fifteen: woman-ly advice

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10:37 am

Chris: Hey, sorry i've been wrapped up in school. Was wondering if you were still grounded?
Matt: Sadly yes :( but my mom is letting me spend my day with my siblings
Chris: That sounds amazing, you haven't seen them in a while yeah?
Matt: Yeah, we're indulging in some retail therapy together
Chris: That sounds amazing! well i hope you have an amazing day out with your siblings, text me when you get the chance <3
Matt: thanks! i will

I guess this left Christopher to relax for the rest of the day. Maybe he could spend some time with his sister and mom.

"Mamá, wanna spend the day together?" Christopher asked his mom, Angela, who was sitting on the couch.
"What's the special occasion Chris?" She asked.
"Nothing, just need to talk about something's. Maybe we can invite Eva? I know she doesn't work today and she's been stressed." Christopher said.
"That sounds like a great idea Chris! I'll call your sister." Angela said.
"Okay, let me grab my keys. I'll drive." Christopher said.

They hopped in the car and were off to pick up his sister, Evangeline. She hopped in the car and Chris drove them to a restaurant to catch brunch. Of course, he was paying for brunch. They sat down and started chatting about life.

"How's school CJ?" Evangeline asked.
"It's school, i've been swamped." Christopher chuckled.
"I hated test season." Evangeline said. "and Mamá, how's work?" She asked.
"It's work," Angela laughed. "busier than usual." She continued.
"So, Chris. What did you need to talk about?" Angela asked.
"I've wanted to tell you both about this for a while, i've just struggled to put my thoughts into words. Bare with me because this is going to be a lot. I've met someone and i like him, I like him a lot. He's amazing and he's different than anyone i've met before." Christopher was interrupted.
"Christopher, if you're going to tell us you're gay. We know baby." Angela said.
"You knew?" Christopher responded.
"Yes we do, we know." Evangeline said.
"Really?" Christopher was surprised.
"Yes baby, and we love you. So continue about this boy." Angela giggled.
"Okay then, his name is Matthew. He moved here from New York." Christopher started to explain.
"A city boy?" Angela teased.
"He plays hockey, he's amazing. He's really smart and really sweet. I just don't know what to do about it." Christopher uttered.
"Is he cute?" Angela asked.
"He's beautiful." Christopher gushed.
"How does he make you feel hermanito?" Evangeline asked.
"I like who I am when I'm with him. He makes me a better person, he really sees me for me. And i seem to balance him out." Christopher explained.
"Does he seem to like you mijo?" Angela asked.
"He seems to, he seems really invested in our conversations. He's really amazing. We have so much in common too." Christopher continued.
"How'd a New York city boy make it here?" Evangeline asked.
"He said his mom got a better job here, it's closer to his siblings." Christopher said.
"His parents together?" Angela asked.
"Mamá!" Evangeline exclaimed.
"No it's okay. His parents are married and together, they seem happy together. His mom is really nice, i made sure he got home after a party." Christopher shared.
"Mijo, do you like this boy?" Angela asked.
"Yeah." Christopher responded.
"Does being with him feel good? When you look at him does the whole world stop?" Evangeline asked.
"Yeah..." Christopher responded.
"Would you do anything for this boy?" Angela asked.
"Yes." Christopher said.
"Give it a while Mijo. Ride it out and see if it plays out like you want it to. You'll be okay, if it doesn't work out it wasn't meant to be. If it does, I'll dance with you at the wedding." Angela smiled.

Christopher spent his day contemplating the advice he had received from his mom and sister. Christopher wanted to tell Matthew but he was in it for the long haul.

7:30 pm

Matt: Hey, i'm so sorry i've been shopping nonstop with my siblings all day. Heading home now.
Chris: It's okay! did you find anything good?
Matt: Yeah! i'll have to send you pictures! I'll tell you all about my day the next time we see each other.
Chris: Sounds great, i'm glad you had fun. Thank your siblings for me.
Matt: as long as you don't tell my mom Jonathan tagged along, she didn't know he came along.
Chris: Your guys' secret is safe with me lol i'm really glad you had fun <3
Matt: They really like you, my brother mostly likes your car lol
Chris: Does he? Maybe i'll have to meet them so i can show my baby off!
Matt: They want to meet you. AFTER we have all of our feelings in check and have words to put to whatever it is we do.
Chris: I'd love to meet them! Seeing how great they raised you they seem really cool.
Matt: You'd love them. maybe i can kill two birds with one stone and have them meet Elliot and you in the same visit
Chris: That sounds amazing! i'd love a more personal visit too
Matt: They'd love to meet the people that made sure my drunk ass got home okay
Chris: They sound cool lol
Matt: I gotta go, I'll text you later?
Chris: Sounds good <3

Maybe it was going to work out after all. Christopher was relieved that Matthew's siblings liked him but, all he could think was,

he talked about me? he thinks about me when I'm not around?

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