forty : a sharpe birthday

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april 22nd.

Today was Dylan's 17th birthday. It was her sister and brother's birthday as well, though she didn't really care about her brother she was thankful she had another sibling to spend it with. Her best friends surprised her at her home with hugs and gifts.

"Happy Birthday Dylan!" Elliot hugged her.
"Thank you!" Dylan hugged him back.
"Happy birthday Dyl." Matthew smiled.
"Happy birthday Sharpe. Or should I say Lakewood record holder." Christopher joked.
"Shut up, it's only 50 goals." Dylan laughed.
"Only 50?" Christopher laughed.
"What's this?" Dylan spotted a gift bag.
"A gift from all of us and our coaches." Matthew said.

Dylan pulled out the article of clothing that the gift bag contained. It was her letterman's jacket, complete with her all-star patch, and various hockey patches.

"Where did you guys get this!?" Dylan asked.
"We had Ms. Alastair put a rush on it since it was your birthday." Elliot said.
"It's only right that you get to dawn your letter!" Matthew commented.
"And you'll be able to match with our jackets." Christopher smiled. "We also might've paid for it." Christopher said quickly.
"You paid for this?!" Dylan exclaimed. "It was like 100 dollars!" She continued.
"It doesn't matter! You deserve this." Elliot said.

She hugged them all again. They were chatting when Dylan's sister walked in.

"Who was at the door Dyl?" A girl walked in.
"Oh, guys this is my sister Ryan. Ryan these are my friends." Dylan introduced them.
"Is this your triplet sister?" Matthew asked.
"Yeah." Dylan responded.
"Oh hey Elliot." Ryan smiled.
"Hi!" Elliot waved.
"You've met her already?" Christopher asked.
"I hang around here sometimes with Dylan." Elliot said.
"It's nice to finally meet Dylan's friends. She's told me a lot about you guys." Ryan leaned on the counter.
"We were just about to head out, take Dylan out for dinner. You're welcome to join us if you'd like." Matthew offered.
"We were gonna hit up a party later too, if that's your kind of thing." Christopher said.
"You don't have to come, they're really generous. I know that parties aren't really your thing." Dylan said.
"I'd love to come. Maybe mom will get off my case." Ryan smiled.
"Alright, let's go." Christopher smiled.

They all jumped in Christopher's car and headed to the restaurant. It was an italian restaurant, all of their favorites.

"Thank you guys for letting me join." Ryan thanked them.
"It's no problem." Christopher smiled.
"No one should spend their birthday alone." Matthew smiled.
"Still I'm glad my sister has so many great friends and doesn't have to spend her time at school alone. We all know our brother isn't the most reliable." Ryan chuckled.
"Trust me we don't hang around that asshole." Christopher laughed.
"Christopher." Matthew elbowed him.
"What?" Christopher responded.
"It's okay, he really is an asshole." Ryan smiled."You're the one who stood up to him aren't you?" Ryan continued.
"Yeah." Christopher smiled.
"So that must make you the one Rory was in love with." Ryan pointed at Matthew.
"I'm gonna kill him." Christopher said.
"No." Matthew responded.

They continued their dinner conversation. They talked about the usual hockey, Ryan was trying her best to understand. They ordered dessert and quietly sang the girls happy birthday. The night was young.

"So how long have you guys been dating? if you don't mind me asking." Ryan asked.
"For a while." Christopher made heart eyes at Matthew.
"We've kinda had a thing ever since I moved here." Matthew smiled.
"How cute!" Ryan exclaimed.
"Yeah, it really feels like it's been so long. It's only been a few months officially." Matthew responded.
"And it feels like a dream everyday." Christopher gawked at him.

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