thirteen : care

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The boys had driven to the field they'd visited a while ago. They got to talking.

"What really happened?" Christopher asked as he turned the key off.
"He just kept chirping me. He just rammed me into the god damn wall and pissed me off." Matthew hissed.
"What did he say?" Christopher asked.
"I can't even get it out right now, I'm still pissed." Matthew sighed.
"Yeah?" Christopher went in for a small kiss. "What about now?" He asked.
"Still pissed." Matthew breathed out.
"Would you reconsider?" Christopher smirked.
"With the right persuasion..." Matthew shuddered.
"I think i could work with that..." Christopher went in again.

Christopher and Matthew moved in unison. They found a rhythm, they were making out rather roughly. Matthew broke away.

"" Matthew said breathlessly.
"Yes sir." Christopher breathed out with certainty.

They hopped in the backseat and started going at it again. Matthew kissed him, it was needy. Chris laid Matt's head against the rear passenger side window. Christopher cupped his face and placed his hand other hand on Matthew's waist. Matthew snaked his hands up Christopher's shirt, he felt his toned back muscles and his athletic build. That turned him on more then he wanted to admit. Christopher broke the kiss to catch his breath, he started leaving small kisses on Matthew's neck as he trailed his hand up his shirt as well. Keeping one hand against the window to prop himself up.

"ah...fuck..." Matthew moaned as his hands fell to Christopher's waistband, pulling him closer.
"you're playing a dangerous game Matthew..." Christopher smirked, breathing heavily.
"am i?" Matthew smirked back.
"yeah..." Christopher breathed out.
"you should show me what that pretty mouth can do..." Matthew whispered into Christopher's lips.
"make me." Christopher said.
"it's on now." Matthew sat up and pushed him against the rear driver's window now.

They were back at it again. Matthew crawled on top of him, grinding himself against the other. Christopher moaned into Matthew's mouth. Matthew smirked and kept going, his phone started ringing. He pulled away.

"Shit." Matthew sighed.

Christopher pushed him back to where he was sitting moments ago. He kissed his neck, grinding against him as he went to reach for his phone.

"Hey mom." Matthew said. He was trying not to sound breathless.
"Matthew Peter." His mom said.
"Yes mom?" He braced himself for a yelling lecture.
"Just heard that a #96 started a fight at your game. Know anything about that?" She asked.
"I started it, I'm sorry. I know violence is bad, Can we talk about this later? I'm with Chris right now." Matthew struggled to keep in together as Christopher removed his shirt.
"Okay. We can talk about it when you get home. Tell Chris I said Hi." His mom said. "But I expect you home at 10 sharp, no later." She said.
"I will." Matthew said quickly as he hung up just as fast.
"My mom said Hi." Matthew laughed.
"Did she? How nice." Christopher laughed.
"Wow, you are fine." Matthew said uncontrollably.

Christopher hung his head and laughed. He picked his head up and ran his hand through his hair.

"That's hot." Matthew melted into those beautiful eyes of his.
"Are you okay with all of this?" Christopher asked.
"Yeah. Trust me if I'm uncomfortable or you're crossing a boundary, you'll be the first to know." Matthew laughed.
"I just don't want you to be disappointed or anything like that." Christopher said.
"I won't be. Shit, im happy with what i'm looking at right now." Matthew smirked. "We don't have to go all the way if you don't want to. We can just do this for a while." Matthew said.
"Thank you." Christopher said.
"I care about you, i wouldn't do wanna anything if you didn't want to." Matthew said. "You don't have to be ready for anything right now." Matthew said.
"I know. Can we stop getting sappy? We just had a hell of a game and frankly I need to blow off the steam." Christopher chuckled.
"Of course." Matthew said.

They were back at it. Matthew took off his shirt as Christopher pulled him onto his lap. They locked eyes and stared at one another for a while.

"You're ethereal..." Christopher trailed off, he stared at Matthew in wonderment. "So beautiful." He breathed out.

Christopher trailed his hand up the small of Matthew's back, he was so angelic. In this moment, it was just them, two boys in love. They didn't know it yet but this was pure adoration.

"I think this is as far as I'll go for now." Christopher whispered into Matthew's chest.
"Okay, i'm okay with this. This is all i need." Matthew whispered back, wrapping his arms around Christopher's neck.
"you're angelic...your gorgeous..." Christopher said, he placed gentle kisses on Matthew's chest.
"shut up, you're too sweet." Matthew said.
"it's the truth, you're just amazing. I haven't felt this way about anyone before." Christopher gushed.
"you're the first guy that's ever cared about me like this." Matthew admitted.
"i don't know how. you're so fun to be around, you have soulful eyes, and such a uplifting personality. You just emit the best vibe, it uplifts everyone around you, you make everyone around you want to be the best version of themselves they can be." Christopher consoled him.
"y-you. I-I, I hate you so much." Matthew chocked back tears. Christopher saw them well up in his eyes as Matthew threw his bed back to stop them from falling.
"hey, what's wrong?" Christopher asked gently, he pulled Matthew's gaze back down.
"It's just-just that no one has ever said that about me before." Tears fell out of Matthew's eyes.
"hey, hey, baby it's okay." Christopher wiped the tears from his face. Matthew's eyes shot up at the nickname.
"why are you so nice to me?" Matthew asked.
"Because I really like you. I like who I am when I'm with you. You are my favorite person, I look forward to seeing you at school and at every practice. I love the way you play the game, how fast you can skate, and how happy you get when i give you the puck to score." Christopher admitted.
"you do that on purpose?" Matthew questioned.
"yes, I try and give it to you as much as I can." Christopher laughed.
"you're amazing." Matthew chuckled.

Christopher's phone started buzzing.

"Hijo de puta. (Son of a bitch)" Christopher said to himself, he picked it up and answered. "Mamá." He answered sheepishly.
"You got in a fight?" She said sternly.
"Maybe?" Christopher drew it out.
"Christopher Hayes!" She yelled. Christopher held his phone away from his ear, he put it back.
"Mamá! It wasn't that bad." Christopher replied.

Christopher received a long lecture; mostly in Spanish, his mom gave him a very stern talking to.
After the lecture, they realized how late it was getting and they should get dressed and head home. The journey home didn't last long enough, it was full of the usual low rider oldies and classic rock. They pulled up outside of Matthew's house.

"Good luck with your mom." Christopher said.
"You too." Matthew chuckled.
"I'm sure going to need it." Christopher sighed."Goodnight Grayson." Christopher inched closer.
"Goodnight Christopher." Matthew kissed him.

Their night together had ended, they both wished it could last longer. Neither of them wanted to have their mother. They'd see each other tomorrow but they hated being away from each other. Matthew talked about the hockey fight with his mom, she gave him the lecture about violence. She sighed at his bruises and cuts but relieved he made it out with only bruises and cuts. All Matthew could think of was what Christopher said, he thought about it all night. He laid awake staring the ceiling and eventually snuck downstairs to sit in the living room and stare out the wall of windows at the beautiful view.

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