twenty-nine : silent rivalry

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It was another day at school. The boys were now dating, they kept it to themselves so they could enjoy what was only theirs for a while. Rory kept hitting on Matthew like a creep; Christopher was having none of it. As much as Matthew kept politely dismissing him, Rory was persistent. He'd get uncomfortably close to Matthew and try to hold his hand. It was so bad Matthew was uncomfortable if he was left alone with him.

It even continued at practice. Twins first practice, Christopher was not excited. The whole team got out onto the ice as the coaches called them in for a huddle.

"Okay team, this is Rory and Dylan Sharpe. They're filling the two open roster spots for the rest of the season." Ms. Alastair said.
"Be nice with them boys, they're from Vegas. We all know the Golden Knights aren't doing great this year." Coach Briggs joked earning laughs from the whole team.
"Alright team, run drills with them. We need to work on our footwork and our shooting today." Ms. Penelope said.

They ran their drills. Of course Rory tried to make advances, Matthew shut him down right away.

"You doing anything later?" Rory asked Matthew.
"Yeah actually. I have an important date I don't wanna miss." Matthew tried to keep it together.
"Maybe I can take you off her hands." Rory smirked.
"He would kill you before you could even blink." Matthew smiled.

Christopher overheard that and smiled to himself. Elliot would help shut Rory down by "accidentally" running into him. Elliot was teaching Dylan how to slap shot, the two other boys were busy being cute.

"So I was thinking we go out for ice cream or something." Christopher smiled.
"How about, we curl up on my couch and take a long nap followed by dessert." Matthew suggested.
"Will you wear my jersey?" Christopher asked.
"Yes." Matthew laughed.
"Only my jersey?" Christopher smirked.
"No asshole." Matthew laughed.
"What? You just look so unbelievably sexy in my jersey." Christopher drooled.
"Pick your jaw up, don't want Elliot to catch you lacking." Matthew laughed.
"But you're so hot." Christopher whispered.
"You can fantasize about me later. Practice is over genius." Matthew laughed again.
"Too late. Already fantasizing." Christopher joked.
"Come on, if we go now we can mess around on the couch." Matthew said.
"Don't have to tell me twice." Christopher quickly raced to get changed and put his stuff away.
"It's like having a puppy." Matthew said to himself.

Rory grabbed Matthew's sleeve as he walked into the locker room.

"Hey, nice practicing today." Rory fumbled.
"Yeah. You were good too." Matthew responded, he kept slowly walking into the locker room.
"You always this perfect?" Rory attempted to hit on him.
"Yes. If you don't mind I have someone waiting for me." Matthew stated quickly.

Matthew practically ran into the locker room. He got dressed so quickly so he wouldn't have to see Rory again. He walked out holding onto Christopher's bicep, clinging to him for safety from this guy he barley knew. They left quickly and arrived at Matthew's house safely.

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