sixty-five : baila esta cumbia

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Abuelita's house, end of June

In preparation for the anti-4th of July party Christopher's family had, Christopher had to teach Matthew and his family how to dance. Matthew could dance but he needed to learn how to dance like his boyfriend.

They made a whole day out of it. The whole family was at Abuelita's house to learn; from Matthew's parents and siblings to Christopher's uncles and aunts.

"Okay, we have to teach you all how to cumbia." Abuelita said.
"Because if not, you will be severely heckled." Christopher added. "We better add bachata in there too." He said.

Christopher paired with Matthew of course. The rest of the family split off with various members of Christopher's family. Abuelita had the honor of teaching Jon, Eva taught Spencer, Matthew's parents got paired with one of Christopher's aunts and uncles, and Sam got paired with Christopher's mom. The remainder of Christopher's family was set as an example. They started the music, it was No Tengo Dinero by Kumbia Kings. As the music started each member of the Hayes/Gonzales family showed their Grayson counterpart how to cumbia. Christopher pulled Matthew closer and rested his head on his shoulder.

"Just follow my lead." Christopher whispered to Matthew.

Christopher started moving, the song was on the slower side. The Grayson children were picking it up rather quickly, it wasn't terribly difficult. Matthew's parents were struggling a tad, but they were doing rather well for their first time.

"See you got it." Eva told Spencer.

Christopher trotted Matthew around the room, spinning him and vigorously dancing with him in traditional cumbia fashion. Jonathan was getting down with Abuelita, he had her giggling and smiling. Angela was impressed with Sam's ability to keep up. The song ended, all Christopher could do was smile at Matthew.

"See it wasn't that bad." Christopher smiled.
"I never knew you could dance like that." Matthew smiled.
"He's the dancing machine at our parties." Eva teased him.
"Okay. Let's try something a little different." Abuelita said.

They turned on La Granja by Los Tigres del Norte. It wasn't to terribly fast but faster than the last song. Christopher pulled Matthew back in and began dancing with him as he heard the music. Christopher trotted around the room vigorously holding his boyfriend's hand. The whole family picked up pace slightly, the Graysons were seeing a part of Christopher's culture they've never experienced before. The song was over before they knew it.

"Want to try something fancier?" Christopher asked.
"Sure." Matthew smiled.
"Abuelita let's hit them with Juana la Cubana." Christopher said.

Abuelita turned on the song. It was more focused on the arm movements than the feet. Christopher pushed his boyfriend out and pulled him back in to the sides of himself. He spun him and helped him get familiar with these types of dances. The rest of the Hayes' and Gonzales' were doing the same. Spencer was having fun dancing with Eva, she helped her have more controlled movements. Jon was having just as much fun dancing with Abuelita. Angela was happy to have a smooth dancing partner like Sam. Andrew and Krista were getting used to the dancing. Another song came and gone.

"I think I'm getting the hang of it." Matthew smiled.

Christopher was beaming. He never thought he'd be this happy and privileged to be able to dance with his boyfriend openly with their families.

"Let's pick up the pace a bit abuelita." Eva said.
"You got it mija." Abuelita responded.

She turned on Fuego by Kumbia Kings. Christopher took Matthew's hand and began dancing with him. He sang to Matthew as they danced to help him calm his nerves a bit. Everyone was pretty much getting the hang of it and doing fairly well. They kept dancing, the end of the song came. They all took a slight break.

"You're all doing great!" Abuelita said.
"I'm already tired." Andrew joked.
"It's a tiring dance." Abuelita responded. "Jonathan, I haven't danced like this since Jason was alive." She chuckled.
"I'm honored." Jonathan smiled.

Christopher leaned in so only Matthew can hear.

"You're doing so good baby boy." Christopher winked at him.

Matthew melted in his chair, he just blushed and smiled at his boyfriend. Christopher ruffled Matthew's hair and smiled at him. 

"How about we give these guys a break and do something they're more familiar with?" Angela suggested.
"Good idea mija." Abuelita said.

She turned on Tennessee Whiskey by Chris Stapleton. Matthew looked at Christopher.

"Dance with me?" Matthew offered his hand.
"Of course." Christopher smiled as he took his hand.

Matthew pulled him up and slow danced with him, Eva and Spencer did the same, along with Matthew's parents, and Jon with Abuelita. They swayed to the music.

"You're as smooth as Tennessee whiskey. You're as sweeeet as strawberry wine." Christopher sang to him.

Matthew giggled at Christopher, he was a dork. He smiled at him as he dramatically sang to him.

"Cause there's nothing like your love to get me higggghhhh!" Christopher sang to him again.

Matthew giggled again and began singing with him. They embarrassed themselves together as they recited the lyrics and swayed with the rhythm. The song ended. They danced to a few more cumbia/bachata songs, they called it a day with the dancing. The whole family stuck around for the night, playing games and catching up. The Hayes siblings helped their Grayson counterparts practice dancing.

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