one hundred-one : time to dance

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morning of prom

The whole gang was excited for prom, excited to dance like idiots and have a night of fun.

Christopher had picked Matthew up that morning, taken him to breakfast, and dropped him back at home so he could get ready. While Christopher drove home, Matthew sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the suit that hung on his closet door.

"Matt." He heard someone knock.
"Come in." Matthew cleared his throat.

In walked his older brother, Jonathan.

"What's up?" Jon looked at him. "Why aren't you getting ready?" He asked.
"Busy thinking." Matthew replied.
"Thinking about?" Jon questioned.
"Close the door." Matthew sighed.

Jon closed the door, swiftly turning around and sitting down on the bed next to Matthew.

"Okay, out with it." Jon said.
"Chris asked me to move in with him." Matthew said, feeling the words leave his lips for the first time.
"Is that a good thing?" Jon asked, looking at his brother puzzled.
"Yes?" Matthew furrowed his brows. "No?" He threw himself back onto the bed. "I don't know, Jon." He sighed, feeling a gigantic weight lift off of him.
"Well, do you want to move in with him?" Jon asked.
"I do, I just, I feel like what we're doing is a mistake." Matthew replied.
"A mistake?" Jon questioned. "Where's this coming from? You love the kid." He looked at Matthew concerned.
"I love him, I do. I see forever with him." Matthew started ranting.
"Then what's the problem?" Jon looked at him with confusion on his face.
"What if it isn't forever? What if we don't last forever?" Matthew looked at Jon.
"Hey, listen kid, you've got your whole life ahead of you with or without him. You want him in your life forever?" Jon asked sternly.
"Yeah." Matthew replied sheepishly.
"Then, fucking keep him there." Jon said slightly harsh. "People come and go, some of them suck and some of them don't. He doesn't suck, he's pretty cool, so keep him there." He said, throwing himself back onto the bed, laying next to Matthew.
"Thanks." Matthew said, staring into the ceiling.

They let the awkward silence fill the room before one of them spoke.

"Everything okay with you and Atlas?" Matthew asked.
"We've been struggling." Jon sighed.
"You love him?" Matthew questioned.
"I do." Jon replied.
"He know that?" Matthew followed up.
"No." Jon sighed again, this time heavier.
"Tell him." Matthew said. "Tell him you do. It might not fix everything, but it'll show him how much he means to you." He sat up.
"Thanks kid." Jon smiled.
"You're welcome." Matthew smiled back. "Now get out of my room! I have to get ready." He said, gently nudging Jon.
"Okay, okay." Jon laughed. "I'm gonna go have a smoke. But kid, you got this." He smiled at him.
"Thanks" Matthew smiled.

Matthew turned on his music, blaring it, hoping his mood would change.

*Now playing : Growing Pains by Ludacris*

The song filled the room; it's surprising the windows in Matthew's room never shattered. He put on his suit, piece by piece, making sure everything looked perfect. He topped it off with his chain, the one his boyfriend gifted him, he wore it all the time. He sighed, looking at himself, his last school dance.

"You got this, Matthew." He sighed.

He opened the door excitedly when he heard his boyfriend pull up. He ran to open the door, letting a well dressed Christopher into the house.

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