Nothing too eventful." Matthew tried not to smirk too.
"Sounds fun!" Dylan commented.
"Very fun." Rory said blankly.
"Yeah it was real fun." Christopher remarked.
"Time to run drills captain." Matthew interjected.
"Drill time Sharpe. Better line up." Christopher smirked.

They practiced hard and long. Of course it was terrible for everyone, they trained hard for an upcoming game. It was their last game of the season, the last game they'd play that determined if they would go to state or not.

Dylan, Matthew, Elliot, and Christopher sat in the locker room by themselves slowly undressing. Of course Rory was pissed off out of no where. He stormed into the locker room.

"You're going to prom with that loser?!" Rory yelled as he pointed at Elliot.
"Back off." Dylan said as she pushed Rory back."He's not a loser and they actually care about me. Don't be fucking salty because I have a prom date." Dylan yelled back at him.

Her best friends minded their own business, they were far more scared of Dylan than they were Rory.

"I'm not fucking salty Dylan, you could've went with anybody but these losers? Come on. You're better than this." Rory remarked as he pushed her.
"Hey!" Elliot, Matthew, and Christopher exclaimed offended.
"You do not talk about my friends like that." Dylan snapped.
"We're not losers!" Matthew antagonized.
"You shut your pretty mouth." Rory remarked.
"Don't fucking talk about me like that." Matthew snapped at him.
"Out of all the cool people here, you side with the charity cases like always. You could be popular with me but you choose his confused ass and their gay asses." Rory nagged.
"Hey. You better shut your mouth before you get yourself kicked off this team." Christopher stood up.
"What are you gonna do about it captain?" Rory huffed.
"There's a reason there were two open roster spots genius." Dylan spat at him. "So if you enjoy playing hockey, you'll shut the fuck up and leave my friends alone." She continued.
"Get your shit and get out of here before you can't play, permanently." Christopher remarked. "Apologize to me and my friends here." Dylan smacked the back of his head.
"Fuck you." Rory yelled.
"If you ever say something like that to my friends ever again. I'll tell mom and she'll send you to live with grandma." Dylan whispered to him.
"You're a bitch." Rory whispered under his breath.
"Speak up. I didn't quite hear you." Dylan leaned in closer.
"Fine. I'm sorry." Rory said quickly.
"We don't accept your apology but thank you." Elliot smiled.
"You little-" Rory started forward.
"You may not wanna do that. Elliot is crazier than I am." Christopher held him back. "Go." Christopher cocked his head to the door.
"Fine." Rory scoffed.

Rory ran out of the locker room butt hurt.

"Ugh, I am so sorry about that." Dylan sighed.
"Don't sweat it." Christopher smiled. "Trust me my dad hasn't blown into town yet you ain't seen crazy yet." Christopher laughed.
"Your dad is coming back?" Elliot asked.
"Unfortunately." Christopher sighed.
"Wow. I never thought he'd come back." Elliot said.
"Huh?" Matthew and Dylan questioned.
"My dad was a big hot shot man-whore back in the day. Knocked up my mom when they were seniors, got married, had me. Left my mom, me, and my sister. He's been an on and off father since then. I haven't seen him in like 6 years. He left us with nothing. Whole town hates him." Christopher responded.
"Wow and I thought my parents were shitty co-parents." Dylan commented.
"That's just how it is sometimes. I never see my biological mother." Elliot commented.
"Are you guys okay!?" Matthew asked. (clearly the child raised in a home with both biological parents, if it was healthy or not.)
"He's coming into town around prom. He's definitely going to try and crash photo time." Christopher said.
"Does he know about your Grayson problem?" Elliot asked.
"I talk to him like five times every year via text. He definitely doesn't care enough to know about him." Christopher said.
"Is he going to be okay with me?" Matthew asked.
"No clue. He's gonna have to suck it up and deal with it. I will not tolerate him slandering you." Christopher threw his skate in his bag.
"That and I'm pretty sure your mom would kick his ass." Matthew laughed.
"Yeah that too." Christopher laughed.
"My dads are thrilled I'm finally engaging in school dances." Elliot said.
"My mom is so happy i'm finally getting out there and have a stable group of friends." Dylan said.
"I'm very glad we were able to provide that." Matthew smiled.
"You and me both. If not she would've definitely came to our games with the soul purpose of finding someone to send me to prom with." Dylan laughed.
"Stop me if I'm over stepping here. Out of curiosity why doesn't your brother live with your guys' dad?" Christopher asked.
"Yeah, you don't seem that close." Matthew said.
"Custody agreement until we turn 18.We're turning 17 soon, so he's probably gonna bounce to live with dad next year. We aren't very close but I'm close with our sisters." Dylan responded.
"Wait sisters?" Elliot questioned.
"Yeah. Rory and I aren't twins, we're two out of three. We're triplets, our sister is really anxious and doesn't go to public school anymore. We have an older sister too." Dylan said.
"Wow! You're going to have to introduce us sometime, if your sister is feeling up to it." Matthew smiled.
"She loves making friends she just has trouble." Dylan smiled. "You'll probably meet her when we take prom pictures." She continued.
"Wow, we're one in the same with siblings Sharpe." Matthew chuckled.
"It's a lot isn't it?" Dylan laughed.
"I couldn't imagine growing up with more than my sister." Christopher laughed.
"As the token only child. I don't know how any of you survived." Elliot laughed.
"We'll see you guys later." Matthew smiled.
"See ya!" Elliot said. "Be safe!" He continued.
"Make good decisions friends!" Dylan smiled.
"We can win that game on Thursday!" Christopher responded.

Christopher and Matthew were ready to be all over each other once more. They were in such a hurry they pulled into the woods near the school and got to it in the back seat. Life was good.

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