six : confusion

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Christopher spent some very long nights confused about everything. He'd never felt this way about anyone, he'd only went out with girls before and even then, it never felt like this. He turned to the internet for some sort of an answer.

Search : am i gay quiz? *delete*
Search : i like a boy now???? *delete*
Search : how do i know if i'm not straight anymore? *delete*

"Why is this so hard?" Christopher sighed in frustration.

Christopher knew he could find help at school. He confided in Ms. Penelope, maybe they had the answers. He went to her the following day. He went down to the office and asked to speak to her privately.

"Ms. Penelope, how does one come to terms with their identity?" Christopher stammered.
"Well it's not easy Chris, it's not like you wake up one day and know for sure. It's a long process and sometimes you don't put a label to it." Ms. Penelope enlightened him.
"i-is it like a feeling?" Christopher stuttered.
"Kind of?! Sometimes you just know, if you aren't certain sit on it for a while. You'll figure it out kiddo!" Ms. Penelope was this school's sun.

He thought about those words, he wasn't a hundred percent sure about it. Maybe an opportunity would present itself and make accepting himself easier.

"Hey CJ! You hear that some people are throwing a party this weekend?" a friend said.
"A party? What kind?" Christopher asked.
"Some sort of rave i guess. Might be fun wanna go?" he asked.
"I-I don't know..." Christopher said.
"The whole school is gonna be there, there might be some hot girls worth looking at..." his friend insisted.
"Fine. Just text me the address." Christopher caved.
"Yes! i'll see you there." His friend said.

Perhaps this was Christopher's silver lining, he was just hoping Matthew would be there.

Matthew was sitting down in the office with Ms. Penelope like usual when he was flipping through social media.
"Rave at ****"
"hm?" Matthew hummed. He sent the post to Elliot.

2:30 pm

Matt: you seein this?
Elliot: Yeah, apparently it's legit. Wanna check it out?
Matt: yeah ig, might as well enjoy my teenage years
Matt: Make my parents proud 😂
Elliot: there's the spirit 👍

They spent the day talking about the party. Wondering what to wear and who was gonna be there. Perhaps all was starting to fall in line for these two boys. Just maybe. It wasn't long before the party and Matthew had complete confidence that he was going to be having fun that night.

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