eighteen : celebratory dinner

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The boys pulled up to Matthew's house and got out.

"You can leave your car here. Pull it around back." Matthew said.
"I'm gonna go take my stuff in and grab my siblings, you guys wanna come say hi to my mom and dad?" Matthew asked.
"Sure." Christopher said.
"Yeah! I'd rather ask your mom if it's okay that I park around back." Elliot laughed.
"Okay come on in and meet the family." Matthew welcomed them in. "You guys can even bring your stuff if you're worried about it." Matthew added.

The boys ventured inside to say hello and collect Matthew's siblings for a celebratory dinner.

"Hey Mom! I'm home! And I brought company!" Matthew yelled as he entered the house.
"Oh! Hey sweetie! How was the game boys?" Krista asked.
"It was awesome!" Elliot exclaimed.
"We won." Christopher laughed.
"Oh congratulations!" Krista hugged them all.
"Thank you." Christopher smiled.
"Christopher is also team captain now." Matthew commented.
"Really? What happened to that other boy?" Krista asked.
"He is an ignorant prick, he made some stupid comments about Matthew and I." Elliot said.
"I'll go down to that school and-" Krista started.
"Whoa mom, he was kicked off the team and our coaches definitely had their way with him." Matthew laughed.
"All right. You guys look so handsome in your varsity jackets." Krista squealed.
"Thank you Ms. Grayson." Christopher laughed.
"Oh please call me Krista. Ms. Grayson makes me feel old." Krista laughed.
"Okay." Christopher laughed.
"Where's SJ, Jon, and Sam?" Matthew asked.
"Oh, they're in Sam's room. I'll go get them, introduce your friends to the family." Krista said.

Matthew walked with his friends over to the second living room.

"Grandpa!" Matthew exclaimed, going to hug him.
"Oh Matthew! How is my favorite grandson?" Matthew's grandpa asked.
"You say that to my brothers too grandpa." Matthew laughed.
"You caught me! Who are your friends?" Matthew's grandpa asked.
"This is Christopher and Elliot, they're my friends and teammates." Matthew informed him.
"How wonderful! Nice to meet you boys." Matthew's grandpa said.
"Nice to meet you sir. I'm Christopher." Christopher shook his hand.
"Strong grip young man. You remind me of myself when I was young." Matthew's grandpa laughed.
"Thank you sir." Christopher smiled.
"I'm Elliot, nice to meet you sir." Elliot shook his hand.
"Strong grip too son." Matthew's grandpa smiled.
"Thank you sir." Elliot chuckled.
"Did you guys win?" Matthew's grandpa asked.
"Yes we did Grandpa." Matthew laughed.
"Oh yes! Congratulations boys." Matthew's grandpa laughed.
"Thank you sir." Elliot and Christopher laughed.
"You all look so snazzy in your jerseys and jackets." Matthew's grandpa smiled. "Here." He handed Matthew a crisp hundred dollar bill. "Go out and celebrate. Ask your sister to buy you guys a beer or something." Matthew's grandpa laughed.
"Grandpa I-" Matthew was interrupted.
"Don't tell your mom." Matthew's grandpa winked.
"I won't." Matthew laughed."Um, is Auntie Evelyn here?" Matthew asked.

Evelyn walked in.

"Matthew! My nephew, how was your game?" Evelyn asked.
"They won Evie!" Matthew's grandpa yelled.
"Oh! That's my boy! Are these your friends?" Evelyn asked as she hugged him.
"Yes, this is Christopher." Matthew gestured to him.
"Hello." Christopher waved.
"And Elliot." Matthew gestured to him.
"Hi." Elliot said.
"They are my teammates as well, Christopher here is team captain." Matthew smiled.
"Team captain huh? You are handsome young men!" Evelyn exclaimed.
"Thank you ma'am." Christopher smiled.
"Call me Evelyn or Evie." Evelyn laughed.
"Nice to meet you Evelyn." Elliot kissed her hand.
"Oh, what a charming young man!" Evelyn smiled.
"I'm sorry auntie but we better get going. We're going out for a celebration dinner." Matthew laughed.
"Have fun, if you guys get shitfaced. I'm one phone call away." Evelyn laughed.
"Alright Auntie." Matthew laughed.
"It was lovely meeting you boys." Evelyn said.
"Likewise ma'am." Christopher smiled.
"You better date that boy." Evelyn whispered in Matthew's ear.
"Oh i'm already on it." Matthew whispered back chuckling.
"That's my boy." Evelyn fist bumped him.
"Have fun boys!" Matthew's grandpa yelled.
"We will grandpa!" Matthew responded.

The boys walked upstairs to see Matthew's siblings, uncles, aunt, and parents sitting upstairs.

"There's the winners!" Spencer said as she went in to hug Matthew.
"Congrats little brother and friends." Jonathan said.
"Oh yeah, this is Christopher and Elliot, you know them!" Matthew said.
"My extra sons! Christopher and Elliot, how are you?" Andrew said. (Matthew's dad)
"We're good Mr. Grayson." Christopher laughed.
"Thank you for asking Mr. Grayson." Elliot laughed.
"Congrats boys. Have a nice victory dinner." Andrew smiled.
"Thank you sir." Elliot and Christopher laughed.
"You guys ready to go?" Matthew asked.
"Yeah! Is Sammy coming?" Matthew asked.
"Yeah!" Jonathan responded.
"Alright let's go. We're taking Christopher's car." Matthew said.
"Nice! I finally get to ride in that beauty!" Jonathan cheered.

Everyone walked out to his car and piled in. They rode to the restaurant with the sounds of classic rock in the background. They arrived and sat down, it was a pizza place with an arcade. They ordered their pizza and had the normal dinner conversation.

"Where's your family from Elliot? You've seen we're painfully white." Spencer laughed.
"We're Ukrainian/Russian-Americans, my grandma is Russian and grandpa is Ukrainian. Everyone speaks Russian, I understand it better than I speak it. One of my dad's is first generation Ukrainian-Russian American and the other is german. So i'm basically trilingual." Elliot laughed.
"Wow! What about you Christopher?" Jonathan asked.
"My family is Mexican-American. We all speak fluent Spanish. I just don't speak it that much outside of the house and when I'm not with my family." Christopher explained.
"Damn, that's so cool." Jonathan said.
"Yeah it's pretty funny getting yelled at in Spanglish." Christopher laughed.
"Can we go check out the arcade?" Sam asked.
"Yes! Let's go!" Jonathan cheered.
"You wanna come Matt?" Spencer asked.
"We'll join in a bit." Matthew smiled.
"Suit yourself, I'm gonna go play games with your brothers and sister!" Elliot exclaimed.

Christopher hung back with Matthew and talked to him. He held his hand and stared at him.

"Good job today." Christopher smiled.
"Thanks. Congratulations on your first win captain." Matthew smiled. "Thank you for defending my honor." Matthew laughed.
"It's no problem. No one should be talked about like that." Christopher smiled.
"You're amazing." Matthew laughed.
"You look very nice in your jacket." Christopher complimented him.
"Thank you Mr. Hayes, you look very ravishing this evening." Matthew joked.
"Why thank you Mr. Grayson." Christopher laughed.
"Do you wanna stay the night?" Matthew asked.
"Of course." Christopher said.
"C'mon, if we don't go game with them they'll be teasing me about forever." Matthew laughed.
"Whatever you say Matthew." Christopher laughed.

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