three : the calm and the unexpected

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Matthew had went his whole day learning about his peers and his teachers. He's never been introduced to so many people in one day.

"Class, This is Matthew. He will joining us this year. Please ask him your questions on your own time. You can sit wherever you want Matthew."

The day went better than expected. Matthew counted down the seconds until practice started, he was practically bouncing off the walls. He grabbed his hockey bag from his locker, he stared into it and sighed.

"You can do this." He needed a small affirmation to carry on.

He walked down to the office and chatted with Ms. Penelope a bit before practice.

"How was your first day Matthew?" Ms. Penelope said.
"It went way better than expected." Matthew finally sounded relaxed.
"Well that's good! You excited for practice?" She asked.
"Yeah, I still miss my old team but I'm excited to know a new one." Matthew said.
"That's good. Oh! Look at the time we better get going!" Ms. Penelope exclaimed.
"We?" Matthew was slightly confused.
"Yes! I assist in coaching." Ms. Penelope just kept getting better and better.
"Oh, well let's go then Ms. Penelope!" Matthew was still vibrating with excitement.

They walked over to the school's rink. Ms. Penelope dropped him off at the locker room. No one else was in there. Matthew assumed he was slightly late. He took a breath in, the smell of sweat and ice comforted him.

"Ah. Home." He said.

He put on his pads and slid on his jersey that Ms. Alastair had gotten made rather fast. He tied his skates one by one, nerves building. He started walking out of the locker room and caught a glance of himself in the mirror. He took a long gander at his new jersey, his new school colors were now white, red, and blue. It said Lakewood Bears, number 96, Grayson. He ran his hand through his hair. He breathed out.

"What would my old team think of me now?" He chuckled weakly.

He grabbed his stick, helmet, gloves, and skated out onto the ice. He found Ms. Alastair and greeted her.

"Hi Ms. Alastair, how was your day?" Matthew asked.
"It was good Matthew, i'm glad you're settling in. This is the other coach, Coach Briggs. He and Ms. Penelope help me out with these animals." Ms. Alastair introduced Matthew to his other coach.
"Nice to meet you Matthew. I got your transcripts from your last school and they say that you are quite the star player. We're very glad to have you on the team." Coach Briggs said.
"I'm very happy you've all welcomed me. I'm just as happy to be playing for you guys." Matthew said.

While Matthew was talking with Coach Briggs the rest of the players on the ice were just skating around getting warmed up. Two players noticed a new kid talking to their coaches.

"Hey C.J, who is that?" A boy said.
"Don't know." Another boy said.

This was Christopher Hayes. He was almost star struck. All he could think of was how beautiful this boy was. The way his fluffy thick brown hair was just above his eyes. He was built like a true hockey player, a truly handsome boy. Christopher quickly fought back these thoughts, he'd never felt this way about a boy before. He thought he was just jealous or something.

Matthew glanced over and noticed Christopher staring at him. Matthew was used to everyone looking at him all day, but he still wasn't a fan of getting stared at. To Matthew he seemed, arrogant in the way he stood, he started taking guesses at what position he plays.

"He plays hockey too?" Matthew recognized him as the boy who had been a jerk to him earlier.

"All right team! Come on in!" Coach Briggs yelled out.
"This is Matthew, he is going to be filling in our empty right-wing position. He is new here, if any of you have any issues with him we will be having words. Any questions you have for him or me can wait till after practice. Alright let's get it going!" Ms. Alastair addressed the team.

The team started to practice. Just simple reflex drills, some defensive and offensive tactics. The normal stuff. Christopher kept throwing glances at Matthew the entire practice. Matthew got paired with Elliot to do some simple drills.

"What's his deal?" Matthew asked.
"Chris? Yeah he's kind of an arrogant prick." Elliot remarked.
"Let me guess. He plays center?" Matthew said.
"Yeah, how'd you know?" Elliot said.
"Lucky guess. Is he popular?" Matthew asked.
"Not anymore than any hockey player is." Elliot said.
"Hmm. He always a jerk?" Matthew asked.
"Yeah, he seems nicer to his own friends but his friends aren't the best of people." Elliot said.
"That sucks. He's kind of cute." Matthew whispered the last part to himself.
"You say something?" Elliot asked.
"No." Matthew said.

Practice went on like normal, Christopher kept stealing glances of Matthew. Practice soon came to an end. Everyone went back to change, everyone kept complimenting Matthew on his skills, asking where he was from, and what New York is like. Everyone left, only Christopher and Matthew were left. Matthew had enough of the staring.

"Do you have a problem with me?" Matthew just asked it, walking closer to Christopher.
"What?" Christopher was caught off guard.
"You've been staring at me since before practice." Matthew inched closer to Christopher.
"Not necessarily." Christopher said.
"Is it because i'm new? A city boy?" Matthew said as he backed off slightly.
"No. Just curious about our new right wing." Christopher got closer; cornering Matthew against the lockers, their faces were now inches apart.
"Yeah. You do this with all of your new players?" Matthew had butterflies in his stomach. He went from making eye contact to looking at his lips.
"Not all of them." Christopher said looking at his lips.
"Boys! Finish getting changed! We have a game tomorrow!" Coach Briggs yelled into the locker room.

Christopher backed off and brushed Matthew off. Matthew was flustered but Christopher kept his cool on the outside. Matthew texted Elliot, his new best friend. They exchanged numbers and social medias earlier that day.

8:30 pm

Matt: I am so confused rn
Elliot: What happened?
Elliot : We were just a practice????
Matt: I asked Chris is he had a problem with me. And out of no where he was inches away from my face!
Elliot: REALLY?!?!? 🤭
Matt: Yeah! And it kinda made me feel things...
Matt: No! The tension in the air was so thick i could cut it with a butter knife 💀
Elliot: Dude. Do you think tomorrow's game is gonna be awkward?
Matt: Idk man. Maybe??? let's hope not
Elliot : yeah let's hope

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