twenty-eight : beginning of a beautiful friendship

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The friend group was indifferent to Rory. Alas, they liked Dylan. They tried to catch her when she wasn't with Rory to befriend her. They finally caught her at lunch.

"Would you like to be our friend?" Elliot asked.
"Um sure. Why all the sneaking around?" Dylan laughed.
"Because your brother creeps us out." Christopher whispered.
"And I'd rather not be within an arms length of him." Matthew said.
"Understandable. Yeah, I know he's really gross. I'm so sorry for whatever he's done to you." Dylan sighed.
"He hasn't done anything don't worry." Matthew smiled.
"Not yet." Christopher scoffed quietly.
"Shut it babe." Matthew whispered as he hit him slightly.
"He's harmless. If he's being a douchebag just let me know and I'll set him straight." Dylan smiled.
"Thank you." Matthew smiled.
"You're really nice. Like so much nicer than your brother." Elliot laughed.
"Thank you, he was more spoiled growing up." Dylan laughed.
"That must've sucked. I'm so sorry." Elliot tilted his head.
"It's okay." Dylan smiled.
"Um, Chris didn't we have to go see Ms. Penelope?" Matthew asked.
"Uh..." Christopher stuttered as Matthew winked at him. "Yeah, she wanted to talk about potential jersey designs incase we make state." Christopher made up a quick lie.
"We're so sorry we have to leave but, it was nice chatting." Matthew smiled as he started gently shoving Christopher.
"Yeah, um, Elliot I'll see you in 6th period. Dylan we'll see you at practice." Christopher spat out.

They quickly ran out, Elliot was still giving them the look of 'you're setting me up right now'. They hurried to the locker room to give their friends some time and hide out. They sat down on the ground and started talking.

"He's totally crushing on her isn't he?" Christopher asked.
"Totally." Matthew smiled.
"I'm getting total deja vu." Christopher laughed.
"You and me both." Matthew laughed. "It was really attractive how you came up with that detailed lie." He continued.
"You like that?" Christopher smirked.
"Smug ass. Lunch is almost over." Matthew smiled as he turned to look at the boy next to him.
"We still have time." Christopher smirked, he leaned in and left sensual kisses on Matthew's neck.
"Chris, we're at school." Matthew laughed.
"Yes we are." Christopher said between kisses.
"'re intoxicating..." Matthew sighed. "Boy, we have class." Matthew chuckled.
"Fine." Christopher huffed.
"You'll survive." Matthew laughed.

Matthew got up and started returning to class.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Christopher said, struggling to get up.
"You're awfully slow for a center." Matthew laughed.
"Shut up Grayson." Christopher smiled as he placed a kiss on his lover's lips.
"You're gonna be late." Matthew smiled.
"I can afford one tardy." Christopher smiled as he brought their foreheads together.
"Smooth bastard." Matthew laughed.
"You love it." Christopher chuckled.

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