fifty : the dance

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They piled into the dance hall. They rented out a local museum to have prom in this year. It was decorated to the nines and everything. They all found a seat and waited for coronation to start.

"You're leering." Matthew said.
"You look so beautiful tonight." Christopher smiled.
"Are you already thinking about ripping my suit off?" Matthew asked.
"Yes." Christopher smiled.
"Don't get ahead of yourself. If you behave we'll have a very long night." Matthew smirked.
"Now, that I can do." Christopher said.

They continued their banter. Coronation began, they watched as prom court walked in. They were crowned and did their parents dance. Soon everyone got to go down and take pictures and mingle. Everyone who could be there was there.

"Looking spiffy little bro." Jon nudged Matthew.
"Thanks." Matthew smiled.

Spencer leaned in and whispered to Matthew.

"Sammy tell you he's gonna be with us in Salt Lake?" Spencer asked.
"Yeah, thanks by the way. You guys are real ones." Matthew smiled at her.
"You're welcome. You guys need anything before we bounce?" Spencer asked. "Dinner, booze, money, condoms?" Spencer quietly joked.
"No Spencer. We don't, I doubt there's gonna be much talking between him and I later." Matthew smirked.
"Okay okay." Spencer laughed.

Christopher was talking to his mom and sister before they left.

"You look so handsome mijo. Have fun and make good choices." Christopher's mom said as she hugged him.
"I will mamá." Christopher smiled.
"Have fun, don't do anything you'll regret in the morning." His sister added.
"Got that." Christopher laughed.
"Okay I love you. I have to work a double shift tonight, so i'll be home tomorrow." His mom smiled.
"I love you too. I'll probably be at Matthew's, just so I make sure everyone gets home safe and I hate driving home late." Christopher said.
"I know. I'll see you later have fun." His mom smiled as she walked out.

He went to find Matthew and his friends.

"Okay we're gonna bounce Matty." Jon said.
"You sure you guys don't need anything?" Spencer asked.
"Yes Spencer. We'll be fine." Matthew said.
"There's snacks in the cabinet and gatorade in the fridge." Sam said quietly and fist bumped him.
"Thank you Sammy, I love you.  you're the best!" Matthew playfully punched him.
"I know i know. I love you too." Sam smiled.
"I love you all,um i'll text you guys in the morning. And don't worry mom and dad won't be back until Sunday." Matthew said.
"Okay love you too Matt. If you need us call." Spencer said.
"I will. Now go you guys are delaying my very long evening." Matthew gestured for them to leave.
"We're going!" Jon laughed.

They found each other in the large crowd. Christopher bumped into him, he slightly tripped.

"Im so sorry." Christopher caught him. "Hi." Christopher melted.
"Hi." Matthew smiled. He cleared his throat. "Your mom and sister make it out alright?" Matthew asked.
"Uh, yeah." Christopher gulped. "Yeah. Your siblings?" Christopher asked.
"Yeah. Um, do you wanna stay the night?" Matthew choked out.
"Of course." Christopher smiled.
"Sammy is gonna stay with SJ and Jon till my parents get back home." Matthew smirked.
"Now that sounds like an invitation." Christopher chuckled.

Elliot found them in the crowd and started joking with them. The group of friends sat at their table waiting for all the families to clear out.

"So far, this night has been amazing." Dylan chuckled.
"No kidding, we had a killer dinner and Matthew punched a guy." Elliot joked.
"He had it coming and to be honest, I didn't know I was gonna punch him until I did." Matthew chuckled.
"Well thank you for that, again. Please let Spencer know how grateful I am and how insanely sorry I am that he did what he did." Christopher held Matthew's hand.
"I will when I call her tomorrow. But tonight we will have fun." Matthew smiled.
"Okay, let's get fucking crazy." Elliot said.
"Let's fucking go." Christopher smiled.

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