ninety-six : me gustas tu

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the next day, Spring Break.


"Alright Matt, we're leaving!" Andrew, Matthew's dad, yelled from the kitchen.

Matthew ran down to the kitchen to bid them farewell.

"Call us if you need us, I sent you some extra money, and be safe." Krista, his mom, said.
"I will, don't worry mom. Christopher's coming to stay the week." Matthew replied.
"Okay good. I hate leaving you alone." She said.
"Mom, I'm a big boy now, I'll be fine. You and dad enjoy your trip, I will call if I need." Matthew tried to ease her concerns.
"You better. We'll be back Sunday next week." She said.

Matthew practically pushed his family out the door so he could get his alone time. After a while, he fell asleep on the couch waiting for Christopher.

Christopher pulled his car around the back, he got out and walked to Matthew's front door. He unlocked it and walked in, throwing his keys on the kitchen counter and locking the door behind him.

"Matt!" Christopher yelled.
"What're you yelling for?" Matthew said groggily, heavy on the Brooklyn accent. He sat up, Christopher saw his head rise from the couch.
"Aw amor, I'm sorry." Christopher chuckled.

Christopher walked over to the front of the couch, he gently laid next to Matthew.

"How was your day?" Matthew asked, he was half asleep but he still ran his hands through Christopher's hair.
"Good, better now." Christopher smiled, he curled up closer to Matthew.
"I'm really happy that you're here." Matthew began rambling about his feelings.
"Oh yeah?" Christopher asked, he just wanted to see what Matthew would say.
"I love spending time with you, I love playing with your hair, I love when you lay on me, I love being your boyfriend." Matthew said groggily.
"What if you were more than just my boyfriend, not now, but one day?" Christopher asked.
"Being your husband? Even better." Matthew answered.
"I love you." Christopher smiled.
"Baby, we've been dating for a year and been together for more than that, I hope you do." Matthew smiled faintly. "Because I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Matthew whispered to himself, Christopher heard him though.
"You're adorable, go back to sleep amor. I'll fix us dinner, yeah?" Christopher said.
"Yes please." Matthew replied.
"I'll whip something up. You sleep." Christopher kissed his cheek.
"Best boyfriend ever." Matthew said.

Christopher got up, he played with Matthew's hair and stroked his face until he fell asleep.

"So beautiful." Christopher whispered to himself.

He kissed his forehead, got up, and headed to check the kitchen. There wasn't too much to work with, he grabbed his keys and walked back over to Matthew.

"Matthew." Christopher moved Matthew's hair out of his face.
"Hm?" Matthew groaned.
"I'm gonna go out and get something for dinner, I'll be right back okay?" Christopher said.
"Okay." Matthew replied. "Take my car, keys are on my nightstand." Matthew said.
"Okay, I'll be right back." Christopher kissed him.
"Be safe." Matthew added.

Christopher pulled Matthew's car out of the garage, he drove to their favorite deli to get their favorite sandwiches. Christopher got them food, drinks, and extra snacks. After he acquired food, he went to the gas station to fill up Matthew's car and clean it out, something Matthew routinely forgot to do. Christopher even ran out to get flowers as a small gift; Christopher hoped it was enough since they didn't have a chance to celebrate their anniversary. He pulled Matthew's car back into the garage. He walked into the house and set everything down.

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