seventy-nine : ashes

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Matthew drove home, these last few hours had jump started his brain. His ptsd was no where in sight but his anger bubbled below the surface. He was quite angry about the freshman who implied he was only dating, and sleeping, with Christopher for his spot on the team. The freshmen on the team added to his frustrations; none of them would hit him as hard as other players. He didn't know if that was because of his relationship status, or because they thought he couldn't take it.

*Now playing Duality by Slipknot*

The angry music filled Matthew's veins, he didn't go home. He drove to a look out Christopher had shown him, this was his zen place. Matthew pulled the e-brake up and put the car in neutral, he turned off the engine, turning the key only to keep the stereo on. He sat in the driver's seat trying to calm down. He scream the lyrics along with the song as loud as he could. He yelled and thrashed about as the frustration drained from his body. The song came to an end, the next one immediately played.

*Now playing Mary on a Cross by Ghost*

The still metal filled his ears, it wasn't angry but more gentle. He let the song flow through his being, feeling the soothing rhythm and soft lyrics enter his ears. He took a deep breath in and out, he regulated his breathing before turning his music down and realizing he took off without saying anything. He texted in the group chat.

Grayson: I am so sorry guys, I just took off
Grayson: I know we usually get dinner together after practices, ill be there if anyone's still down, my treat

Matthew stared at the chat waiting for someone to respond, or at least see it. Christopher saw the text but waited a second before responding. He didn't want to punish Matthew or make him feel bad, sometimes his feelings were big. Christopher took note of his own feelings first, he wasn't angry or anything, he just wished Matthew would've left him a text or something.

Christopher: scratch that guys, I'm taking Matthew on a date tonight. We'll get dinner tomorrow yeah?
Dylan: yeah! Tomorrow works :)
Elliot: we have practice tomorrow don't have too much fun love birds ;)

Christopher chuckled at his phone. He called Matthew.

"Before you start to apologize, go home. Freshen up, we're having a date." Christopher said.
"A date?" Matthew asked.
"Yeah. I think we could use some alone time." Christopher replied. "I'll be over in 30." He said.
"Okay, I'll see you in a bit. Drive safe, I love you." Matthew said.
"I love you too." Christopher replied.

Christopher continued heading home. He quickly freshened himself up and changed clothes. He grabbed the old jersey Matthew wanted, some of his shirts that were two sizes too big for Matthew, and boxers he shrunk in the wash. Christopher folded the clothes neatly into a pile, giving them a spritz of his cologne before putting them into a bag. He hopped back into his car taking the gift with him. He drove the 20 minutes to Matthew's house, all preparing himself for the worst, he had no clue what his boyfriend was feeling right now.

Matthew stood in the shower washing away the guilt he had felt sticking to his skin like oil. He grounded himself, he affirmed his feelings and made sure he wasn't too terrible ashamed of them.

Christopher had arrived while Matthew was still freshening up, he let himself in. No one had gotten home yet, Sam was out, while Mr. and Mrs. Grayson were tending to their jobs. Christopher walked up the stairs into Matthew's bedroom, he passed the bathroom on the way up. He sat on his bed and waited for Matthew's return.

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