seventeen : anger issues

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A/N : I am queer myself and i censored the F slur bc it makes me uncomfortable as it does a lot of people.

Another day, another practice for the boys. The stress of having their families in town was getting to them, perhaps practice would let them blow off steam. Matthew drove to practice with Elliot, they got in their gear and started skating around.

"Your family pissing you off yet?" Elliot asked.
"Yes, they set a new personal record every holiday." Matthew said.
"At least your aunts and uncles aren't making fun of your Russian." Elliot laughed.
"Trust me I might fight my cousin in the front yard." Matthew laughed.
"They that bad?" Elliot asked as they skated around the rink.
"She's terrible, they got here like 3 days ago and she's always up in my face. Asking about the team, what position I play." Matthew growled.
"She doesn't seem that bad." Elliot said.
"She asked me if the guys on the team were hot and if I had any games she could come to so she could 'watch the team'." Matthew snapped.
"She sounds..." Elliot started.
"Like a complete puck-slut?" Matthew questioned.
"Let's opt for puck-bunny." Elliot laughed.

Christopher skated up.

"Who's a puck-bunny?" Christopher asked.
"The cousin I was telling you about." Matthew hissed.
"Damn, she that bad?" Christopher asked.
"Yeah. I swear if she tries to pick up in either one of you, i'm going to kick her with my skates on." Matthew fumed. " are you guys coping ?" Matthew chuckled.
"Not good." Elliot said.
"Yeah what he said." Christopher chuckled.
"Elliot you start." Matthew said.
"Well, my babushka is really something. She is making the best food, she keeps telling me about growing up in the Soviet Union. My aunts and uncles are there i guess, they aren't really cool. They just keep pestering me about my gender identity and the age old question of 'why don't you have a girlfriend yet?' it's terrible." Elliot fumed.
"You too? My tías keep pinching my cheeks and asking me 'Why don't you have a girlfriend yet mijo?' at-least my abuela is letting up about it. She really doesn't care, she's just pestering my tias and tios about not having more kids." Christopher laughed.
"My aunts and uncles are already pestering my siblings about having kids." Matthew said.
"Aren't they college students?" Elliot asked.
"Yeah. It's so annoying." Matthew said.

They went back to complaining about their families and talking about their struggles.

"Okay! Bring it in everyone!" Ms. Alastair yelled.
"Today is going to be light practice everyone due to the game later." Coach Briggs said.
"For the next two hours we're going to practice our shots, slap shots, wrist, backhand, snap, every shot, deke's. Foot work, speed, and agility." Ms. Penelope yelled.
"Now everyone get into groups of three and practice your passing, assists, and goals." Coach Briggs yelled.

Elliot, Christopher, and Matthew partnered up and went to practicing. Matthew practiced deke-ing and mainly foot work, he practiced his assists with his friends. They worked in sync and could do so with great skill. Christopher let Matthew take some shots so he could practice scoring, Elliot helped them with their slap shots.

"There you go! Put your whole upper body into it, twist your whole upper body and put some anger behind it. Just think about your family and shoot." Elliot advised.
"How do you do this so well?" Matthew chuckled.
"Lots of practice." Elliot laughed.

One of Christopher's other friends skated over to him, he was busy watching Matthew and Elliot take slap shots. He leaned against the boards.

"Why do you hang out with them?" Evan, Christopher's terrible human 'friend' said.
"They're cool. Matthew is like the best skater on the team and Elliot's slap shots are amazing." Christopher explained.
"But they're gay." Evan spat.
"Matthew is bisexual. Elliot only goes by he/they and their sexuality doesn't have a label." Christopher grabbed his collar. "Get your facts straight before you start making fun of someone." Christopher tightened his grip.
"Damn CJ. I was just saying they're not normal. They isn't even a pronoun, im gonna start calling him it." Evan grinned.
"Shut the fuck up. They're just being themselves, something you're not comfortable doing, I see the bad boy front you put up but you're really just an asshole." Christopher picked him up and shoved him against the boards. "If i hear you make fun of them again, I'll ruin your chances at getting into college and hurt you so bad you'll never play hockey again. Have i made myself clear?" Christopher asked.
"Yeah yeah!" Evan yelped.
"Good, now get back to practice. Your stick handling needs work." Christopher smirked as he dropped him.

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