sixty-eight : in the night

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A week had past. Matthew's family had left, it was raining like it always did this time of year. Matthew was at home texting Christopher like always.

8:54 pm

Christopher 💕: so when's the next time I'll get to see you?
Grayson ❤️: whenever you want babe <3
Christopher 💕: so you wouldn't mind if I stopped by rn?
Grayson❤️: yes I would! I look terrible rn
Christopher 💕: baby you never look terrible!
Grayson❤️: hold that thought lover boy, someone's at the door

"Matthew! Will you get that?!" Matthew heard from his parents room.
"Yeah I got it!" Matthew replied.

He got off the couch and answered the door. He opened the door; in the pouring rain he saw his aunt Charlie, drenched and shaking.

"Auntie?" Matthew asked.
"Hi Matt. C-can I come in?" She asked.
"Yeah, yeah. Come in. It's pouring out, I don't want you catching a cold." Matthew gestured for her to come in.

He quickly grabbed her a towel.

"Who was it Matt?" His mom yelled.
"It's Aunt Charlie." Matthew responded.

His parents looked at each other.

"Charlie?" His mom questioned.

They both ran down from their room. They were greeted with the sight of Charlie sitting in their kitchen, sopping wet, by herself. Matthew was making her some tea.

"Charlie, what are you doing here?" Andrew asked.
"Not happy to see me big brother?" Charlie weakly smiled.
"Yeah I am, but why are you here? Right now?" Andrew replied.
"I left him." Aunt Charlie blurted it out, she had been crying.
"But, you guys live 3 states away." Andrew said.
"Not anymore. I left him." Aunt Charlie responded.
"That's a 13 hour drive. When did you leave?" Andrew asked.
"This morning. I left when they were sleeping, took all my stuff, it's all in my car." Aunt Charlie answered.
"Charlie, do you need a place to stay?" Krista asked.
"I wouldn't want to intrude." Aunt Charlie refused politely.
"You're not intruding Auntie. We have more than enough space." Matthew smiled.
"He's right Charlie. You can stay here until you get your bearings." Andrew offered.
"Thank you." Aunt Charlie smiled.
"You're my little sister. I can't just let you sleep in your car." Andrew smiled.

Matthew gave Aunt Charlie her tea, he left back to his room. He hadn't noticed how much time had passed and called Christopher.

"Hey baby. Everything alright?" Christopher answered.
"Yeah, everything's good. Aunt Charlie just showed up on my doorstep." Matthew replied.
"Oh god. Is she okay?" Christopher asked.
"Yeah, she's just a little shooken up. She left my uncle this morning." Matthew said.
"Jeez. Does she have a place to stay?" Christopher asked.
"Yeah, she's staying here until she gets her bearings and finds a place of her own i assume." Matthew responded.
"Well that's good." Christopher said. "So back to our conversation." Christopher smirked to himself.
"I am not having phone sex with you right now." Matthew stated.
"Damnit." Christopher exclaimed. "You can't blame me for trying." Christopher joked.
"The in person thing is way better." Matthew teased.
"Yes it is." Christopher responded.
"Dork. I have to go, I love you." Matthew smiled to himself.
"I love you too." Christopher smiled to himself as well.

Matthew hung up and took a breath, tonight wasn't what he expected. At least he had Christopher, he helped bring him back to earth and help him unwind. Aunt Charlie stayed in one of the guest rooms, she found it peaceful there. She stayed out of the way as most she could. She started looking for apartments that same night, she liked staying with her family but it was slightly embarrassing. One day she was living with her husband and the next she was living in her brother's house. She wanted to feel independent again.

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