five : adventure

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Finally the weekend. Matthew got to sleep in for once, he was warming up to waking up in the mountains. The air was so fresh and revitalizing to him; he missed New York but he didn't miss all the noise and smog full air. He answered his texts before running downstairs.

12:34 pm

Elliot: we still on for today?
Matt: Yeah! i'm enjoying the peaceful nights of sleep
Elliot: the silence is so refreshing tbh, i'll pick you up around 1:30???
Matt: yeah that should work 👍
Elliot: see ya then ✌️

He went into the living room to find his parents and younger brother enjoying their day off.

"You need any money for the mall Matt?" His dad asked.
"No, i still have some birthday money left. Thank you." Matthew responded.
"Are you sure?" His dad persisted, he was only going to sneak money in his pocket anyways.
"Yes dad, i'll be fine!" Matthew insisted.
"Alright, call if you need anything!" His dad said.
"He's 17 Andy, he'll be okay." His mom chimed in.
"I'll see you guys later, Love you!" Matthew yelled running out the door.

The trip was just what they both needed. They blew off the stress of school, singing as loud as they possibly could. Countless songs played on the ride to the city, they shared much of the same music taste. Matthew and Elliot wasted the day away at the mall. They went shopping around a few stores, Matthew liked fashion. When they didn't find anything they desired they went to a local thrift store. They found many cool things that day, old hockey jerseys, some old records and cassette tapes, and a few shirts.

Lunchtime came, they sat at a small cafe. The weather was nice this time of year, it was a pretty sight. Matthew was still fascinated with how easily the mountains could be seen from anywhere. Thoughts floated through his head. He mostly thought about everyone back in the city, how his old team was doing. Yeah, he had seen their social medias and checked in once in a while but that wasn't the same. Maybe he'd get to see them again soon.

"You miss it?" Elliot asked.
"Miss what?" Matthew responded.
"The city." Elliot stated.
"Yeah, yeah i miss it like crazy. Miss my old team. I had played hockey with them since we were in kindergarten." Matthew sighed.
"Yeah, i can only imagine how hard it must be not seeing them everyday." Elliot said.
"I love this new team too but, it seems like most of them don't like me." Matthew trailed off.
"They like you Matt, most of them are just too stupid to actually get to know you." Elliot said.
"Thanks Elliot, I haven't even seen my siblings yet." Matthew said.
"Wait. You have siblings?!" Elliot screamed.
"Yeah, 2 brothers and a sister. Sammy, Jonathan, and SJ." Matthew said.
"Wow." Elliot exasperated.
" parents really went all out with our names." Matthew chuckled.
"What are they like?" Elliot questioned.
"SJ, Spencer. She's the oldest, um, she goes to college here actually. Jonathan is second oldest, he goes to college here too. Then there's me obviously, and my younger brother Samuel. He goes to our school, he's kinda shy so he doesn't really talk to me at school." Matthew said.
"So, we have Spencer, Jonathan, Matthew, and Samuel. Wow. Who even came up with that?" Elliot chuckled.
"My mom apparently. My dad really let her have at it." Matthew laughed in agreement.
"Are any of you close?" Elliot asked.
"Spence and Jon are closer than Sam and I ever could be. I guess it was just an older sibling thing. My parents are workaholics and i'm always occupied with hockey so i guess Sam and I don't hang out as much as we'd like. SJ spent her teenage years making sure we all got to school on time so I understand." Matthew said.
"Yeah, that must've been rough for her." Elliot said.
"Yeah, must've been." Matthew's mind trailed off once more.

Growing up wasn't always peaceful in his house. Parents would argue over being tired and stressed from work, older sister exhausted from taking care of the kids, older brother equally exhausted from school, and a little brother who didn't know any better. Matthew turned to hockey as his escape. Things toned down as his siblings moved out but, they didn't get easier. He was now the older sibling responsible for everything. Even though his parents were supportive, he still felt like the black sheep.

Fast BreakOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora