ninety-eight : after hours

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Two weeks till prom.

The friends didn't have a chance to go prom shopping, they had all been so busy with other things.

Matthew was sitting on the couch, Christopher walked in from Matthew's room.

"Hey, prom shopping today?" Christopher asked, he was holding his phone to his ear.
"Yeah." Matthew replied. "That E?" He questioned.
"He said yes, E." Christopher said. "We'll come pick you up." He added.

Christopher said his goodbyes.

"Get dressed." Christopher kissed Matthew's cheek.

After getting dressed, Matthew and Christopher hopped in the car. They took Christopher's car; Elliot and Dylan hopped in the car and they went to the mall. Matthew spilt off with Elliot and Dylan with Christopher, they enjoyed shopping separately and being pleasantly surprised.

"E, stop freaking out. You look great!" Matthew said.

Elliot stepped out of the dressing room, they walked in front of the mirror.

"I feel like an idiot Matt!" Elliot exclaimed. "This all feels wrong." He said.
"Elliot, you look great. Maybe try a suit with a better fit, but this is your color." Matthew smiled.
"Thank you." Elliot sighed. "I'm sorry, I just get so worked up over these things. I need to look perfect for Dylan." They said.
"E, she loves you for you. She won't mind if there's a hair out of place, you'll look great in whatever you choose; Dylan will love you in anything." Matthew replied.

Elliot just smiled at him. Christopher and Dylan were having a similar struggle across the mall.

"Cap, you're being bit dramatic! Matthew is going to love it, he's totally in love with you dude." Dylan said.
"Dylan this has to be perfect! This is Matthew and I's last prom together. I need it to be absolutely perfect." Christopher walked out of the dressing room. "Thoughts?" He sighed.
"Cap it looks great!" She said.
"But is it perfect D?" Christopher asked.
"Christopher. It doesn't have to be perfect, your boyfriend is totally head over heels in love with you dude. He is not going to worry about perfect as long as he's with you." Dylan comforted him. "Now, what about this one?" She asked.

Dylan walked out in a beautiful dress.

"Wow." Christopher looked at her. "You look beautiful." He smiled.
"Thank you." She smiled. "You think Elliot will like it?" She asked.
"Yes." Christopher chuckled.

Matthew and Elliot gave up shopping at their store, they met the others at the store they found some clothes at.

"You guys find anything?" Dylan asked.
"Nothing. Mind if we play through?" Matthew said.
"Be my guest." Dylan chuckled. "Beware your boyfriend." She said.
"Is he stressing?" Matthew questioned.
"A bit." Dylan replied.

Matthew found the dressing room Christopher was in, he knocked.

"Baby, you okay?" Matthew asked.
"Matthew?" Christopher questioned.
"Yes. Let me in?" Matthew questioned.

Christopher opened the door, he was dressed in what seemed like the 50th suit he had tried on.

"Damn." Matthew whispered to himself in awe.
"It looks bad doesn't it?" Christopher sighed.
"No, it looks, you look-wow." Matthew looked him up and down.
"Thank you." Christopher blushed. "You guys find anything?" He asked.
"Not a thing." Matthew chuckled.
"Need some help?" Christopher asked.
"Please." Matthew smiled.

Christopher put aside his struggle to help his boyfriend and their friend. In watching Matthew try on many a suit, he realized maybe he was being a little dramatic; it was just a suit. He realized Dylan was right, not everything needed to be perfect, Matthew wouldn't care as long as Christopher liked what he wore.

"Thoughts?" Matthew walked out of the dressing room in an all black suit.
"I think this is the one." Dylan smiled. "What do you think, Cap?" She looked over at Christopher.

Christopher was sat in the chair by the dressing room. He was profusely blushing, he barely held himself together.

"I-I think-" Christopher smiled, he couldn't stop.
"I'm going to go help Elliot." Dylan smiled as she excused herself.
"So, what do you think?" Matthew ran his hands through his hair.
"I'm the luckiest man alive." Christopher covered his face with his hands.

Matthew heard him, he began blushing a bit.

"Seriously, what do you think?" Matthew smiled.
"I love it, that's the one." Christopher replied.
"Good, because I love it." Matthew chuckled. "Did you still need help finding a suit?" He asked.
"Yeah, I think I have the perfect one in mind." Christopher smiled.

Christopher grabbed a suit almost identical to Matthew's, but slightly different, more himself. He tried it on and let Matthew see.

"Fuck." Matthew whispered to himself. "You look- I love-just fuck man." Matthew smiled at him.
"Yep, this is the one." Christopher smiled at him.
"Don't look at me like that." Matthew put his face in his hands.

Christopher walked over to him, he moved Matthew's hair out of his face.

"Matthew look at me." Christopher chuckled. Matthew lifted his gaze to meet Christopher's.
"You look very handsome." Matthew was absolutely flushed.
"That all?" Christopher questioned.
"The other things I'm thinking, cannot be said in public." Matthew said.
"Oh? Oh!" Christopher blushed.
"How's about we pay and go home?" Matthew asked.
"Only if I can spend the weekend." Christopher said.
"I'm not letting you go home till Sunday." Matthew replied.
"Good." Christopher smirked.

Everyone found their outfits for prom. They were all very happy to have found something to wear. They were all ridiculously excited for prom, it was their last one; and after that? Graduation was in the near future.

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