eighty-six : consume

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This one gets deep and heavy, if this isn't for you keep going. Thank you.

Late September

Today felt particularly glum. Both boys felt like shit, Christopher particularly more. Matthew was left home alone, he couldn't be alone. He drove to Christopher's house.

He tried to open the door, he turned the handle. Locked. He tried looking in, the curtains blocked his view. The Impala was in the driveway, Bee was presumably in the garage. There's no way Christopher would just leave one outside if the other wasnt in the garage. Angela's car was gone, Matthew thought that was strange but it wasn't unusual for her to work day shifts sometimes. He called Christopher's phone in hopes he was just sleeping or in the shower. He could hear Christopher's ringtone, he walked around the house seeing if he could pinpoint which room.

He eventually went into the house through the garage. He knew the code and he knew where Christopher kept the spare key. He opened the door, he stepped in. The house was chilly, it was October so no surprise. He called Christopher's phone again to see if he could find him.

He heard the phone ring.

He ran around the house looking for him. He was on the floor behind the island counter, broken glass scattered across the floor. Matthew's heart dropped as he saw Christopher lying there.

His hand bleeding in a light flow, cut from the glass. His mouth was slightly agape. Matthew kneeled down next to him before he could comprehend what he'd been seeing. He was slightly pale but breathing. Matthew had no time to feel or even think. He grabbed a kitchen towel and wrapped Christopher's hand to the best of his ability. He checked his pulse, it was slightly weak but he was still alive. He gasped in relief. When Matthew leaned down to sit him up, he could smell the tequila coming off of him.

"Christopher what did you do?" Matthew stressed.

Matthew picked him up and carried him to his Camaro, gripping him tight. He laid him in the passenger's seat gently, buckling him in. He called the hospital as he pulled onto the street.

"Lakewood Hospital, how may we help you today?" A nurse answered.
"Um, Hi. C-Can I speak to Angela Hayes-Gonzales please?" Matthew tried to compose himself.
"Yes. May I ask who's calling?" She asked.
"Matthew Grayson, please it's an emergency." Matthew struggled.
"Yes I will page her right away." The nurse recognized his name, the nurses gossiped with Christopher about him all the time.

It took a minute before Angela picked up. Matthew kept checking Christopher's breathing.

"Hello?" Angela answered.
"Angela!" Matthew replied.
"Matthew? Is everything okay?" She asked.
"No, Um, I came over looking for Chris and he was on the floor, a-a broken glass all over, a-and-" Matthew was a mess.
"Matthew, Matthew, slow down. What happened?" Angela asked.
"He was unconscious on the floor when I showed up a-and he reeks of tequila. Angela his pulse is weaker, he's barley breathing." Matthew tried to convey the more important things.
"Oh my god. Where are you?" She asked.
"I'm on my way to your hospital, I'm about 7 minutes away." Matthew breathed heavily.
"Jesus Christ. Please get him here safe." Angela sighed.

Matthew knew she was just as worried as he was. Matthew was a mess but he couldn't afford to be one right now, he just drove to the hospital.

Matthew ran into the hospital holding Christopher like a small child. He may have been an inch taller and much leaner but Matthew's maternal strength kicked in.

"Mijo!" Angela exclaimed. "Get a gurney over here now!" She scream.

Matthew held him so tight, he didn't want to let go. A bunch of nurses brought over the gurney, a male nurse helped Matthew lay him down. He couldn't let go.

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