ninety-nine : kingdom

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State Championship Game; the last one.

The team came together for one last series; one last ride. Today they'd venture off to Salt Lake City, to play in the state championship game; their last first game of the season. They could only hope for victory but they were very happy they got this far. They spread out the games into best out of 5, with days of rest in between.

4:00 am

Matthew had already gotten up, showered, and made sure he had all his gear ready. He sat on the floor in his room taping extra sticks; he made sure Christopher was awake and ready. He kept wrapping the handle with grip tape while his music played.

*Now playing : Berzerk by Eminem*

He glanced at the time, he grabbed every last item he needed, hopped in his car, and he was off.

7:45 am

The whole team met at the school. Christopher pulled up right next to Christopher.

"Hey sexy." Christopher remarked tiredly.
"Hi." Matthew chuckled. "You're chipper this morning." He said.
"Baby, I am so tired." Christopher chuckled.
"We can sleep on the bus, im tired too." Matthew smiled at him.

They loaded onto the bus; Elliot was already asleep in the back, Dylan was double checking to make sure she had everything she needed. Christopher threw his bags on the overhead luggage rack before plopping down in the seat, he laid against the window with his blanket. Matthew threw his stuff up, he sat down and laid on Christopher's shoulder.

"Aw the baby's so sleepy." Christopher teased him.
"Shut up." Matthew smiled weakly.
"Sleep amor, big game today." Christopher wrapped his arm around Matthew, making them all the more comfortable.

They were all asleep before the coaches got on the bus; the whole team hated getting up early for games like these, but they were excited nonetheless.

7:45 am

Christopher stirred himself awake, they were almost at the hotel they'd be spending the next few days.

"Matthew, wake up." Christopher whispered to him.
"We're there already?" Matthew said groggily.
"Almost babé." Christopher replied.

Matthew weakly smiled at him.

"You nervous?" Matthew asked.
"Yeah, a bit." Christopher replied, he was barley awake and already bouncing his leg.

Matthew put his hand on Christopher's thigh.

"No need to be nervous, you're the best captain ever. Even if we don't win; our loss won't be for nothing. We'll give it all we got and then some." Matthew said.
"You think so?" Christopher questioned.
"I know so." Matthew smiled.
"I love you, you know that?" Christopher rested his arm around Matthew's shoulder, pulled him closer, and kissed his head.
"Yeah I do." Matthew looked up at him. "I love you just as much and more." He smiled.

Christopher smiled looking down at him.

8:30 am

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