seventy-two : 18

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July 27th.

Eighteen years ago this day, a boy was born. Today was Christopher's eighteenth birthday, today he was declared a legal adult. He wasn't thrilled, this just meant he was getting older. Each year presented to get more difficult, he felt the older he got the weirder and harder his life became. The year before his grandfather passed away and his father remained no contact. This past year his father tried to worm his way back, in the worst possible way. He found a true group of friends, he found his team. He became team captain, and now he had one of the best boyfriend's ever. He could never imagine being with someone so great, or someone he truly liked.

He woke up that morning, all he really wanted was to stay home and be alone. He purposely woke up early that morning, he wanted some alone time before anyone could wish him a happy birthday. He drove a few hours to Salt Lake City by himself, just a boy, his cassette tape collection, and his car. He took Bee; he decided he'd use the opportunity to see how well he ran on the highway. Christopher went to the mall and shopped by himself, barley anyone was in the mall. He stopped by the sporting goods store to get a new stick, get his skates sharpened, and look for a new mouth guard. Tryouts were coming up soon, he couldn't be more excited. He wasted time in the store while his skates were getting sharpened, he tested out new sticks and grips they had. He picked a new stick and mouth guard. He took his stuff up to the counter, he set everything down and got his wallet out.

"Hockey player eh?" The cashier said.
"Yeah." Christopher replied.
"Which school you play for?" The cashier asked.
"Lakewood High school." Christopher smiled.
"Lakewood? Aren't y'all the team that won the state championship ship last year?" The cashier asked.
"Yes we did." Christopher responded.
"Takes a good team to win that, son. Congratulations." The cashier said.
"Thank you." Christopher smiled.
"Here you go son. Have a nice day ya hear?" The cashier handed Christopher the bag.
"Thank you sir. You too." Christopher grabbed his bag and stick.

He made his way towards the skate sharpening station to pick up his skates. That was about the time his phone started flooding with messages.

Grayson❤️ 10:34 am
Happy birthday my love <3 you're officially old lol

Mamá 10:00 am
Happy birthday Mijo, i see you beat me to waking up lol remember to be at abuelitas later okay?

Abuelita 10:15 am
Happy Birthday mijo, see you later. Don't be late

You're old lol, happy birthday hermano. I'll see you at abuelitas.

He stared at all the messages. He couldn't believe how many people cared to send him a message this early in the day. He got his skates and went back to his car. He sat there in his front seat, he drove back to Lakewood. He decided to go to the cemetery and visit what was his favorite person. He pulled up in front of his grandfathers headstone, he got out and sat next to it.

"Hey abuelito." He sighed. "I know you wouldn't have forgotten, it's my birthday. I'm 18 today." He ran his hands through his hair. "It's just so insane, I wish you were here to see it."

He'd cried every birthday for the last eight years. He let the tears run down his face, he felt terrible. The absence of his father was nothing compared to the loss of his grandfather. The wounds on his knuckles were still there, just mostly healed. He stared at them as he felt the need to punch a tree again.

"You'd frankly be disappointed at my behavior lately. I broke my stick, I punched a tree." Christopher laughed. "It's been a rough year." He sighed. "I really wish you and Matthew had gotten to meet. He reunited Abuelita and your best friend Johnnie." He chuckled. "He's great, he's Matthew's grandpa. He likes the cars, especially baby." He smiled at the headstone. "Bee runs great. I took him to Salt Lake with me today." He continued. "I have to leave him at home though, Matthew insists we take his Camaro to Abuelita's." He chuckled. "The family insisted I have a party today. You'd love everyone, Elliot is a dork, Dylan and Ryan are just sweethearts, Matthew is amazing, and his family is even better. They're really nice to me and the rest of the family. You'd really love everyone." Christopher smiled.

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