thirty-three : would you go with me?

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Late March

Elliot and Christopher planned their prom-posals to their muses. They planned together, aided in each other's plans. Christopher planned to ask Matthew at a home game, Elliot planned to ask Dylan more privately.

Game day

They played a long hard game like usual, of course they won. Christopher quickly lost Matthew in their huddled team, he skated to the locker room and got his flowers and sign, Elliot and Dylan distracted Matthew.

"Isn't that Christopher?" Dylan smiled.

Matthew turned around to see Christopher standing there, still in his gear (minus his helmet, gloves, and stick) holding a sign and a rose in his mouth. The sign read:

"#96, I'm hoping to score a date with you. Prom?"

Matthew was taken aback, he blushed at the sight of him. His hair wet from sweat, some stuck to his forehead. He skated towards Christopher.

"I'm no Jack Hughes but, I'd love to be your prom date." Christopher smiled.
"Yes, I'll go to prom with you!" Matthew said as he took the rose out of his mouth, grabbed Christopher's face, pulled him in, and kissed him.

Matthew pulled away and smiled, Christopher seemed to smile and blush harder. Everyone in the stands aww-ed and celebrated themselves. Christopher and Matthew hurried the team to the locker room to help Elliot with his prom-posal. The whole team changed out in the locker room, the coaches helped them out too. Elliot was out on the ice waiting for Dylan.

"Hey Dylan, can you go get my whistle? I left it on the bench." Ms. Alastair asked.
"Yeah!" Dylan responded.
"Thank you." Ms. Alastair responded.

Dylan walked to the bench to search for the whistle, she didn't see it anywhere. She flinched at the spot light being turned on, she was met with Elliot on the ice. She saw written in pucks:


She was taken aback by the proposal. She hopped over the boards and walked out to Elliot.

"Would you go to prom with me?" Elliot asked, he was holding a rose.
"Yes!" Dylan hugged him.
"I was so nervous you'd say no." Elliot hugged her back and chuckled nervously.

Of course they had to go out to celebrate their victory and their successful proposals. They finished changing and getting their stuff together.

"Here, I want you to wear this tonight." Christopher handed Matthew his clean jersey.
"Really?" Matthew smiled.
"Yeah, unless you'd rather wear my varsity jacket." Christopher smirked.
"I'll take the jersey." Matthew laughed.

Matthew, Christopher, Elliot, and Dylan went to their favorite pizza place. They celebrated with pizza and video games. Christopher was kicking ass at pinball and Dylan was beating Elliot at some old arcade game. A breeze came through the restaurant, Dylan shivered.

"Here, you need it more than I do." Elliot handed Dylan his varsity jacket.
"Thanks." Dylan took it and put it on.

Matthew glanced over to Christopher.

"You did really good tonight." Matthew complimented him.
"You weren't too bad yourself." Christopher smiled, he looked him up and down.
"You wanna get out of here?" Matthew bit his lip.
"Of course." Christopher smirked.

They walked over to Elliot and Dylan. Matthew leaned against the arcade game, Christopher clung to him from behind, he kissed his neck and rested his head on Matthew's shoulder.

"Hey, we're gonna bounce. You two have a good rest of your night." Matthew smiled.
"Good game today, you guys have fun." Christopher smiled.
"You two have fun. Make good choices." Dylan laughed.
"Use protection!" Elliot laughed.
"Shut up!" Matthew jokingly shoved him.
"What?! I'm just looking out for you." Elliot chuckled.
"I'll see you guys later!" Matthew yelled as he walked out with Christopher.

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