fifty-three : all summer long

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Late May, summer break.

School ended. It was summer time, the boys' last summer. They would graduate next year, so they made sure to make stupid decisions and make the most of it. Unfortunately for the boys it was time to start off-season training. Christopher went to Matthew's house with the intent of them starting. He got out of his car and Matthew's mom let him in.

"Christopher! Come in. How are you?" Matthew's mom asked.
"I'm good, how are you?" Christopher smiled.
"I'm good. He's still asleep, wake him at your own risk." She laughed.
"Trust me I know." Christopher chuckled.
"Summer time has him catching up on sleep." She smiled. "Help yourself to anything in the kitchen, I am running late. Will you let him know that his dad and I will be back later and Sam is out?" She asked.
"Yeah." Christopher said.
"Thank you. Have fun trying to get him up." She smiled.

Matthew's mom left for a work endeavor. Christopher walked to Matthew's room and gently opened his door. He saw Matthew soundly sleeping wrapped up in the covers. He slid his shoes off and climbed into bed with him. He laid next to him.

"Matthew..." Christopher whispered as he left small kisses on his cheek.
"mmm." Matthew groaned.
"Matt..." Christopher sang.
"mhm." Matthew hummed in disagreement.
"wake up my amor." Christopher nuzzled his face in Matthew's neck.
"why?" Matthew groaned.
"Your morning voice is hot." Christopher joked. "Wake up, we have to train today." Christopher kissed the back of his neck.
"it's too early." Matthew groaned.
"Matthew it's 1:30 in the afternoon." Christopher chuckled.
"Still too early." Matthew groaned.
"we can go get donuts later..." Christopher sang.
"I'm awake." Matthew turned around. He stretched and woke up a bit. "Hi." Matthew admired him.
"Good Morning." Christopher chuckled.
"You're really here." Matthew said.
"Yes I am. Your mom let me in." Christopher chuckled.
"I thought I was dreaming." Matthew smiled. "But if this were a dream, you wouldn't be wearing clothes." Matthew smirked.
"Are you trying to romance me so we won't have to train today?" Christopher ran his fingers through Matthew's hair.
"Yes." Matthew laughed. "Is it working?" Matthew asked.
"Not falling for it this time." Christopher smiled. "Come on, get up." Christopher got up.
"I don't want to." Matthew whined.
"Get up. We have shit to do." Christopher kneeled on his side of the bed.
"I hate you." Matthew joked.
"You love me." Christopher smirked. "Get up." Christopher kissed his forehead.
"I'm holding you to the donuts you promised!" Matthew yelled at him.
"You'll get them!" Christopher yelled back.

Christopher sat on the couch until Matthew finally got up. Matthew got dressed and walked out. He sat his phone on the counter and stood behind the couch, Christopher threw his head back to look up at him.

"Your mom said she and your dad will be back later, and Sam is out." Christopher said.
"So just us today?" Matthew asked.
"Just us." Christopher smirked.
"Good." Matthew smiled.

He leaned down and spider-man kissed him. Christopher grabbed at his shirt and rested his hand in his hair. Matthew pulled away and smiled at him.

"So handsome." Matthew kissed him again.

Christopher caught his breath and admired him.

"Still trying to romance me?" Christopher smirked.
"Yeah." Matthew chuckled.
"Come on, your stick handling needs work." Christopher teased.
"Your skating needs work." Matthew smirked.
"Now that hurt." Christopher joked.

They went outside. Christopher got his stuff out of his car and sat on the concrete. He pulled out his knife and cut the old grip tape off his stick.

"Jesus, when was the last time you replaced that?" Matthew asked.
"It was a really busy season okay?" Christopher laughed.
"Busy or distracting?" Matthew teased.
"Both." Christopher chuckled.

They shamelessly hit on each other. They laced their rollerblades up and practiced their skating. They skated around and played an old fashioned game of one on one. Matthew was winning.

"You really need to work on that speed." Matthew smirked.
"How are you so fucking fast?" Christopher panted.
"Don't know. But you need to pick up the speed babe, im leaving you in the dust." Matthew chuckled.
"You are a pain in my ass you know that?" Christopher joked.
"Literally or figuratively?" Matthew smiled. 
"Both." Christopher panted.

They continued playing, Matthew kept beating him. No matter how fast Christopher skated, his boyfriend would always be faster.

"Come on pretty boy, you can get faster than that!" Matthew heckled him.
"I am going to kill you when I catch up to you." Christopher huffed.
"Good luck." Matthew laughed.
"I hate you." Christopher panted.
"I love you." Matthew smiled.

They played for hours. Christopher was laying on the driveway, he was exhausted. Matthew sat down beside him.

"Here." Matthew handed him a water.
"Thanks." Christopher sighed.
"It's the least I can do after kicking your ass." Matthew smiled.
"You did not kick my ass." Christopher scoffed. Matthew just raised his eyebrow. "Okay fine. Maybe you kicked my ass." Christopher laughed.
"I don't want to rush you but, you smell like a wet dog." Matthew said.
"I do." Christopher chuckled.
"Come on, hit the shower Hayes." Matthew smirked.
"Fine." Christopher sighed.

They showered up and relaxed. Christopher practically collapsed on Matthew's bed. He laid there waiting for Matthew to return. He fell asleep waiting for him, Christopher was curled up in his bed. Matthew walked in and saw him sleeping, he usually would've left him alone but he did make him get out of bed earlier than he wanted to.

"Wake up." Matthew threw a pillow at him.
"no." Christopher groaned.
"You promised me donuts." Matthew nudged him.
"but i'm tired." Christopher whined.
"If I let you sleep, can we get donuts tomorrow?" Matthew asked.
"uhmm." Christopher hummed in agreement.
"Fine, scoot over. We'll nap." Matthew smiled.

Christopher rolled over, he hugged Matthew and pulled him in as he fell asleep. Christopher kissed his forehead and played with his hair.

"you smell really good." Christopher said half asleep.
"Thank you." Matthew smiled.
"you're so pretty." Christopher breathed. "i really love you." Christopher pulled him in closer.
"I love you too." Matthew was flustered.

Tiredness brings out the lovey dovey side of people. For Christopher, it was very lovey. Matthew liked when he was like this; yes he was romantic all the time but, when he was half asleep his emotions were more raw and he didn't have to struggle to communicate this.

"You're so cute when you're like this." Matthew traced shapes on his back.
"so beautiful..." Christopher took his scent in once more.
"Do you love me more than your car?" Matthew poked fun.
"I love you more than anything." Christopher whispered as he drifted off to sleep.

Matthew was taken aback. He'd heard these words from his boyfriend before but then, he didn't believe it as much as he did right now. Matthew pulled out his phone and let Christopher's mom know he'd be spending the night. Matthew pulled Christopher closer and drifted off to sleep himself.

The following morning they cuddled until noon. This was nice, they hadn't had the time to just stay in bed together in the past. Matthew slept while Christopher went out to get donuts. He brought them back and woke Matthew up with them. They napped and watched movies all day. It was their perfect day.

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