ninety : somewhere i belong

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January, five months till graduation

The boys started off the year together. They were each others New Years kiss, they just partied together with their friends.

Matthew was getting back to playing but it was slow. His shoulder was taking a while to heal, he was still benched for the most part. He would help with practices and attend every game; it was his duty as a team member.

He felt useless, like dead weight. He felt unlike himself, like he wasn't real. He went for many drives to occupy his time, he wanted to cry for help but he couldn't. He didn't want to bother anyone with the burden of his mental health.

Game day

He assured his coaches that he was fine, that he could play. He got put in.

This was his first game back. He was excited but still felt horrible for leaving the team with one less player. His grades were slipping and he was struggling.

The second period was heating up. Both teams were at each others throats, Christopher was trying to keep the peace. Matthew checked a player on the opposing team into the boards, he hoped the player would get angry and retaliate. He did.

The player grabbed Matthew and started punching him, Matthew lazily fought back. Matthew took many punches, one good one to the face. The refs separated them and sent both of them to the locker rooms.

"Number 96, Grayson, out of the game for unsportsmanlike conduct!" The ref yelled.

Matthew just grabbed his stick, gloves, helmet and walked to the locker room.

"What the fuck?" Elliot turned to Christopher.
"I don't know." Christopher replied.
"Hayes!" Coach Alastair yelled.
"Yes coach?" Christopher turned to her.
"Go talk to him." She said gently.

Christopher nodded and went to the locker room.

Matthew put his back against his locker and slid down to the ground; he banged his head against it a couple times.

"Really did it this time Matthew." He thought to himself.

He got up and sat on the bench. He began taking off his skates and gear; throwing each article into his hockey bag. Christopher walked in to see him wiping the flakes of ice off his blades before putting them away.

"Grayson." Christopher said, he wasn't sure how to approach him.

Matthew didn't hear him.

"Matthew." Christopher said.
"Captain." Matthew replied, not looking up.
"You okay?" Christopher asked.
"Fine." Matthew said.
"Let me see." Christopher said.

He grabbed Matthew's chin, picking his head up, and moving it to see the damage.

"Oh amor." Christopher sighed as he saw how badly Matthew was injured.

His lip was bleeding, his nose as well. He had a small cut on the bridge of his nose, followed by a bright red mark; surely a bruise, forming around his left eye and spread to his cheekbone.

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